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Observing Multiple Observers

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posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:40 PM
Greetings ATS,

Once again I find myself unable to fathom or comprehend a re occurring happening so I bring my question here, hoping someone is able to shed some light into the darkness.

I have a rather simple question for you.

If I am observing multiple observers, as the creator of the observer to those multiple observers. Where does this put me ?

Furthermore, if I myself as the creator am be I ng OB served, by multiple Observers (with a rather keen interest I must add !) Does the fact that I can see myself being OB served mean that I have the capacity, to at some point be the creator of the OB servers?

Or perhaps they are watching with interest to see how far back I have come ?

Now this is the real brain melting part, the first time this occurred, I was able to come up with reference points to my OB servers, from those points, I can trace the five Platonic solids !

I found that last part particularly fascinating ! And yet I feel this has an even more deeper meaning..

I pose these questions to you, and look forward to any response, that shall be given.



posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Sacri

I am confusing multiple confusions, how many are there?

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 03:48 PM
It comes down (or up, depending on your orientation
) to a final observer that cannot be observed under any circumstance. If you find yourself being observed then you are identifying with your mind which can take on many thought forms.

When you step back as far as possible till there's nothing but vast space between the observer and the observed with no further to go, you've reached the highest perspective of your being.
edit on 11-9-2013 by Atlantican because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Sacri

I take it that there are those whom are observers in the form you mention.

I understand "that so above; so below".

I do not believe there is a limit to what you speak of...


posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 11:27 PM

reply to post by Sacri

I am confusing multiple confusions, how many are there?

At first there was one, and then I noticed a second, and it seemed the further I went the more that appeared, some would come and some would go.

Rather up or down, what if I was to describe with a almost certainty, that its more of a "back" ? Does this change the premises at all ?

You talk of reaching a final point, my understanding that in an infinite number of possibilities the final point is the source, No ?



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