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Bills Would Require Michiganders To Work For Welfare, Pass Drug Test

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posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 10:01 PM

reply to post by VindiVin

So when their not following your rules, then they have to wait.... what?

So if they aren't living the way you think they should be living we have to force them into poverty?

Your ridiculous... live and let live.

Uhmm.... They are already IN poverty!!!!! This isn't punishment .... it would: "give them the opportunity so show some gratitude by working for some of the handouts they are graciously being given", and they might just find an employer who would give them a job, AND... the drug testing, would weed (no pun intended) out those who are truly in need of benefits from those who aren't hurting badly enough to keep them from coming up with money doing SOME kind of work, to buy their drugs, (or they are doing something illegal with the benefits they are 'graciously' being GIVEN. Either way, this wouldn't put them into POVERTY... they'd already arrived long beforehand. Now who is the ridiculous one? Duhhhh...
(Did I really just need to explain that?)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by VindiVin

Dude, thats what russia was doing its called communism. It doesn't work.

Were forcing the lower class to work for welfare instead of creating decent paying jobs and allowing room for people who actually want to work. Holy poop.
edit on 19-9-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by onequestion

The more you comment, the more I realize that you know nothing about paying taxes or working. You are taking things out of context whether this is intentional or not, you're doing it. I never said anything about volunteering them or forcing them. As explained to you and in other posts, if you care to read them, I said they should be given the option to OPT out. However, if they elect to receive benefits, they are notified up front that there will be some expectations from them in return. How is this not fair? They should be informed that they will be expected to work "X" number of hours a week for their benefits, (not bonus bucks) and that there will be mandatory random drug testing. If they decide that they don't 'want' to work for a roof over their head, or for food, clothing and all expenses paid for their every NEED, ok... they opt out. No problem. Their choice. Have you never heard the saying.... Nothing in life is free? Well.... it isn't. The taxpayers who actually work are the sole reason that those people are getting what they are getting for free, however, for the taxpayer that performed a job, earned a wage and had to GIVE a portion of his wage to the government for taxes in order to house, feed, & clothe another family, it was NOT FREE. So, you set back and defend their right to be lazy and raise kids to follow in their footsteps, you set back and defend their right to 'entitlement'. You set back and defend their right to free medical as well, while the working man pays higher and higher costs for insurance. You just SET BACK and spout, take no action and continue to do nothing. As long as you do all that, you're doing your part, while the rest of us figure out a way to fix a broken government and find a way back to being a nation of pride rather than 'entitlement'. A nation not afraid to work and actually make a living. But you do nothing, cuz thats obviously what you're best at.

Now... I have wasted enough time on you. You go ahead and have the last word, give it your best shot, but I can assure you, that nothing further you say is of interest to me and I will NOT be replying to you again. Get busy now, ready your recliner - and 'set back' on your haunches.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex


posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:03 PM

reply to post by onequestion

The more you comment, the more I realize that you know nothing about paying taxes or working. You are taking things out of context whether this is intentional or not, you're doing it. I never said anything about volunteering them or forcing them. As explained to you and in other posts, if you care to read them, I said they should be given the option to OPT out. However, if they elect to receive benefits, they are notified up front that there will be some expectations from them in return. How is this not fair? They should be informed that they will be expected to work "X" number of hours a week for their benefits, (not bonus bucks) and that there will be mandatory random drug testing. If they decide that they don't 'want' to work for a roof over their head, or for food, clothing and all expenses paid for their every NEED, ok... they opt out. No problem. Their choice. Have you never heard the saying.... Nothing in life is free? Well.... it isn't. The taxpayers who actually work are the sole reason that those people are getting what they are getting for free, however, for the taxpayer that performed a job, earned a wage and had to GIVE a portion of his wage to the government for taxes in order to house, feed, & clothe another family, it was NOT FREE. So, you set back and defend their right to be lazy and raise kids to follow in their footsteps, you set back and defend their right to 'entitlement'. You set back and defend their right to free medical as well, while the working man pays higher and higher costs for insurance. You just SET BACK and spout, take no action and continue to do nothing. As long as you do all that, you're doing your part, while the rest of us figure out a way to fix a broken government and find a way back to being a nation of pride rather than 'entitlement'. A nation not afraid to work and actually make a living. But you do nothing, cuz thats obviously what you're best at.

Now... I have wasted enough time on you. You go ahead and have the last word, give it your best shot, but I can assure you, that nothing further you say is of interest to me and I will NOT be replying to you again. Get busy now, ready your recliner - and 'set back' on your haunches. your above statements...people on welfare should be required to:
1. Be drug tested
2. Have a mandatory work schedule
In order to receive money and benefits...

That would make them STATE EMPLOYEES!!!
Who should then be given full status as such.

I'm all for the idea of opening up the jobs for able people to work...get out there and lobby your state congress to CREATE JOBS OUT OF THIN AIR since most states are in the red already because the congresspeople give tax breaks and money to their corporate cronies and point fingers at the poor saying it's their fault...

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:23 PM


reply to post by VindiVin

So when their not following your rules, then they have to wait.... what?

So if they aren't living the way you think they should be living we have to force them into poverty?

Your ridiculous... live and let live.

Uhmm.... They are already IN poverty!!!!! This isn't punishment .... it would: "give them the opportunity so show some gratitude by working for some of the handouts they are graciously being given", and they might just find an employer who would give them a job, AND... the drug testing, would weed (no pun intended) out those who are truly in need of benefits from those who aren't hurting badly enough to keep them from coming up with money doing SOME kind of work, to buy their drugs, (or they are doing something illegal with the benefits they are 'graciously' being GIVEN. Either way, this wouldn't put them into POVERTY... they'd already arrived long beforehand. Now who is the ridiculous one? Duhhhh...
(Did I really just need to explain that?)

Have you ever let someone have a beer out of your fridge? Perhaps a glass of wine? Maybe you might have given little Jimmy down the street a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk.

Friends let friends have drugs for free...not everyone that uses pays...generosity even comes in the form of illicit substances.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:21 PM

I am against drug tests, a person should be free to put in their body whatever they want.

Yeah, okay. But as a taxpayer, I'm opposed to paying people to inject happy funtime chemicals into themselves. Seems kind of odd to me that I have to pay someone for their personal hobby which quite possibly is the reason they're unemployable in the first place. If they get a welfare check for their hobbies, I want a welfare check to cover my entertainment budget, too.

Some have compared Michigan to Florida. The comparison is premature. Michigan has a markedly different population and a different legal regime. The experience of Florida cannot be applied to Michigan without controlling for all those variables, which may not be possible given unquantifiable or poorly understood aspects of their respective populations and programs.

Others have dismissed the very idea because people will just use someone else's urine. Every urinalysis I've ever done has had an observer. Maybe Michigan can't do that, I don't know. But there are simple ways to mitigate that risk, especially with a random (unpredictable) UA program.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Dear TDawgRex

I have no problem with those on welfare/assistance doing VOLUNTARY work. I absolutely agree it would be beneficial all round and make them a much better candidate to attain work. However, i feel there is a conspiracy at play here.
Here in Britain the government and media have done a fantastic job at convincing your everyday proletarian that those on assistance are living a comfortable life at everyone else's expense.

Would it not be safe to say, over the coming 50 years, human wills inevitably lose their jobs due to machine's and better technology? This will effectively give you a large idle workforce. A large idle workforce that get's money for nothing.

How can we really be sure that this type of media is not just easing people into the idea of earning your bowl of porridge from the state because of how fewer jobs there will be in the future?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by FurvusRexCaeli

I also totally agree with this. While I have zero problems with the use of recreational drugs by adults, since I do believe whatever they wish to do with their bodies is their right, their biz, no one elses, I also believe they should be doing it on their own dime, and not mine or anyone elses. Welfare is to help support people get back on their feet, not to support them in having a grand old time. Since drug use is also counter productive to finding work, which all healthy, able minded and bodied recipients should be doing to some extent, depending on their situation, it is also counter productive to the process of getting off welfare.

Given that I know a lot of people on welfare are also chronic and frequent drug users, I feel this idea would indeed be good.

Of course, in states where medical marijuana is legal and approved, this should be taken into consideration. So long as the person is authorized, then they should get a pass for a positive test.

In states where marijuana is legal, period, like my own state, this should prove to be interesting if they ever suggest it. Could cause an interesting precedent.

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