the egyptian primary deity Shu, the lion messiah
- you see how it is *exactly* what the clip shows
..the importance here,
is that he is the Legal representative,
of the Fallen Ones ' Insertion of Their dimensions, inbetween Heaven and earth
[quotes between brackets]
["... His name can be interpreted as meaning ‘emptiness’.... - ...A different interpretation of his name, however, would read it as ‘who rises
up’ or ‘lifts himself up’. The latter refers to the role of Shu as separating the earth, Geb, from the sky, Nut...."]
....yes: Inserting his dimensions.... - see pic of Nut and Shu on previous page
["...Shu embodies the preconditions of consciousness inasmuch as air is the medium of sound and light, hence of hearing and vision..."]
...meaning: ruling those dimensions, which are but Mirrors to us
["..CT spell 1013 that “I will lift up the Shu-forms of Re; my wailing women [i.e. mourners] are silent.” Here doing the work of Shu in
separating sky from earth from underworld is synonymous with resurrection..."]
[".. In one of a series of spells pertaining to Shu in the Coffin Texts (spell 80) Atum says of Shu, “He knows how to nourish him who is in the egg
in the womb for me, namely the human beings who came forth from my eye which I sent out while I was alone with Nun in lassitude.” The sending forth
by Atum of his eye is at once the emergence into the world of the light of awareness, as well as the coming to life from out of the waters of the womb
of the living, breathing being, which is the work of Shu as quickener of the womb, both as breath of life..."]
....but, ofcourse meaning: our Matrix..... besides: note how this Shu Usurped many attributes of Christ... 'breathe of life'.. 'the word'- below-
[".. In CT spell 80, for instance, Shu affirms that all the different kinds of animals live “in accordance with the command of Atum that I should
govern them and nourish them with this mouth of mine. My life is what is in their nostrils.”..."]
["...In the Pyramid Texts and thereafter, Shu plays a critical role in the resurrection because breath is the pre-eminent symbol of life itself.
Hence a third party in utterance 660, presumably a priest, says to Shu “If you live, he [the king] will live,” since identification with Shu is
identification with the principle of life itself. Shu is therefore a symbol of self-sufficiency, as at utterance 539: “I live on that whereon Shu
lives.” In CT spell 80 Shu affirms that he knits together the body of Atum and that of Osiris, that he secures the head of Atum to his body, and
likewise that of Isis, in reference to the general Egyptian notion that breath is the very coherence and integrity of the living body, and also
through the specific association of the breath with the throat, which connects the heart, seat of thought for Egyptians, and the mouth, which utters
the words that express the consciousness (note in this respect the reference to Isis, who is the paradigmatic speaker of magic). But the work which
Shu does to guarantee the integrity of the living organism is not peculiar to humans; Shu explains in spell 80 that he “knits on the heads” of all
animals “with this authority of mine which is on my lips,” i.e., with his authoritative speech....."]
....the 'knitting together the body of atum and osiris', means 'connecting the 5 inner earth dimensions with the 7 above us'....and as you see,
this is represented in human by the air he breathes - remember the Opening of the Mouth Ritual - but that 'breath' is Spelled : meaning, óur
reality is under a Spell
["....spell 80 says that “a cry for me [Shu] went forth from the mouth of Atum, the air opened up upon my ways.” Likewise, Shu says in spell 75
that he “despatches the word of the Self-created [Atum] to the multitudes.” Shu also affirms in these spells that he does not obey magic, “for I
have already come into being,” after which some texts add “my clothing is the breath of life which issued after me from the mouth of Atum”
(spell 75). Shu’s immunity from magical compulsion here is not merely due to his primordiality, but also from the fact that the very breath with
which magic (which is, in the Egyptian understanding, primarily something to be spoken) is performed must be borrowed, in effect, from Shu...."]
all quotes :
...see, on previous page, Shu holding up Nut -
so we was so close, yesterday..