posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:40 PM
Greetings ATS,
Once again I find myself unable to fathom or comprehend a re occurring happening so I bring my question here, hoping someone is able to shed some
light into the darkness.
I have a rather simple question for you.
If I am observing multiple observers, as the creator of the observer to those multiple observers. Where does this put me ?
Furthermore, if I myself as the creator am be I ng OB served, by multiple Observers (with a rather keen interest I must add !) Does the fact that I
can see myself being OB served mean that I have the capacity, to at some point be the creator of the OB servers?
Or perhaps they are watching with interest to see how far back I have come ?
Now this is the real brain melting part, the first time this occurred, I was able to come up with reference points to my OB servers, from those
points, I can trace the five Platonic solids !
I found that last part particularly fascinating ! And yet I feel this has an even more deeper meaning..
I pose these questions to you, and look forward to any response, that shall be given.