So I didnt know where to put this so mods please move to where it should be thank you.
Okay so I was thinking about the two world wars we went through. I was thinking about when they asked everyone to turn in certin metals to help the
war effort. Then I started to think bout WW3.
Would we still need to have people turn in their metal?
Then I started thinking about the worlds elite. Then I started to think, they would be the ones to buy the metal for the next war effort. So I started
to search. I came up with this link.
Then I went further to see who was buying metal. I seen that the Rothschilds' were buying gold, silver, and aluminum.
Then fist two I can see why they would do it, to flood the market and bankrupt people investing in it.
The latter struck me as weird for a here:
So they invested in aluminum, and oil as well. Two things that can help greatly in a next war.
So then I took a look at Jacob Rothschild. He is apart of the Londond stock exchange, and Im sure he has conections everywhere in the stock market. So
then he hooks up with Kissinger.
In kissingers later years he was involed with Iraq, Iran, India China..ect.
Those are high conflict areas, maybe not so much India, but you get it. So maybe he is geting tips from or contacts from Kissinger. So it makes me
wonder if they are trying to make us go though another Great Depression?
I remember reading that the Rothschild family had someone say that the smaller banks were losing peoples money, so everyone went to get their money
almost at once from them bankrupting them. So If the Rothschild family is buying gold and silver, then flood the market, and then everyone is trying
to sell their gold and silver...wouldnt that bankrupt some people if not the whole system?
Then they would probably buy it all up at a cheep price. Im not good at making threads I cant put pictures up either..LOL. I cant even make the
emoticons bigger after people showed me.
I did do a search but came up with nothing. If you have a link to a more coherent and better spelled thread link it.
Thank you for your time, and knowledge if you have it.
edit on 21-9-2013 by Tylerdurden1 because: (no reason given)
edit on
21-9-2013 by Tylerdurden1 because: (no reason given)