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When the Lights Go Out On November 13, 2013 -- Martial Law

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posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 04:49 PM

The reality of large scale Marital Law in the US is nearly as tactically impossible as a ground based invasion of the Mainland US happening. The doom porn people seem to forget that the geographic size of the mainland US alone makes it nearly impossible. All I want is one of these people to explain the logistics and manpower needed to enact and enforce martial law across the mainland us.

I am surprised this thread doesn't make mention of the infamous EMP that an invading country will use to knock out all of the US military infrastructure, but nothing else, within a few minutes.

Good point. My small brian could only think to compare it to the Holocaust nazi Germany. As far as the sheer size of the two countries.

Texas is bigger than Germany? So yeah, i think it's safe to say the US is bigger than EU. Or not, according to wiki answers Europe is bigger by about 120,000 sq. miles. I don't even know what European countries were well involved in the holocaust. I'll stop there before I make myself look even more stupiter.

I would not be prepared for such a thing. Each day it looks like it will happen more and more. But thats what I thought about Dec 21 2012. I still haven't learned... hopefully
edit on 10-15-13 by Mugen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:03 AM
There are alot of "coincidences" going on, but who knows

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Mugen

Grids going down would cause a lot of problems, not just for the inhabitants, but also for the martial lawsters. I saw this article on Bloomberg, and thought, right, get off the grid and grow my own. The idea of being capable of producing my own sources of power make sense rather than being subservient to energy purveyors, not that there won't be "big-green" conglomerates. Self-reliance might actually create stronger community.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:06 AM
I'm more interested in patterns. Following patterns will tell you everything.

1. Many of you probably know that many "events" in America since 9/11 had related drills - pattern
2. Politicians wag the dog to distract the masses from things going on behind the scenes - pattern
3. Economic indicators - pattern
4. Astrological indicators - pattern

GridEx I - took place November 16/17, 2011 - Comet Lovejoy approached sun.

GridEx II - taking place 2 yrs later - November 13/14, 2013 - Comet ISON approaches sun.

Interesting pattern.

There has been A LOT of periodic talk over the last couple/few years from public figures about "power outages." It's been in press conferences, news stories, and we are constantly told "how fragile" our power grid is and "if merely one person with the right skills hacked the system that we'd be in trouble."

Another interesting pattern.

Never mind that you also have TV Shows like Revolution and most recently NatGeo's American Blackout providing imaginative fodder for the masses to consider what life would be like once the plug gets pulled.

It's a matter of time. You think money drives this machine, it does not. The rich are already rich. They will stay rich, just like they did during the Great Depression.

The question is why? To allow the masses to fight among themselves for resources like water and food. To allow the masses to do a lot of culling so the blood is not so easily found on the TPTB's hands. As long as we remember that their goal is to manipulate us then we will be ready (mentally).
edit on 7-11-2013 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:12 AM
Nothing to see here, the tests which will be run on the 13th and a little after are for response teams - the "crisis" will be simulated. The government is not turning off the United States juice.

Although the lights may go out in Georgia, just for the irony.
edit on 7-11-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by WCmutant

The question is why? To allow the masses to fight among themselves for resources like water and food. To allow the masses to do a lot of culling so the blood is not so easily found on the TPTB's hands. As long as we remember that their goal is to manipulate us then we will be ready (mentally).

Remember Y2K and the hysteria? I bought into it and stockpiled all kinds of stuff. I'm so sick of eating freeze dried crap, I could puke.

A lot of people are making a butt load of money on the paranoia of the gullible. Would you be interested in buying a wind up radio.....never been used!!

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 01:12 PM

reply to post by WCmutant

The question is why? To allow the masses to fight among themselves for resources like water and food. To allow the masses to do a lot of culling so the blood is not so easily found on the TPTB's hands. As long as we remember that their goal is to manipulate us then we will be ready (mentally).

Remember Y2K and the hysteria? I bought into it and stockpiled all kinds of stuff. I'm so sick of eating freeze dried crap, I could puke.

A lot of people are making a butt load of money on the paranoia of the gullible. Would you be interested in buying a wind up radio.....never been used!!

I wouldn't doubt that one bit. Not just increased sales from hysteria, but it will also provide purchasing patterns based one "news information."

I fully believe Alex Jones is a government schill. I watch him to see what he's blathering on about, as he's one of the only one mentioning "nuclear" # and peddling that nascent iodine crap. But, TPTB will be able to data mine the crap out of people purchasing iodine or similar things and link it back to Alex Jones' blathering.

They can then easily find the people that most likely watch/listen to Alex Jones. And similarly you can do the same thing.

The downside is people really aren't prepared for any reasonable level of SHTF. Americans were more prepared during the Great Depression than we are now and people still died during the Great Depression.
edit on 7-11-2013 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Mugen

I believe your right on,with what is going to happen on Nov.13th or 14th.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 03:51 PM
My first job out of college was with an electric company back in 1991. After they rebuilt the damage after Hurricane Andrew, a senior lineman told me that after getting a really good look at the system they put back together, that in ten years it will only take a Bee's fa*t of an EMP or solar flare to bring the whole grid down. At the time I really didn't put much thought into it. But now I think I understand.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 04:09 PM

I question always remains is where is the manpower for nation wide marial law going to come from? The US would have a very hard time declaring martial law in a major city much less the entire country. Are law enforement/military are just not set up for it.

The Boston Bombing martial law test run results:

30,000 state, local and federal agents, armed forces descended on a section of the city of Boston supposedly to find ONE MAN. With full public approval, support, and cooperation for several days, all resources became exhausted until they were useless. It took a civilian to notice the guy in his back yard.

Now what if the very, very well armed and a stung-to-fury public started in with building to building urban warfare tactics? Yes the public will have loses at least 10:1. The 30,000 agents would be wiped out in 6 days and the public would continue the offensive until every politician, govt office holder and supporter was put up against the wall and instantly executed along with their wives, children, and pets.

The DOD Jedi Masters know this and keep trying to tell the marxists in the FedGov this is what will happen.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 04:17 PM
Everyone, check the power poles nearest your home that have transformers mounted.

If the copper thieves cut out the ground wires that run down the pole, all the homes in that immediate feed now have the earth ground served by the ground rods in the homes THROUGH THE BREAKER PANELS INSIDE THOSE HOMES.

An EMP surge will race through your circuit panel to the ground rod on your property and probably set your house on fire.

A dollars worth of copper stolen to burn down 10 or 20 houses on your street and kill untold numbers of occupants. All for an effin' dollar!

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 04:33 PM
We had that black out what 11-12 years ago that took out part of Canada and the east coast. Not a big deal but don't screw with the EBT system

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