posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 11:10 PM
No that particular invention will not do it, or at least it seems doubtful.
There is an invention that might, and has that capability, and if you're reading this post you're using it right now. If you haven't guessed
already, it's this internet thing we're using.
The magic happens when the guy over the next hill, next town, next border, and across oceans and on the other side of the planet stops being a
stranger. When you learn to understand him (even with faults, or different outlooks on life) as a neighbor, it becomes a hell of a lot harder to kill
him. When you both realize you have the same problems, get the same BS, want the same kind of things, etc., you learn that war tends to often be a
lose-lose proposition. Why would you even want to do it?
Of course there are still some greedy sociopaths out there, but why should we let them call the shots? Live and let live, right?