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Military Veteran Reportedly Kicked Out of Nursing School Over Gun App on His Phone

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posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:29 AM
If this dont beat all, the MSM has people so SCARED of firearms, a cartoon app on your phone scares a person into being kicked out of school.

A military veteran, known only as “Dan,” told conservative radio host Todd Schnitt on Monday that he has been kicked out of a private nursing school over a gun app he downloaded on his phone. A fellow student reportedly contacted the school’s program director and said she felt her life was threatened after she witnessed him showing off the app.

She felt her life was THREATENED over a frakkin app, whats he gonna do, beat her over her head with his phone?
Then again, they kick kids out of school for chewing slices of pizza into guns and have kids arrested for having a gun pic on his shirt
Okay everyone lets say it together:

Military Veteran Reportedly Kicked Out of Nursing School Over Gun App on His Phone

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:39 AM
I'm not really afraid of guns, after all, it's like saying your afraid of crow bars or pixie sticks! But school pizza? I want my Mommy! cause that is some scary, scary stuff !
I'm sure this person would be afraid of going to nursing school with my daughter also, she's a vet too. Want to know what she carries? An attitude, and the ability to use it!

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

"Dan" probably told off or showed up lil miss prissy at some point in the past. He forgot about it but she didn't. I would like to hear the story from both sides.

Sounds like there could be a lawsuit here.
edit on 17-9-2013 by TDawgRex because: Just a ETA

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:49 AM
What a HUGE difference location makes. Wow!

In one of my courses last year, the instructor indicated she wanted to learn more about shooting at some point and practice. She was one I happen to really respect so I took some time to make a little booklet, I guess you'd call it, with color pictures and everything. Overhead, inside..outside.. all over for the local ranges and pictures of guns for the basics to look over for controls and tear down.

Heck, that was given during class and everyone around knew what it was. If anything, others wanted one too ...not complaining or whining.

Radically different cultures between areas of the same nation, in some ways I think. Good for it too... People who like that way of living, wouldn't enjoy life much here. I sure wouldn't enjoy life much where that level of paranoia was the norm toward something I was raised to think of as just a part of the household tools for a variety of things.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:53 AM
Ok I want to hear the girl who reported him's side of the story as well as the school's story as to why they kicked him out. The way the story is presented here, he has a lawsuit that he can file against the school, but somehow I highly doubt that the events played out exactly like they are being presented in the OP.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

When you outlaw apps, only outlaws will have iPhones. . . er. . .waitaminute. . .only criminals will have 4G networks. . . (no, dangit!). . . . um. . . . . only outlaws can dial out-. . . . no, not that either. . . . only nursing students can play Tetris. . . .(no!) . . . I mean. . . . .

Oh hell.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 08:39 AM
Having put my wife through nursing school, I'd be more afraid of nursing students with PMS than a vet with an app on his phone.

Gotta wonder if the "offending" student was female (military vet or not), the same outcome would have occurred?

Since this is a "private" institution, with "stockholders" and a very strong marketing presence aimed at military veterans (just google the school name) - anyone wanting to help this guy out might want to look at drafting a letter or two to the stockholders, informing them of the situation and eliciting their support for "Dan".

The CEO may be disclaiming all knowledge, but his investors can certainly make a point that cannot be ignored.
Just my two cents.


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