I might be one of those annoying you, but will reply anyway.
I like things spelled properly, there is spell check so there shouldn't be any excuse. For example, there is a recent thread ''site supper slow''
which makes me think of slow dinner service, not a big deal but a tad annoying none the less, it's a thread title and a basic word, though I commented
on the thread, I didn't mention the spelling, it's nice to at least try to spell correctly, it gives more credence to the words used. That said, I am
in the UK and while I use a lot of American words for things, I don't replace UK English spelling for American English spellings as per spell check
and typo's are inevitable in forums. I don't use text speak because it isn't appropriate though I do occasionally use well known abbreviations.
Regarding the quality of threads, I presumed I was missing them due to the new format and refused to scroll around all day trying to find something
interesting. I spend limited time on ATS as I always have other things to do that are more important, but I like interesting topics and the truth so I
give time for reading and posting on such things and the occasional funny. Also the homepage seems littered with US politics, and famous US TV people
presumably, which doesn't interest me, politics are corrupt so I won't comment on individual politicians generally, nor their corrupt policies.
As for the 5/3, the big type, big buttons and glaring colours of the first try resulted in a headache for me, I mentioned it, tough if anyone else
didn't want me to, I have every right to, it isn't griping, it's constructive criticism, I could have said ''to hell with ATS'' and just avoided the
site but I prefer to speak up.
I personally don't create many threads because the ones I have created were mostly ignored so were a waste of time and there has been a whole load of
rubbish created recently, I guess it is a new set of user base and that's how they roll, it isn't my bag, nor is the ''this is our gang'' type of
thread, which is off putting to post in when people are in cliques and sharing 'in jokes' constantly, so I mostly avoid those threads too.
I have considered keeping ATS off my screen, which I am sure some would prefer, but I have decided to check in every now and then to see if there's
anything interesting and worthwhile that deserves my attention.
Rudeness from others has been something that I have always found on ATS, be it complaints about those complaining or about just about anything else,
there are probably worse sites and have been round the block a few times, I know how to handle it and it isn't bothering me.
edit on 11-9-2013
by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)