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Bruised Body Parts...

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posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 10:51 PM

This is so strange to me, but ima post it anyway. Please do let me know your thoughts on this subject.
Here goes....
My best friend has lived alone with her children for a while now and seems to be waking up with new bruises on a regular basis.
Today she told me that she woke up to experience pain and the feeling of being bruised on her girlie parts.
She is not dating and has no explanation for how these things could occur and her not know how they happen.
Anybody have any ideas on this one?



[edit on 13-11-2004 by krt1967]

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 11:23 PM
Well, my guess is that it is an incubus that is responisible for your friends problem.

a male demon believed to lie on sleeping persons and to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 12:15 AM
in case you dont believe in demons and stuff like that

it could be a medical problem
like a rash or infection causing irritation
this is our most likely scenario lol
it happens often theres medications out there for these things

but if it isnt a medical problem *known by modern medical science*
and the doctors call it "unexplainable"

then we can classify it under the unknown
and any theory you have around the unknown areas of information is as good as anyone elses ....

i figure since you posted this under the Ufo Forum you are probably Implying that its another "Abduction"

i doubt abductions but i wont discount them
i just doubt them
it seems unlikely

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 12:17 AM
Not to mention Hemophelia, might account for the bruising.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 01:20 AM

Thanks for posting the "maybe" answers. I posted this in ufo section because she seemed to think this occuring at night...must be something of an alien nature. And there has also been other unexplained happenings in and around her household. Seperate story though

As for the Hemophelia...there's no blood in urine, ect....
And i'm not real sure she buys the demon thing either. Although she has never believed in aliens as far as I know of.
Guess this could be just another of the side of the unknown.
Thanks for all your post.

Sincerly Ya'll

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Well, my guess is that it is an incubus that is responisible for your friends problem.

Incubi and Succubi were, in part, an explanation for wet dreams. I don't think suggesting a demon when there could be a serious medical risk involved in a to do.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 01:37 AM
She could be a sleep walker. This could account for the bruising by her bumping into things.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Esoterica
I don't think suggesting a demon when there could be a serious medical risk involved in a to do.

Well, I didn't know this was a medical advice site and it is posted in the "Aliens and UFOs" section. Is suggesting an incubus less "smart" than suggesting a "grey."

[edit on 04/11/14 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 02:09 AM
I think all the medical or psychological reasons ought to be ruled out before attributeing her symptoms to aliens. I'm not a doctor but that sounds sensible.
Grady!!! I did'nt know you had an interest in UFOs or "otherworldly" things like that.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by elaine
Grady!!! I did'nt know you had an interest in UFOs or "otherworldly" things like that.

I am very interested in things otherworldly. I just don't subscribe to the popular conceptions.

Consider the following:

Machiventa Melchizedek

Adam and Eve

The Life Carriers

The Urantia Book

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 02:38 AM
Um this is why its posted here...all medical thingiez have been ruled out. She is 37, healthy, and not on any type of sedatives, ect...
Wet dreams..hehehe. That I have to doubt because the girl is heading straight for the menopause years. No sexual desire at all...poor

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by krt1967
Um this is why its posted here...all medical thingiez have been ruled out. She is 37, healthy, and not on any type of sedatives, ect...
Wet dreams..hehehe. That I have to doubt because the girl is heading straight for the menopause years. No sexual desire at all...poor

Now you're a doctor? No insult intended but it might be a good idea to consult a profesional.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 03:27 AM
Now did I say "I'm A Doctor"? I said all the medical possibilities have been ruled out. She has made sure there are no medical problems. Her Doctors, are with a shocked look, saying we can't find anything.
It's a good idea to read and sometimes re-read. Never said I was a Doctor.
Just trying to get anyone that may have experienced this same issue to give me any insight on what may or may not be causing such.
After all she is one of my dearest friends and I am concerned.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 03:58 AM
Sounds like she is getting a visit from the latenight love doctor. That would explain the bruising, and lack of sexual appetite. She's perfectly content.

Reaches out his hand to be slapped....


[edit on 14-11-2004 by ADHDsux4me]

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 05:16 AM
you know you set up a web cam in the room and have ir record overnight and if shes being abducted you'll have it on file

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Well, I didn't know this was a medical advice site and it is posted in the "Aliens and UFOs" section. Is suggesting an incubus less "smart" than suggesting a "grey."

[edit on 04/11/14 by GradyPhilpott]

No, and I don't exactly think telling someone a grey attacked them when they may be suffering from a mental disorder is very constructuve either. I mean, sure, it's all well and good to talk about third parties, but when someone is actually asking for hlep, we need to take off the foil hats and make sure they aren't going to die first. THEN we can talk about the shape-shifting reptilians

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 12:06 PM
All these esoteric responses to what to me seems like a really normal thing. Many women as they get older bruise much easier. Frequently without any real impact to the area to warrant such a bruise. A relative ( who was not abused by her spouse) was always totally amazed by a bruise that would appear out of nowhere. Slight impacts are very forgettable its the ache and bruising that confuse us. By the way sexuality does not disappear with menopause, women are at their sexual peak in their mid-thirties. Seems that your friends issues may be related to depression and this may also be the reason that she is distracted from low impact incidents.

I must agree with grady Philpott though if you want medical advise this is not the best spot to find it.

[edit on 14-11-2004 by Mynaeris]

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:32 PM
Ok now i'm sure I did'nt say what I meant to. She has no mental illness, had a cat scan, ect to make sure all was well in the mind. As for the sexual upset at the ripe old age of 37, her doctor says because of the night sweats, mood swings and a few other symptoms, she must be starting the beginning stages of menopause. And sure enough she tested and is going through "menopause".
We are talking about a very strong female that teaches yoga, works out often, eats right, takes her vitamins, and spends most of her time with family,and friends.
She is more normal than I ever hope to
So now what?
We sat up a video camera today that will record for many hours. The last thing she will do everynight before bed for the next 6 weeks is turn it on in hopes of finding something. Wish us luck and look forward to a report soon.
Thanks for all your help thus far.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 11:40 PM
Many wishes of good luck krt, If you find something please dont hesitate to share it!


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