posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 09:17 PM
Originally posted by American Mad Man
Assuming you can make the right one, BIOLOGICAL weapons have the most potential.
Right - and they work best sprinkled with propaganda.
There are several kinds of bioweapons. Everyone talks about fast-acting anti-personnel bioweapons - the kind used in armed conflict, causing deadly
diseases that spread like wildfire and kill in minutes.
BUT, the USA has MUCH more to fear from 'destabilization' bioweapons - diseases that progress chronically over decades before they are fatal.
...All the evidence shows that the US is already under biological attack from this type of destabilization bioweapon. [1 in 2 American men will get
cancer, and 1 in 3 women. 60% of Americans have or are at risk for high blood pressure - which causes early episodes of memory loss, mood swings etc
and eventually causes disability and death from stroke, heart attack or other organ failure. ...The list goes on.]
These diseases are silent and invisible - as victims get older, they become more dysfunctional and disabled, create a burden on society and
eventually, the nation loses its 'elder resources' - experienced people who traditionally provided 'wisdom' are destroyed and neutralized by
disease. Also, young victims become economic burdens instead of becoming productive contributors.
...After a few generations, the nation and democracy are totally destabilized - socially and economically. Which is about what we see now.