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Who Are the Real Anarchists?

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posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by greencmp

You do want my labor, you want me to work toward anarchy yet you're being condescending about collectivism and still won't discuss capitalism other than to say anti-capitalists are mislead about it.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Kali74

You do want my labor, you want me to work toward anarchy yet you're being condescending about collectivism and still won't discuss capitalism other than to say anti-capitalists are mislead about it.

I see, clever girl

No, I don't need you to do anything necessarily. I just don't need to stop you from doing anything.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by greencmp

Yeah and if the tide starts to turn toward getting rid of capitalism you'd turn on us.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Yeah and if the tide starts to turn toward getting rid of capitalism you'd turn on us.

Not at all, what you are calling capitalism will go (if you refuse to call it mercantilism or corporatism, so be it). Frankly, I have no pony in that race since the disparaging term was invented by Marx. I just use it for the sake of simplicity.

What I call the free market is a law of nature and cannot be suppressed.
edit on 14-9-2013 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 12:32 AM



Anarchy to me is exactly what government employees are doing right now.

Dude, there's no point in writing a whole friggin 5 paragraph post if you initially start it out with lines like this!!! Do you think any of us read the rest of your blabbering rants?


Well the answer is NO... one of the FIRST things you learn when studying anarchism is NATURAL RIGHTS ARE NOT TO BE STEPPED ON BY ANOTHER....

you fail miserably...


DUDE, you didn't even make sense in your rant reply.. And you didn't read my post clearly. I said I was referring to the talking head's own definition of anarchists, not the textbook one..
Also I was being anecdotal and sarcastic, but I see that went way over your head. Blame that on your being quite a bit like the folks that this thread is condemning.. Self pride and arrogance is only the beginning.. Please seek some professional tutors in sociology..

Also, narcissists speak just as you do, you ask me if if I expect anyone to read my rant, lumping everyone's opinion to be the same as yours without even knowing.. You feel like your opinion must be the correct one, and you cant fathom anyone thinking differently.. Narcissism! Taken right from Obama's playbook..
Who failed? Only you!

edit on 15-9-2013 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 01:46 AM




Anarchy to me is exactly what government employees are doing right now.

Dude, there's no point in writing a whole friggin 5 paragraph post if you initially start it out with lines like this!!! Do you think any of us read the rest of your blabbering rants?


Well the answer is NO... one of the FIRST things you learn when studying anarchism is NATURAL RIGHTS ARE NOT TO BE STEPPED ON BY ANOTHER....

you fail miserably...


DUDE, you didn't even make sense in your rant reply.. And you didn't read my post clearly. I said I was referring to the talking head's own definition of anarchists, not the textbook one..
Also I was being anecdotal and sarcastic, but I see that went way over your head. Blame that on your being quite a bit like the folks that this thread is condemning.. Self pride and arrogance is only the beginning.. Please seek some professional tutors in sociology..

Also, narcissists speak just as you do, you ask me if if I expect anyone to read my rant, lumping everyone's opinion to be the same as yours without even knowing.. You feel like your opinion must be the correct one, and you cant fathom anyone thinking differently.. Narcissism! Taken right from Obama's playbook..
Who failed? Only you!

edit on 15-9-2013 by alienreality because: (no reason given)


I should've known!

Captain Sarcastic... YOU'RE AWESOME!

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by greencmp

The real Anarchist?? Personally, id say its the 1 who doesnt fall into the anti-this Anarchist or Anti-that Anarchist pigeon holing these splinter-groups seemed to have created for themselves? Labels create division.
Im a free-thinkin human who takes responsibility for my own actions. Who happens to openly resist/object/refuse being dictated to by a puppet government that enforces a system thats blatantly corrupt, exploitative, and self serving? It Was the very same system that labeled me an Anarchist, and then told the public Anarchists and Anarchy equals Chaos and violence?
Ironically its the chaos, war and violence that we want to remove from our lives and that means removing the instigators from their places of power and the destruction of their Big Government structure that no longer would have the so called 1% to serve or a people to enslave...
....though thats just my opinion "the individual". My Anarchy is my way, and as long as it doesnt effect anyone else in their paths, its the only way..
...nice post by the way? S n'F

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:41 PM

reply to post by greencmp

The real Anarchist?? Personally, id say its the 1 who doesnt fall into the anti-this Anarchist or Anti-that Anarchist pigeon holing these splinter-groups seemed to have created for themselves? Labels create division.
Im a free-thinkin human who takes responsibility for my own actions. Who happens to openly resist/object/refuse being dictated to by a puppet government that enforces a system thats blatantly corrupt, exploitative, and self serving? It Was the very same system that labeled me an Anarchist, and then told the public Anarchists and Anarchy equals Chaos and violence?
Ironically its the chaos, war and violence that we want to remove from our lives and that means removing the instigators from their places of power and the destruction of their Big Government structure that no longer would have the so called 1% to serve or a people to enslave...
....though thats just my opinion "the individual". My Anarchy is my way, and as long as it doesnt effect anyone else in their paths, its the only way..
...nice post by the way? S n'F

You are quite right!

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by greencmp

I would like to post an alternative view of the foundations of US style libertarianism for your consideration:

The True History of Libertarianism in America: A Phony Ideology to Promote a Corporate Agenda

Pull up libertarianism’s floorboards, look beneath the surface into the big business PR campaign’s early years, and there you’ll start to get a sense of its purpose, its funders, and the PR hucksters who brought the peculiar political strain of American libertarianism into being — beginning with the libertarian movement’s founding father, Milton Friedman. Back in 1950, the House of Representatives held hearings on illegal lobbying activities and exposed both Friedman and the earliest libertarian think-tank outfit as a front for business lobbyists. Those hearings have been largely forgotten, in part because we’re too busy arguing over the finer points of “libertarian populism.”

What the Buchanan Committee discovered was that in 1946, Milton Friedman and his U Chicago cohort George Stigler arranged an under-the-table deal with a Washington lobbying executive to pump out covert propaganda for the national real estate lobby in exchange for a hefty payout, the terms of which were never meant to be released to the public. They also discovered that a lobbying outfit which is today credited by libertarians as the movement’s first think-tank — the Foundation for Economic Education — was itself a big business PR project backed by the largest corporations and lobbying fronts in the country.

Another source from the popular:

edit on 16-9-2013 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by FyreByrd

Pull up libertarianism’s floorboards, look beneath the surface into the big business PR campaign’s early years, and there you’ll start to get a sense of its purpose, its funders, and the PR hucksters who brought the peculiar political strain of American libertarianism into being — beginning with the libertarian movement’s founding father, Milton Friedman.

Thanks for bringing this up, Milton Friedman does not represent the interests of individual liberty or freedom.

It is a common and insidious undercutting of the nomenclature that we have relied upon to communicate our ideas in simple terms. It represents the continual and unhelpful failure to defend even the language associated with the values that free market individualists uphold as righteous and true. Who said we should accept Karl Marx's derogatory moniker 'capitalist' in the first place? I say let the crony corporatists and mercantilists own that one, then our fellow anti-statists from a different mother (perhaps different planet?) don't have to reprint their propaganda.

The term liberal was subverted from us. We call ourselves classical liberals now which requires a significant chunk of valuable time to explain to people whose attention is at a bare minimum. It is frustrating that these semantic arguments occupy so much of the conversation. We cannot expect everybody to discard a lifetime of destructive misinformation and indoctrination and take us at our word. So, the mountain must be climbed.

I don't generally argue with people over the term libertarian, it just isn't worth the distraction when we can just use the more complete and plainly understandable language, "we believe in individual liberty and free markets".
edit on 16-9-2013 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by alienreality

...I said I was referring to the talking head's own definition of anarchists

The follow up thread to this discussion is here:
Anarchists Have Taken Over Congress!

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