posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 08:42 AM
Bush is a very religious person, but he's not as much a fundamentalist Christian as the haters maintain. Bush believes in the need for faith, period.
Faith as in, any faith is better than no faith. Better to be a Muslim than an atheist, in his view. For him, maintaining the integrity of faith in
America is crucial to our society.
Bush error on Islam is due to this and one other factor: David Forte, his advisor on Islam. Mr Forte is the epitome of Western religious relativism.
He speaks no Arabic, and admits that he has only 'dabbled' in Islamic jurisprudence.
And yet a man so unlearned about Islamic doctrines is given the authority to tell us people like bin Laden aren't really Muslims--or even religious
at all--that Islam is strictly against terrorism. This a man who knows nothing about Islam. Forte and Bush, along with 90% of Americans have fallen
prey to what I've taken to calling the Americanization of reality. It goes like this:
In America, all religions are equal; Judaism and Christianity are by and large considered to be peaceful and tolerant; Islam, Christianity, and
Judaism are all religions; ergo Islam must be peaceful and tolerant too.
So when we hear bin Laden invoke Allah's name to justify his crimes, we're told that he is a false prophet, a fake.
But if you're not apt to blindly believe conventional wisdom, and you read Islamic scripture, you see that bin Laden is correct. He is a Muslim. He
is not a liar.
If you take a look into Forte's background, you realize why, since he can't have possibly been chosen as an expert on Islam, he was chosen as
Bush's advisor on Islam. Forte is a Constitutional lawyer. He was chosen to reassure the American Muslim community that their constitutional rights
will be protected, and the best and most effective way to do this is to whitewash Islam's dark side so the rest of us can go back to sleep.