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Is Syria a foreign distraction from a domestic issue?

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posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 02:59 PM

Good afternoon ATS. I am rather tired of the Syria mess, as I know all if not most of you are as well. I would like to extend a question that may have been overlooked in all of the attention Syria is getting. Remember Kosovo? Remember how it seemed that it served as a distraction from Clinton's scandals at home?

Think about this carefully. We all know that TPTB are well versed in subterfuge, secrecy, and double-dealing. Think about the con artist that hides the marble under a cup then moves it around 2 other cups fast and distracts you from where the marble ends up. It always ends up in his pocket somehow.

I use this example because I have read at least a dozen Syria threads and how they affect us. Most of the consequences are viable, and worthy of concern. But people have only seemed to scratch the surface as to why out politicians in the States have been so lock-step and vehement about this. What is in it for them? As far as I can tell, nothing. There must be some domestic reason that they are willing to commit political suicide for a cause that to any rational mind makes little sense to get involved in.

So now that I have set this up, let us as a community dig below the surface. What is going on domestically that requires a sleight of hand? U.N. Peacekeepers training for urban warfare and civil unrest? Loads of ammo, weapons, and APTs? Crumbling economic infrastructure? Think ATS! Friends, let's discuss this!
edit on 9-9-2013 by JackSparrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:13 PM
I think if there is a distraction from a domestic issue our answers are here at ATS. Economic colapse = people panicking. But why take a chance of making China mad if that's the case. There is something fishy though. The admin still want to sell this in spite of a more humane short term deal. And the delay has only given time to hide weapons and prep for war over there.

I will look forward to checking in on others ideas on a domestic reason. I personally think it's about not giving control to Russia and Iran. It is a smokescreen for something for sure. None of this makes sense because they aren't being honest. And we're buying into it because we're trying to fill in the blanks. Why doesn't someone ask them to just tell the truth! But no one is going to do that. If I were talking with someone not making sense I would straight up confront them - "there is something you arent telling me and your leaving me to fill in the blanks - can't help you to achieve your goals if your not transparent". It's not gonna happen in this case.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by JackSparrow17

This has crossed my mind several times. Think about it, when was the last time you really heard anything about the NSA, Fast and Furious ect...

It really does make you stop and go 'hhhmmmmmm'

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:14 PM

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:26 PM
I don't think it was created to be a distraction. But I think that the Obama administration doesn't mind a distraction keeping people from demanding answers about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Spy-Gate, and the rest of his so-called 'phony' scandals.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Well my thought that it wasn't a created distraction, so much as a convenient distraction. There is more at play than being let out, which is what some have said here. Remember the nearly weekly shipment of fresh scandals? Not a peep now. Water under the bridge, or over...?

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by JackSparrow17

Should be fairly obvious. Primary thing that isn't being discussed much? The NSA. Another domestic issue...drought in 80% of the US, especially in the food belt. CNN does a cheery "it's not so much of a problem" here attitude, which is funny because I just had a total stranger panic about the price of chicken at the local grocery store about 30 minutes ago. CNN "cheery" article here:

Those are the two biggest domestic issues that aren't getting a whole lot of airtime right now in lieu of Syria.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Well I don't buy into "doom porn" or weird lizard-men or UFOs stuff. I do, however, buy into corrupt and evil men doing corrupt and evil things for money or power. I will check out those threads you linked to for future reading. There is a wealth of knowledge and ideas here that I enjoy sifting through. Just have to separate the wheat from the chaff.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:34 PM
New member. Joined at 9:11 PM.

PS:Not yet aware on how to create a thread.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:40 PM
I am pretty sure Obama would much rather be talking about the lastest increase and jobs and the last forces in Afganistan leaving along with trying to restarth Isreali-Palestine peace process than dealing with Syria something he has avoid doing anything about for 2 years. So yes it is a distraction but, not one the Administration wants.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I concur a little. I think it was convenient in both drumming up war debates as well as being yet another "look what intelligence gathering gives us" example. Not sure if it was intended to backfire though as they may have underestimated just how jaded the US public is about now. That said, the timing of this being paraded around I suspect as being entirely deliberate as the August 21st chemical weapons use was not the first time chemical weapons had been reported as being used in Syria.

March 2013:

December 2012:

So, almost 6 months from the second chemical weapons attack and 9 months from the first reported use and it's an issue worth to go to war for now? According to the Times of Israel, we didn't give a damn back in January.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

Ah yes. Should be very obvious, no? I agree about your NSA comment. That shut up pretty quick. The drought and coming food shortage is a big deal too, but for some reason I get the sense that something else is afoot. No, not a doom porn thing either.
You know that part in SW Ep I where Obiwan says it's "elsewhere, elusive?" Kind of like that. We have the politicians diametrically opposed to the people, and for the first time since before even 9/11 people are being united over a single issue.
It's just bothering me, maybe this NSA rabbit-hole goes deeper?

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by JackSparrow17

I actually think Sryia is the distraction..... There's no telling what the True Powers that be are REALLY up to? You know regarding our domestic issues...... Nobody is talking about the November 13 and 14 Homeland security power grid failure exercise!!! c'mon people there really are some pressing undiscussed domestic issues looming. By the way the 2 day exercise is Canada, North America, and Mexico and is under the hypothetical situation of being without power for weeks possibly months? One of the largest drills in American History, sounds kind big to me?

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

I really don't know n how to respond to that. He never struck me as a warmonger. Bully, yes, but war? He just seems to be pulling unusually hard on this. Sure he gave this up to congress to decide, but for him to mention that he "doesn't even need to" is worrisome. He's not the biggest concern there. It's the rest of these nutjob politicians like McCain and Graham. What's in it for them besides senseless deaths?

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by GoldnGone

This (the Power Grid Exercise) was one of the issues that made me think of starting this thread. False Flag maybe? Intentional collapse? Amero? We see the left hand, but where is the right hand?

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:22 PM

Well I don't buy into "doom porn" or weird lizard-men or UFOs stuff.

Your ignorance is showing. No offense in that term, just that you state that you haven't read anything here that suggests folk are on the right track as regards your thesis and I suggest otherwise.

No one in the above links are talking about "lizard men," but, rather, provide more grist for the mill, and grasp, than you have here. You present the "problem" without any suggestion or profferings of "why?" Those links do.

Your basic assertion is a good one, your "research," on the other hand, is lacking. I suggest that you should probably read and research more before making blanket statements.

edit on 9-9-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:22 PM

reply to post by GoldnGone

This (the Power Grid Exercise) was one of the issues that made me think of starting this thread. False Flag maybe? Intentional collapse? Amero? We see the left hand, but where is the right hand?

Exactly....Good to see great minds think alike.

Although I'm certain we have a real agenda regarding Sryia, but is that the most immediate important issue? No! Its funny how these "exercises" have a way to fruition, somehow some way? False flag sure, cyber attack, use of secret technology that would be undetectable without electric monitoring? Its a craps shoot isn't it?

One thing we do know is the people who are awake are the ones asking WTF is going on here?

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by The GUT

You're quick to assume, friend. I understood what you were getting at the first time. I will readily admit ignorance on many fronts, and burned-in preconceived notions abound. It was more of a statement. Let's not get off track arguing semantics, though. Perhaps I could have worded what I said so it was more obvious tongue-in-cheek? I come here to ATS because of the wealth of knowledge, research and insight of the many here who are wiser and more intelligent than I. Let me promise you that I will read the threads you posted for further study. I appreciate your constructive criticism, btw.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:38 PM
Being at war creates a sort of 'national emergency', which in turn does two things. The first, is that it (supposedly) gives a lot of power to the executive and allows all sorts of rules and federal government action that usurps constitutional rights and states' rights. The second is that it causes a huge transfer of money from the economy from the taxpayer (commercial or private) into select industries.

It's been proven time and again that war is a net loss to the economy, and for people who detest the idea of unnecessary war, it's hard to point a finger at the government and say that they started a war to boost the economy. It does however, take scads of money and transfer it into the hands of a select few as well as giving a lot of power to the Joint Chiefs because their inventory and staffing become enormous. So some people benefit in huge quantities from war, despite that it's overall economically negative.

For the evil administration, starting a war in Syria is a double-whammy because the middle east has more or less cornered the international terrorism market, so it gives the federal government another prop to keep up the control and usurpation thing.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:38 PM

reply to post by The GUT

Well I don't buy into "doom porn" or weird lizard-men or UFOs stuff. I do, however, buy into corrupt and evil men doing corrupt and evil things for money or power. I will check out those threads you linked to for future reading. There is a wealth of knowledge and ideas here that I enjoy sifting through. Just have to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I starred you and everyone on your thread, OP. That's how pertinent I feel this topic is. But I believe we have yet to uncover what we are being distracted from....

As to the quote above I chose to reply to, you should read this member's threads and listen to what he/she has to's not doom porn, or any such thing, but well researched and presented and articulated.
When you first arrive here, however you came to find the site, you may be still in a state of "just going along, roll with the flow, so to speak," as I like to put it. However, the revelations after having studied, read and looked inward, can be quite revealing as to the true reality.
just sayin.
Great thread.
With respect,

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