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What is going on?

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posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:11 PM
Now, me and mum have always thought that her house was strange - that something just wasn't quite right and in the last 7 years there have been a whole host of really weird incidents which have happened.

If you can picture in your mind one of those really old battery powered radios that you had to basically tune manually to work....well we have one of those safely tucked away in the loft in a box with various bits and pieces. One night, a few years ago it suddenly decided to turn itself on in the middle of the night, the radio had not been used for 20 years, there were no batteries inside it and even stranger it was playing very old music. There was no reasonable explanation for this. My mum was so terrified that she summonsed my older brother to go into the loft to see what was going on!

My Grandmother passed away in 2005 and my mum brought some of her belongings home like clothing, teddy bears and her favourite slippers. My mum is certain that when she went to see Gran in her home on the eve of her passing up at the window it turned all bright, there were lights flashing and the way my mum described it to me was that it was if something was telling her it's Gran's time to go. A white feather was then found in Gran's room and the next day she passed away. Since Gran passed my mum says during times at our house she could basically sense my Gran as if she is here watching over us. White feathers seem to appear sporadically.

But this is where it gets even night my mum was in bed minute she feels someone pulling her feet out the bed and her cover was completely pulled off.

A few weeks back my mother was in bed sleeping, she always sleeps on one side of the bed. When she woke up next morning and pulled back the duvet she noticed a hair pin but it had a pearl on the top and you could tell it was a really old fashioned one like what Gran would have worn and also my mums Auntie Ethel who recently passed away. My mum does not wear or own any hair pins, it is a complete mystery as to where this hair pin came from.

Our dog died 4-5 years ago, I hate talking about my dog because I always end up in tears but ever since she passed away we can smell her smell and her dog hairs appear all the time. For some reason I always feel she is there with me, call me crazy but me and Tia (we named her after the drink Tia Maria) we use to be inseparable. She would lie next to me of a night time and not leave my side. Some nights I can just tell she is there. I have a picture of her on my mantelpiece and call me sad but I even talk to her when I'm having rubbish days.

We regularly hear footsteps and as I was writing this out I've heard footsteps upstairs again, we have wooden floors and they are pretty sturdy.

Before we moved in (when I was basically a toddler) we were told the house belonged to an elderly couple and apparently one of them had passed away in the house. I just don't know what to think but I thought I would share these odd experiences with you guys anyway.
edit on 22-9-2013 by ProfessorT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:38 PM
Wow, if someone pulled on my feet while I slept I'd now be sleeping with a baseball bat!

I've never been a believer in...strange stuff! However, since my dog had to go for that big sleep I have noticed some quite odd things happening.
I smell his...windy pops

Sometimes when I wake I see him standing next to my bed, but he vanishes the moment I realise what I'm seeing.
The day after he left me, a roll of masking tape somehow rolled of a shelf, rolled across the floor and slid under an old armchair. When I lifted the armchair up to retrieve the tape I found a photo of him and one of his toys!

I dont believe in spooky stuff, but I'm prepared to be open minded and admit there's still things we dont understand.

OP. When the radio switched itself on, did anyone happen to listen to what was coming out of it?

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by ProfessorT

Your case sounds like a lot others. The items appearing like feathers and hat pins are associated with your garndma, right? Not to worry. She is showing you she is still round. You know its her and not somebody something else because of the items.

I have a picture of her (dog) on my mantelpiece and call me sad but I even talk to her when I'm having rubbish days.

Sweet sadness. Pets are our best friends. They remain around. You are so fortunate to actually have physical manifestation accompanying the "events". Never stop talking to her. They love that kind of thing.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 06:10 AM
An interesting story-i felt sad with you re the dog part of it-we had a dog like that,a magnificent pitchblack Great Dane-i can't really talk about him much either,or I tear up,we also had a Dane/Alsation mix who departed that I am always sad about,still,when I think of how loving he was-people don't always realise how fiercely their animals,especially dogs,love them.
I had a much beloved cat who in turn absolutely adored me,whom was seen on my bed by my daughter,some months after he dissappeared to never be seen again-that is one cat I will never get over.
Anyway my daughter saw him but with glowing red eyes,on my bed-i never did,in any way,after his disappearance,I just have one or 2 pics and memories of a grand and extremely loving cat-and this is where I stop with the animals now,its just too sad.

I grew up in a house where a lot of very strange things happened,this house was slap bang up next to an old deconsecrated church,on a graveyard,in an industrial area of town-talk about the wrong side of the tracks.My adoptive mother would wake up to knocking from within her antique wardrobe,she felt an invisible cat walking on her- I myself sensed from earliest memory unseen but very menacing presences looming over me-and I have memories of truely twilight zone stuff happening to me in that house,some of which I don't think could be ascribed to the house itself,that may have occurred in any house-fact is,it did occur in that house.

I have experienced much paranormal activity in this present home,out in the African Bush-a house that has no history of deaths or anything out of the ordinary-and in the house we used to live in before we moved out here,which was in a suburb of one of my country's major cities.In that house,the old lady died in the room I chose as my bedroom,and I could often feel a presence watching me from the doorway of the room.My eldest daughter would often hear the sound of what sounded like some-one in slippers shuffling around in the kitchen.That was also the house in which my youngest daughter saw my beloved cat as a red-eyed spectre.

There was a lot of satanic activity in that suburb,in fact a satanic "watchmen" sign was painted in the road outside our house,a man famous in my country as a police occult crimes specialist came by once to drop off a tape for a friend who was staying with us at the time,the occult specialist said that was a very bad thing,that sign.But here it comes to the point I am trying to make-sometimes it is the house you live in,or the people in your life-sometimes you yourself is a target,a magnet,idk what te proper term is.

I mean eg I was living in a tiny but newish apartment in Cape Town.when I had one of The most surreal and weird experiences in a very strange weird life-and incidentally my best friend from many years seemed to have then become involved in the occult/satanism+she was there sleeping over the night it occured-although to be fair-that may not have been caused by her,even though I could hear her walking around at nights when she was sleeping over,sounded like reciting incantations in an urgent whisper-soon after I moved across the country+cut her out of my life anyway,but it has always seemed that the satanic has targeted me,from childhood.

Thing is,the "satanic" comes in other guises-factions of other origin come in "satanic" guise-it is nigh impossible to figure these things out.
But for sure,some folks,like myself,are magnets for paranormal activity+"high strangeness" +inexplicable twilight zone events happening to them.It does'nt matter then,where you live.
Thanks for sharing your interesting story.
edit on 29-9-2013 by Raxoxane because: added

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