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Is this the meaning of life? – testing some theories

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posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:20 AM
For some time now, I have played with the idea, of coming up with a rational answer to the question - what is the meaning of life?
I still find it hard to express all of the thoughts I've had about the subject, so I hope that by sharing my thoughts with you guys, I can learn something new, and perhaps get a step closer to formulating a specific answer. I do not claim to know what the meaning of life is, nor do I claim that there is one. But if I were to give it my best guess, this would be it:

There is one intention which is shared by almost all men and that is to stay alive. Naturally there are exceptions, but for the vast majority of earth’s population, survival is alpha and omega.
I would argue that this is the intention that the most people on earth share, but I have no numbers to verify such a claim, so I’ll leave it for you to decide for yourselves, if there are any other intentions that supersede it.
So the meaning of life becomes a question of how to survive.

How do we survive then?
So far, our shared history has shown us, that by gathering information, we can learn how to manipulate our surroundings and how to co-exist with them in a sustainable manner, and hence increase our odds of survival significantly.

So - the meaning of life is collecting data.

I've written a few argument. I know they aren't great. Perhaps I should just roll it all into one. But this is for the purpose of testing my theories out on you - so trial and error.

StarWars argument:
Yoda: “Everything! Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.
We fear the unknown. We hate what we fear. Sometimes to an extend that is irrational and counterproductive. Therefore it is important to collect information, so that we might increase our understanding, and control our fear.

Giants argument:
We stand on the shoulders of giants. This means that without our scientific history and without the ability to transfer information from generation to generation, we would not have the modern marvels we see today. Our medicine, our gadgets, in fact most aspects of our modern lives, are the direct result of collecting data. We live longer, healthier lives.

Statistical argument:
The way we use data, will always be limited to our current understanding of it. This process of survival through understanding is not bullet proof, because there is no guarantee that it is right. But science is self-correcting. Even though it may not always be right, it does have the best statistical probabilities of being right of any system, and should therefore also give the best foundations for survival.

Let me know what you think.
These thoughts can be summed up in many ways. Personally I prefer calling it collecting or gathering data, since I find it to be the most boring way to say it. But feel free to suggest alternatives - to any part.
If you see any major holes, or well, any holes at all, please point them out. I suspect that there will be holes. But I do also feel there is something to it all.

I am not interested in making this a religious discussion, so please refrain from bringing it up. I am more interested in testing the logic of the argument, than hearing how it fits with theological theories.
edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Mads1987

If there is a meaning to this life then neither my intelligence nor my imagination can grasp it.

But with all of my heart I can love the experience and God who gives me it, whether good or bad. I use my intelligence when I need to, but when I can it's better to wade in the ocean of infinity.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 07:54 AM
What is the purpose of life would be a better title. We are here to experience what it is to be alive and to test how we could handle it with free will. Even though there are boundries to our free will, we still can wander alongside the path of life without getting lost. That path of life is like a tree, with many branches. Choices are made along the way and if the choice is wrong, we have to go back and do it over. If we run into a dead end and refuse humiliation in our decision to take the path, we stagnate and die from boredom. There is nothing wrong with backtracking to find the right path.

To complete my task I must pass on my knowledge of survival along with information of my mistakes on choosing a path to my offspring. Verbal teachings are the best, they are personal. Writing things down can be very wrong, as there is always evidence and we may decide not to write the mistakes, only the right choices we made. Learning from your mistakes or the mistakes of others is crucial to survival of the genetic line. Schools tend to lean on written things, a policy which is flawed. All my experience can not be put into writing. I can put tidbits of it in place but showing someone how to do things is much better than writing how to do it. As you are doing it, memories often come to you of things that can go wrong, these memories need to be shared and nobody wants to write down their mistakes so others can see them.

I have taught my granddaughter many things. I told her I have to pass this stuff on. She has it hard, she not only had to learn what is taught in school but had to learn everything I know about nature and survival if things go wrong in the world. I won't be around forever, someday I will die, my experience will be lost. I have no desire to pass this experience to someone who is not my offspring, although if they really want to learn, i will teach them. I have taught many new young workers how to do things but was neglecting my offspring. What I am teaching my offspring is more important though. Part of me lives on in my children and their children.

It is more important to be respected by your relatives than a million people that you do not know. If I was to choose who remembers me, it would be my relatives and a few close friends, not a bunch of strangers. I probably do not know any of you here, but I try to teach you guys a little of what I know and am researching. Most people want respect, I just want to tell what I have discovered, my reward is the peice of mind that maybe someone will continue on with what I see and maybe they will teach someone else. Sooner or later it will circle around and maybe help the people I am related to.

Survival of the genetic line is important. It is why our children move out of our homes. It is the reason they move to different states. If everyone is in the same place and something happens, the whole family is gone. We all know this, this is genetic knowledge, it exists whether we understand it or not. It is part of the reason we are here on earth. Pandemics usually do not hit everywhere, they are local events. Same with earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods. If everyone is living in one spot, than it is not good. Most people do not realize this is going on behind our consciousness.

S&F for bringing up a topic that is very important to us
edit on 11-9-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

Thank you for sharing. I feel most of your points tie in very well with the thoughts I've had about the meaning of life. I am glad you included survival of family as well - as I meant survival for both the individual, family, race and species when I wrote the OP.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:06 AM
The idea of the "meaning of life" can sound pretty complicated and deep. However I believe the meaning itself can be quite simple, but with complex implications.

Personally, I'm currently juggling two ideas for the meaning of life; Unity, and Creation.

I don't exactly mean creation in a religious sense, but more so the creation of thoughtforms and the distribution of conscious energy throughout our world. Essentially, mental evolution.
edit on 11-9-2013 by Kalmah because: spelling error

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 08:36 AM
Life is a random mistake.
We are parasites, destroyer of worlds.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:18 AM

The idea of the "meaning of life" can sound pretty complicated and deep. However I believe the meaning itself can be quite simple, but with complex implications.

Personally, I'm currently juggling two ideas for the meaning of life; Unity, and Creation.

I don't exactly mean creation in a religious sense, but more so the creation of thoughtforms and the distribution of conscious energy throughout our world. Essentially, mental evolution.
edit on 11-9-2013 by Kalmah because: spelling error

Instead of 'mental' evolution I think a more accurate way to phrase it would be, evolution of the universal 'collective consciousness' through the experiences of love, free will and creation, which guide us to the unity of One.

My meaning of life is:

To Love
To Create
To Evolve

Also, I have always thought that one of the big points for us in our life is to leave this world with more energy than when we arrived.... May that be the creation of energy though work or love.
edit on 11-9-2013 by Euphony because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 09:55 AM
I would guess that surviving is incidental. I think its only such a focus of life because nobody really knows for sure what happens when we die, and that terrifies people. They do whatever they can to remain alive out of primitive fear. I believe the "meaning" or "purpose" of life is to have experiences and learn from them.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 10:04 AM
I've always found it to be that life has no (inherent or intricate) meaning, purpose, point.
It is all void, and ready to be filled. By you, me or whoever cares to create one.

Things are what they are, and they can become what you make or don't make of them.
Once your life is over, and your story has been told, then these things have become definite and your life, a part of fiction, possibly a lesson.

Survival (of our species) is an important thing in our lives, but is neither the meaning nor the purpose nor the point. I see it as a means to an end. It is the road, not the destination. And the road has no meaning so long the destination isn't reached.

It is all void, and you play with shadows, so long you live. Letting their shape change over and over. And then, at death, the lights go on and the painting is written, the story finished to be told.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Mads1987

So - the meaning of life is collecting data.

In my opinion that is close to what I believe.

I believe it is to experience the data at the lowest forms, collecting the data yes so with that data we have understanding to help us survive as you say, but I believe even deeper its simply to experience that data so so we are aware of our existence and being.

You make your view easy to understand and I agree with your points.

S/F for asking yourself these challenging questions and sharing them here with us

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 10:05 AM

Instead of 'mental' evolution I think a more accurate way to phrase it would be, evolution of the universal 'collective consciousness' through the experiences of love, free will and creation, which guide us to the unity of One.

My meaning of life is:

To Love
To Create
To Evolve

Also, I have always thought that one of the big points for us in our life is to leave this world with more energy than when we arrived.... May that be the creation of energy though work or love.
edit on 11-9-2013 by Euphony because: (no reason given)

You are right, the evolution of the universal 'collective consciousness' is a more accurate term. I was trying to keep it simple, I suppose.
What I was refering to specifically was the personal revolution needed to even be aware of the collective consciousness; and to be aware of your own mental (in addition to emotional) body.

But I see we are thinking along the same lines here.
edit on 11-9-2013 by Kalmah because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

We are here to experience what it is to be alive and to test how we could handle it with free will.

Even though there are boundries to our free will,

No thumbs down but I disagree from my personal experience that there are no boundaries.

I respect yours and maybe understand because I could say there are boundaries as well but our awareness can break through them, so thats why I say there are none.

edit on 11-9-2013 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 11:09 AM
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away"

Pablo Picasso

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Mads1987

The only meaning there is is the one you give to your life. But it will always be subjective.

NO there is no "GRAND" meaning to your life or even humanity's existence, for that matter. It can easily be proven just by asking yourself this: did your great grandfather (anyone's) believe he was special or meant to greater things? Probably yes, most think that, arrogance is one trait of humans. Yet he is dead and nothing changed. His existence changed nothing. His memory faded and almost nothing remains of his existence. The world didnt change one bit after his death. What does it say? Simply that everything will continue long after your death or humanity's extinction. More depressing when you know that you are not part of this planet or even the food chain. And even more depressing is the fact that the world will be a better place once humankind is out of the game like healed of a disguting rotten gangrene. Its fascinating in a way that so many so called "special/unique" people are in fact less than a grain of salt and not needed by ANY natural laws.

When i say the humanity is the most hypocrite thing that ever existed, im not kidding..

edit on 11-9-2013 by _damon because: (no reason given)

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