I blame the government. She had a seizure disorder, and had been trying, to no avail, to get onto disability for two years. She has 3 children, ages
16, 14, and 11. She was my sons' fiance, they just had their 7 year anniversary. On September 10, she had just turned 36.
The past year or so, Medicaid was constantly discontinuing her coverage for one reason or another. She would run low, or out of her medications, and
if we, or her father, could buy them for her, we would. Her meds were expensive, so because of this, her doctor changed her meds to a different brand,
that was available in generic, so it would be more affordable if, and predictably, when, Medicaid would goof with her coverage again.
Well, as predicted, 2 months after regaining her coverage and beginning her new meds, which she was still becoming used to, Medicaid once again
dropped her. After 3 weeks of spending 6 hours or more per day on the phone, having them hang up on her, oopsie, calling back, endless hold , she was
told they indeed made a mistake and would restart her coverage. What was their mistake? Her youngest son, who just turned 11, was somehow reported as
having retired, yes, retired. His disability payments, per this alleged report to Medicaid, had increased, because he was receiving SSI now. So,
because of this, Medicaid dropped HER insurance coverage AND food stamps!
When she called and asked, "Where did this report come from?", no answer. When she asked, "How does an 11 year old retire?", no answer. When she
asked, "Why is this affecting MY coverage?", no answer.
The undue stress, having to go to the food bank, begging people for rides to go places because she could not drive, worrying constantly about feeding
her kids, too proud to ask for help yet again. It all takes a toll on a human soul. The meds weren't working out well, she was having breakthrough
seizures. Until she got her coverage back, she couldn't even go see her doctor.
She woke up Tuesday, not feeling well. She had a seizure, but not too bad. My son called her, and she told him. Instead of going to the hospital
again, she went and lay down to take a nap. She never woke up again, apparently dying in her sleep after having another seizure.
Her children came home from school and could not get in, the doors still locked. They got the landlord to unlock the door, and her daughter went into
the room and found her. I am grateful that she went peacefully, in her sleep, it is how she said she hoped it would be for her. I am so sad to lose
not only my daughter in law to be, but my best friend , too. I consider those kids my grandchildren, even though they are not of my blood, they are
of my heart.
I am broken by this, there was no reason for this to happen. I am angry at how many people get by, abusing priveldges by the government, but when
those that come along that really need it, it is almost a daily struggle for them to get and keep benefits. I am just shaken to the core, I am
nauseated, and cannot stop the tears. There was just no reason for this to happen.
Please say a prayer or words for her kids, her dad and mom, her family who did what they could for her. She was a sweet person with a good heart, a
young life so needlessly cut short. We won't ever even know why she had the seizures, Medicaid would not allow proper testing for diagnosis, let alone
proper treatment.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of what is coming, folks... I weep for us all.
edit on 18-9-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)