posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 09:29 PM
Let me start by saying this; I don't "qualify" for food stamps right now, however I have in the past. Knowing how to shop does go a long way in
feeding your family when you're in this government program!
I have 3 growing boys, a husband and myself to feed. Seeing as I don't qualify and having to stock my home with food for the 5 of us, I have a
$340/mo budget (outside rent, utilities, one car payment, toiletries and misc.). I ave learned how to make it work. I had a fantastic garden this year
that yielded, and continues to yield, enough fresh veggies to kinda get us by. I have green beans, peppers, tomatoes and corn frozen for future use.
Additionally, I know that most grocery stores put their meats on sale Saturday nights in preparation for the fresh stuff they advertise in the Sunday
paper ads. Also, my community has a couple "dent's and ding's" stores. I have found that as long as you check the dates you can actually get quite
a bit of food that fits within the budget.
When you combine these factors, along with my husband and I eating 2 times per day, you can actually make it work! I could write it all down in more
detail here (or just message me) if anyone is interested, because honestly it's quite a process, but well worth it if you find yourself in my shoes.