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School Suppresses Knowledge of the Illuminati

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posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 05:05 PM
No meaning to sound like stick in the mud or anything, but maybe keep
your conspiracy study for afterschool, although you are right!

Concentrate on your school work and passing your grades, you've got
planty of years left for all the other stuff

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 07:57 PM
Maybe the teacher is an Illuminati ...

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by invader_chris
My brother Adam, who is in sixth grade at a Catholic school, was in school on Friday when his class for some odd reason, began talking about the movie National Treasure and the pyramid on the back of the dollar *SNIP* Then another one of his friends mentioned how I had taught them about how it is a symbol of the Illuminati and is proof of the US's link to them and other groups such as the Masons. *SNIP*

Chris, you and your brother do realize that Masonry is taboo to the Catholic Church, right? I can see the teacher getting upset, not that I agree.
Perhaps sh over-reacted thinking folks wer sinning by talking about taboo information

It sounds like she lost control of the class, too.

Does the Catholic Church still have lists of movies that "good Catholics" should NOT see? I'll bet "National Treasure" is on that list.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 03:26 AM
On the other side, why to tease "normal" people by telling them that there is something that is ununderstandable or scary for them ? Let them live their life and believe in whatever they want.

posted on Dec, 26 2004 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by bratok
On the other side, why to tease "normal" people by telling them that there is something that is ununderstandable or scary for them ? Let them live their life and believe in whatever they want.

Thats what I tell him. He takes everything too seriously.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 02:06 AM
From the sound of things your intelligence is probably better than most of the other kids your age at that school if you knew anything about the illuminati more than it is just a secret organization, (which it is not). I think yes, a Catholic school can teach whatever it wants; it is a private school after all. However, if it is a school and Catholocism is a known religion, is that not mixing church and state since the state recognizes it as a school? That is not to down it as many of the most intelligent people in the world come from private schools, (some religious). I do say that since it is recognized as a school by the government and the government regulates what schools will teach and accept, then the catholic church is not the only group that has a say in what is taught in their schools. I think it a good idea that you (ham demon) should take it up with the principal as I don't believe freedom of speech, (especially since it goes against noone((even the original doctrine of the Catholic Church)) should be limited as usual to 18 and above. You can use your intelligence as a strategy though as at this time in your life you are probably an infinite sponge for information and ideas. Research the Illuminati as far back as you can go with an emphasis on the freemasons. Request through the teacher first during an american history session that you do a report on this. If she says no, then take the idea to the principal. Use all your knowledge about the group to persuad them it is a factually written part of American history. If they say no after that you gave it your best shot with the tools at hand, and the 6th grade does not go on for another 6 years of your life. There will be teachers that admire your diligence and interest in those little spoken of facts. The good teachers, (and most are) admire it when you can enterwine the known history of a thing with that which is also known fact but rarely brought up. This is one of those.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:34 AM
Just another example of religion trying to blind society from the truth.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by madhatter
No meaning to sound like stick in the mud or anything, but maybe keep
your conspiracy study for afterschool, although you are right!

Concentrate on your school work and passing your grades, you've got
planty of years left for all the other stuff

i do, i didnt even bring the subject up, oneof my friends did, seriously, i wasn't even in the room when it happpened, and i always go to ATS AFTER school, cuz it is my favorite website after all

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 11:20 PM
I tend to agree with the thought of what was written in the "Jesus scrolls" in the movie "Stigmata". The church is within yourself. No one person other than yourself has the right to tell you how to have faith in something; it is within yourself. I wish I had an ATS site to check out when I was in 6th grade. I don't think the "arpanet" was even in existence as we know it back then. Pardon the misspell on arpanet if that is the case. The arpanet was what the government was using before someone decided to commercialize and broaden it to become the internet. Your thoughts on why that ocurred are probably right at any turn of the imagination; the usual. Another society you might find of interest is almost as well know; the THUL. Your research will bring alot of turns with the 3rd reich during WWII and even some Jewish societies. The fun stuff begins when you can get past alot of that to its origins. Be prepared for an interesting ride that leads back many thousands of years, and also has baring within parts of freemasonry. A good midway subject for all of this is the story about "Rennes le Chatteau" in southeast France.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:13 PM
ok this thread is ended..over, mods, please close this thread

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:18 PM
actually, no dont close it leave it i nee dto post a couple more things before its closed

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:19 PM
ok first of all Mrs. Henahan is not an illuminati, she is just a big jerk that hates me

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:21 PM
second of all, i wasnt kidding about the stuff she said i asked all the other students and they said it was true..everyone

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:22 PM
and last of all.........this thread is closed for real, mods, please close this thread

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:54 PM
Please stay on topic for this thread. If you have nothing to offer but one line quips, please keep them to yourself.


posted on Jan, 2 2005 @ 04:02 PM
maybe the reason she freaked out is how we've all been conditioned to view conspiracy theories and theorists with distrust and revulsion (e.g. they are freaks) by media (films, tv, books etc). Perhaps she had heard someone laugh about the "crackpots" who believe in the illuminati and hence freaked out about promising young children in a cathlic private school being exposed to such "nonsense" and "weirdness". Of course, im just hypothesising, none of us know whats going on in her head.

me? i'd just go up to her and ask her so we dont have to debate. Either she'll answer you, or ben evasive and give somehting away in terms of how she avoids the question as to why she did freak out like that.

I agree that its unlikely that teachers are "in on it" but i know in UK all schools be they private or public follow a national curriculum and esp for the main exams at 16 (GCSE's) which are done by a number of boards and here, only certain topics are needed per subject. E.g., history, you wont learn about usa financing the rise of the nazi party, or too much on the atrocities of the catholic church.

Science, you never learn about zero point energy etc.

So yes, schools do surpress knowledge about many things i reckons, but then so does our culture as a whole since most popular science and history books will prob just give censored stories and knowledge.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 10:40 AM
The sector of public education is beginning to become privatized by large corporations as of recent. The government no longer has authority over The corporation, they are partners with a symbiotic relationship. Therefore, the repression of the illuminati in the school system is expected and can only be anticipated. But that's why there are great sites like ATS in order to learn about these topics.

This doesn't surprise me in the least.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 05:54 PM

Concentrate on your school work and passing your grades, you've got
planty of years left for all the other stuff

"school" , public or private, is essentially a concentration camp and indoctrination center, the stated purpose of which is to "mold" children into subservient is the same, although universty level "education" is also a method of grooming select individuals into elite other words, school of any type is mostly CRAP!

I would recommend concentrating on things which stimulate your mind which YOU have chosen...if it is conspiratorial research, UFO's, or chasing around girls and partying, you are a soveriegn individual regardless of what your parents or school administrators or the government may think.

Have a good time while you still can...Figure out ways to jump through the hoops and go through the motions at school and make it look like you're busy studying, while in reality you are sneaking out and drinking beer behind your friends garage...use your smarts to fudge your assignments and trick the teacher into giving you good grades...things of this nature....

Think for yourself in every activity you choose to involve yourself in, resist the hive mind...

[edit on 20-3-2005 by abdul]

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