posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 07:28 PM
I've been reading up on secret societies and have come acros a few references that point to the Illuminati beginning in Afganistan. They went/go by
the name of Roshaniya--illuminated ones. Some of what I have read also points the the Assassins originating from the Roshaniya as well.
If any of this is true, could this be one of the real reasons we are in the Middle East?
Of special interest is the powerful society in Afghanistan in ancient times called the Roshaniya--illuminated ones. There are actually references to
this mystical cult going back through history to the House of Wisdom at Cairo. The major tenets of this cult were: the abolition of private property;
the elimination of religion; the elimination of nation states; the belief that illumination emanated from the Supreme Being who desired a class of
perfect men and women to carry out the organization and direction of the world; belief in a plan to reshape the social system of the world by first
taking control of individual countries one by one, and the belief that after reaching the fourth degree one could communicate directly with the
unknown supervisors who had imparted knowledge to initiates throughout the ages. Wise men will again recognize the Brotherhood.
The important fact to remember is that the leaders of both the right and the left are a small, hard core of men who have been and still are
Illuminists or members of the Brotherhood. They may have been or may be members of the Christian or Jewish religions, but that is only to further
their own ends. They give allegiance to no particular nation, although they have used nationalism to further their causes. Their only concern is to
gain greater economic and political power. The ultimate objective of the leaders of both groups is identical. They are determined to win for
themselves undisputed control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower of the entire planet. They intend to turn the world into their conception
of a totalitarian socialist state. In the process they will eliminate all Christians, Jews, and atheists. You have just learned one, but only one, of
the great mysteries.
The Roshaniya also called themselves the Order. Initiates took an oath that absolved them of all allegiance except to the Order and stated, "I bind
myself to perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and submission to the Order....All humanity which cannot identify itself by our secret sign is our
lawful prey." The oath remains essentially the same to this day. The secret sign was to pass a hand over the forehead, palm inward; the countersign,
to hold the ear with the fingers and support the elbow in the cupped other hand. Does that sound familiar? The Order is the Order of the Quest. The
cult preached that there was a spirit state completely different from life as we know it. The spirit could continue to be powerful on earth through a
member of the Order, but only if the spirit had been itself a member of the Order before its death. Thus members of the Order gained power from the
spirits of the dead members.
The Roshaniya took in travelers as initiates and then sent them on their way to found new chapters of the Order. It is believed by some that the
Assassins were a branch of the Roshaniya. Branches of the Roshaniya or "the illuminated ones" or the Illuminati existed and still exist everywhere.
One of the rules was not to use the same name and never mention "the Illuminati." That rule is still in effect today. I believe that it is the
breaking of this rule that resulted in Adam Weishaupt's downfall.