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$42 for 3 cheap plates of food and drinks??

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posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 05:59 PM
I just got back from one of the most singularly upsetting evenings I've had. As I type this, I'm waiting on Pizza delivery. Why, you may ask? Well... If you're American, you've no doubt seen commercials on the TV regularly for Golden Corral Buffet. They are a national chain in a good number of states. They regularly claim dinner can be had "for around $10"'s a wild definition of what they call "around" when 2 adults and a child run at $42.00 and change. Last time we were there it was a somewhere in the mid $30's for the 3 of us.

When I asked, before giving my opinion of their value vs. dollar in a rather direct fashion, they explained it was the drinks and if we didn't want anything to drink, why, it would be around $10. Water is also a charge, though less than what they rake you over the coals for on a Soda or sweet tea.

Perhaps I am jaded, but the years trucking gave me the opportunity to have some of the best food this nation offers at the level of a casual walk in without dress codes. Generally in Nevada, but not always. I've never seen an average, run of the mill buffet with nothing special going on that night, running out at that high a rate. I've paid similar for Lobster buffets or other special events. Often times more, in MUCH nicer places than a Golden Corral.

Anyway.. I wanted to rant a bit and needed to get this off my chest. They first said they were going to ring us up for the drinks anyway at nearly $10, despite only having stood in line with the things on a tray. Upon arriving home, it looks like nothing was charged after all. Good... It saved me a trip to the courthouse in the morning for a small claims filing. ( I have had no end of problems with previous reverse charge attempts for a CC or Debit card)

It's not the money...obviously by the fact the small claims on charges would run a bit more (not much) than the meal. It's the principle of the thing and the charging my card for drinks? Oh... Well.. There are times my beautiful white fur has a slight red tint. It matches the shade I'm looking through at the time.

So remember, the next time you hear an ad say "Around" a price (especially $10 for a buffet?) ...'Around' leaves a WIDE MARGIN in some people's minds. Wide enough to pass a few semi-trucks without touching mirrors.

** By the way... The sign board everyone sees? Says 8.99 for buffets with a lower rate for seniors. Off to the side and in print fully half the size, is the other price for dinner. It is around $10...making the drinks nearly a full 1/3 more that cost for each plate.... The drive through isn't the only place you get...well...intimate contact not asked for.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

After I saw this, I wonder why on earth you'd even go there?

If it doesn't work:

In short, when health inspectors were due they hid all of their food out by the dumpster bin, uncovered.. flys swarming and all that.

After that story, other Golden Corral employees started speaking of the same junk.. photos of a HORRIBLY messy kitchen also surfaced..

I wouldn't go near that place...
edit on 9/12/2013 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/12/2013 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by miniatus

I hadn't seen that and the ones here seemed a bit cleaner...tho perhaps just as well they kicked their prices up beyond reach of a middle class family.

I'm sitting here thinking and comparing...and just how many HOURS at Min. Wage must a man work to buy that dinner? Inflation ain't here they say? B.S. on a biscuit is what I say. I just saw it and it ruined my dinner.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:11 PM

reply to post by miniatus

I hadn't seen that and the ones here seemed a bit cleaner...tho perhaps just as well they kicked their prices up beyond reach of a middle class family.

I'm sitting here thinking and comparing...and just how many HOURS at Min. Wage must a man work to buy that dinner? Inflation ain't here they say? B.S. on a biscuit is what I say. I just saw it and it ruined my dinner.

Didn't mean to ruin your dinner.. sounds like it was already ruined for different reason! but I did find the kitchen image I mentioned.. look at this crap, this is a DIFFERENT golden corral

edit on 9/12/2013 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:17 PM
I can see the appeal of a buffet, especially if one has children. Everyone can get what they want, no one is complaining about how they don't like their dinner, ect...

But the 'Corral? Not a fan. A corral is a place where you house large animals...

If I could get away with paying $42 for just my GF and I at a mediocre place, I'd be ecstatic! Around here, plates range from $18-$30, and that's even at the causal places. If I go to a chain where everything is frozen and re-heated (Olive Garden, TGI Fridays, ect) I might get away with a $12 plate.

Needless to say, I haven't been out to eat lately. I did order Pita Pit last night. $24 for two pitas and some hummus. Add the customary 20% tip for the delivery guy and I'm looking almost at $30 for dinner.

I can make dinner for $12 for the two of us. Couple cans of chili, thing of corn bread, maybe a bag salad.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

This is clearly a situation that calls for demonstrating your free market influence and denouncing that crappy place publicly.

Oh wait, you did! Awesome job wrabbit!

But, you should do it locally too without being too much of a jerk. You are simply a dissatisfied customer communicating apprehension to others about a suspect product and service.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:27 PM
Golden Corral, like many chains have Opening teams and then the real crew takes over after about 6 months.

Usually the food is decent within the first few months of one opening. Then when the standard crew takes over it is downhill.

try this with ANY chain. Many have crews that travel around to get places up and running, showing the new staff how it's done. Then after that crew leaves, the owner and/or manager take over and keep "watering the soup", recycling old food, etc..

The owners feel it is "their right" to "cut costs". well anyone that has watched Kitchen Nightmares, know how owners try and squeeze profit by using crappy food..

On another note.

Is the whole nations health inspector's on the take? Look at ALL the A's and B's in NASTY, FILTHY restaurants. I mean from c2c on the I-40.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by miniatus

Oh dear, I think Wrabbit may soon be suffering from Myxomatosis.

I'm....shocked! that they still have a business after those pics and vids got out.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:38 PM

reply to post by miniatus

I hadn't seen that and the ones here seemed a bit cleaner...tho perhaps just as well they kicked their prices up beyond reach of a middle class family.

I'm sitting here thinking and comparing...and just how many HOURS at Min. Wage must a man work to buy that dinner? Inflation ain't here they say? B.S. on a biscuit is what I say. I just saw it and it ruined my dinner.

Walking through the market you can see hidden inflation all over... things like a 10 pack of coke for the price of a 12.

Or slowly shrinking sizes but keeping prices the same, restaurants are the same.

BUT don't worry the fed will print MORE money to help you pay Wrabbit so it will be okay...

Where does this madness stop?

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:41 PM
I watched one of those jamie oliver shows recently where he cooked a half shoulder of pork, with all the trimmings, and had leftovers for at least 3 weeks (frozen) and each meal cost about $2 a person.

Factor in labour to cook the meal.

it'd be cheaper to pay someone to cook it for you if you provide the meat, than waste money on these places.

but then, I used to buy mutton packs when they were cheap. now even that is expensive rubbish.

(new emoticons, this one is almost as good as oO )


posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 07:02 PM
You can EAT for around $10/pp.

If you want to DRINK something, that'll be extra...

WEAK Golden Corral, WEAK!!!

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 07:21 PM
We had a Golden Corral open up near me about 5 years ago. The first year, it was decent and we ate there several times, but then after that, it went downhill and FAST! Last time we went, ( about 2 yrs ago) the place was filthy, the bathroom reeked of sewage, food and trash all over the floor, and every single table was full yet they were still putting people through the line, so everyone was walking around for a long time looking for a table. I refuse to eat there anymore. No Golden Corral, or Country Buffet or any of those kinds of places.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by virraszto

There was a Golden Corral I stopped at in Gallup, New Mexico. It's one of the few places right off the interstate between Missouri and California on I-40 with truck parking. That one was always good. Good food..clean..and more open than the ones here are for seeing everything going on with the buffet. The one here though was barely worth the price before this last price hike. stale buns on the buffet weren't that uncommon to not expect once a trip anyway, and they tended to move to the traditional buffet slop trays like fried chicken and macaroni, rather than decent food. The stuff few really want, but it fills space, so saves on cooking and material. Booo.. it seemed like a treat for the family though.... I should have listened to my kid and gone for the pizza place. $6 and they have fish sticks and tacos too.

* I should have known when my wife commented on the parking lot being oddly empty for 5pm... It was only half full. Odd for that place. Now I see why.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

It's one of the few places right off the interstate between Missouri and California on I-40 with truck parking. That one was always good. Good food..clean..and more open than the ones here are for seeing everything going on with the buffet.

More evidence of the invisible hand at work (or the invisible semi on the road as it were)!

Sorry about prompting the cross topic banter!

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by benrl

Walking through the market you can see hidden inflation all over... things like a 10 pack of coke for the price of a 12.

Or slowly shrinking sizes but keeping prices the same, restaurants are the same.

BUT don't worry the fed will print MORE money to help you pay Wrabbit so it will be okay...

Where does this madness stop?

I have been thinking monopolies on those examples since they started so long ago but, inflation will affect it too if it hasn't already.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:24 PM

If you're American, you've no doubt seen commercials on the TV regularly for Golden Corral Buffet. They are a national chain in a good number of states. They regularly claim dinner can be had "for around $10"'s a wild definition of what they call "around" when 2 adults and a child run at $42.00 and change. Last time we were there it was a somewhere in the mid $30's for the 3 of us.

Hey wrabbit2000! Always good to see you on board. I get your point. Really I do. But 42 bucks for 2 adults and a child including drinks.......umm, not that horrible, really!!! I dunno if this included a gratuity and the type of drinks alcoholic/soda pop, etc. But, not that unreasonable.

The other option of course is just head off to mickeydees, drive up to the call box, order about 12 bucks of stuff from the dollar menu, but byobooze.....lay back in the parking lot and enjoy. BUT, make sure you check your order, sometimes they even screw you at mickeydees....!!!

Fun stuff
Peace Brother!!!

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