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The Coming Terrorist Attack, Syria, Iran, and WWIII

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 09:17 PM
There is one more possible path to war remaining, the same group involved in the gas attack that nearly provoked the USA to attack, consisting of former Iranian Quds force operatives, will be to orchestrate an attack on Israel that again can be blamed on Assad. An Israeli response to such an attack would be swift and devastating, and could spark a regional war against Israel, uniting Muslim sects and countries against Israel, the west could be drawn in and it all can go from bad to worse from there...


posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 02:03 PM
Did you mention this Mr. Redneck?

I am reading the news as it unfolds and I think there's even a topic on here in regard to this bit of information but could Russia and U.S. be in cahoots? The reason I say this is that it's very possible that the Syria/Russian deal was planned and expected for one general purpose; to "piss" off the rebels so they in turn attack the U.S.. This terrorist attack on the U.S. would then give an excuse to invade Syria. I am trying to read over everything, if someone already mentioned this then disregard my comment.

This would work well because the rebels are after all, theoretically the same boogie men that attacked the twin towers. This would add even more fuel to the public sentiment to support action. It just seems that the U.S. and Russia aren't really against each other. Good cop/bad cop nonsense that isn't real.

Edit: What I mean by the rebels attacking the U.S. is what the "official" story would be. This spin may or may not be true. It would be as you said, either the U.S. knew of such attack and would do nothing, or just staged the attack.
edit on 16-9-2013 by OrphanApology because: edit

Another edit: It could also be that the rebel "attack" would be on Russia as well which would then mean Russia sends troops to Syria which if the cahoots theory is true means the U.S. would then be "fighting" Russia. In the end the U.S. wins against Russia. I don't know, maybe I am looking into this wrong. Just an idea.
edit on 16-9-2013 by OrphanApology because: edit

Also: Sorry for so many edits but I keep thinking of things. If Russia and the U.S. got into a skirmish wouldn't that have implications in regard to how Iran handles things, especially since Iran is an ally of Russia? This just seems too juicy to ignore. I'll be quiet now until someone else posts something. Don't want my thoughts to run away to the point of becoming science fiction.
edit on 16-9-2013 by OrphanApology because: edit

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 02:43 PM


I am reading the news as it unfolds and I think there's even a topic on here in regard to this bit of information but could Russia and U.S. be in cahoots?

Back around 2000/2001 I read some information regarding the cold war.
It was stating that the bolshevik revolution was instigated and controlled by a group of jewish men from New York. It went on to state that the USSR was funded by the USA from the very beginning, through to its end.
It was very compelling information, but it was a long time ago I read it, it was a lot of information and I cannot vouch for its authenticity as I was a noob truth seeker back then, and was a bit gullible to say the least.

And with that in mind, I think it most highly possible that they are in cahoots.
edit on 20139America/Chicago09pm9pmMon, 16 Sep 2013 14:44:44 -05000913 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

I'd believe it. I am currently reading "The Creature from Jekyll Island" and I am putting it on one of my book lists that proved that no matter how learned you become you're always a noob. No matter what truth you find, the real truth is always farther away.

With that being said I really am not believing this chess game between the U.S. and Russia is real. It seems that, for the longest time they have been false opponents. Playing against each other to win sentiments in both countries that somehow the one world order didn't happen a very long time ago. That we still have physical and obvious enemies.

I was discussing it with a friend and told them, to me, it is not a new world order I'm scared of but the current world order. Every world war is a sham, for the world is already united under fiat currency and central banking. Every skirmish at this point, and fight is planned and staged. To give us a false sense of conflict so we divert our attention away from the reality of the situation: That the new world order is nothing new, and revolution is a joke term used between turns in a fictional chess game.

Now that I have stepped into the realm of science fiction, I will just say this is an awesome topic as it seems that no one has become rude or put anyone else down from what I can see.

I hope more people will comment as it's interesting to see all the replies. So many different types of people on here who wouldn't normally have these conversations if face to face.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Very interesting. I know I already posted but I found a Youtubes; just watch it. I need to find a real book/source.

Do you have any books you can remember that stated anything? Articles are fine as well.

Here is the Youtubes: Hold it with a grain of salt til' someone has some backing sources.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:35 PM



I am reading the news as it unfolds and I think there's even a topic on here in regard to this bit of information but could Russia and U.S. be in cahoots?

Back around 2000/2001 I read some information regarding the cold war.
It was stating that the bolshevik revolution was instigated and controlled by a group of jewish men from New York. It went on to state that the USSR was funded by the USA from the very beginning, through to its end.
It was very compelling information, but it was a long time ago I read it, it was a lot of information and I cannot vouch for its authenticity as I was a noob truth seeker back then, and was a bit gullible to say the least.

And with that in mind, I think it most highly possible that they are in cahoots.
edit on 20139America/Chicago09pm9pmMon, 16 Sep 2013 14:44:44 -05000913 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

The Russian revolution was financed and orchestrated by the NWO. I believe the head of NWO is King of Great Britain. There are power and wealthy families that are part of NWO.

The objective of Russian revolution was to obtain Russian natural resources for cheap, an objective that was fulfilled in the aftermath of the Russian revolution.

Wars are very good and profitable for NWO, as production of 'latest' weapons needs technology. The NWO controls technology. It buys up every company of strategic importance, or simply steals the ideas and kills the original proponent. Then it builds the weapons and sells at exorbitant prices.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Firstly I would like members to look at this article :-

Secretary of State John Kerry says the White House is planning an “unbelievably small” strike against Syria’s regime to punish it for using chemical weapons against civilians in Damascus.That’s contrary to other reports from the Pentagon, where officers are reportedly planning a two or three-day campaign, complete with hundreds of strikes from ships and long-range bombers.

Then if anyone living near here :-

Offutt AFB in south east Nebraska. I heard on our local news that two of the B-2 Stealth bombers from a base in Missouri were up here due to bad weather in Missouri. I see no bad weather in Missouri. I usually only see the B-2s when they have air shows up here at the base, which didn't happen this year due to funding cuts.
It just seems odd that they even mentioned it on the news at all except for the fact someone reported seeing odd airplanes in the sky, according to the news anyway.
And where is the bad weather in Missouri?
I believe the B-2s are usually at Whiteman AFB which is about 70 miles ESE of Kansas City.

Might possibly be able to confirm this , or have any information as why it may be happening.

edit on 17-9-2013 by Pinkorchid because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by OrphanApology

Interesting... I have not looked at things from that angle.

That would essentially make Russia a double-agent acting in US interests. It would also mean Assad is in deeper trouble than anyone realizes, because he is consorting with an "ally" who is actually an enemy.

My gut says no, that the tension between Russia and the US is real... but that's a gut reaction, not something I can back up with evidence. I'm going to withhold comment for the moment, as I really need to look at things from your perspective first. Anything other would just be a stream of consciousness.


posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

I will be looking forward to reading your research/thoughts on matter.

Also just a few more things to point out in relation to this, there's a topic somewhere on here in regard to Al-Qaeda having just announced a planned attack on U.S. in honor of the recent 9/11 anniversary and the ties between CIA and that group. Kind of seems like the whole point of the chemical weapon attack was to piss off the rebels as it seems that Russia is fanning the flames calling the attack staged. It's perfect fuel for motive on the side of Al-Qaeda to attack the U.S. in some manner in retaliation to the U.S. using chemical weapons in Syria. The U.S. states that's not the case of course and has no choice but to invade Syria.

Also just a few more points that are interesting to note in regard to everything that is happening, there was also a topic about Time magazine featuring Putin on every cover except in the U.S...sounds a little fishy to me.

Not to mention recent changes in Russia to align themselves with being "enemies" of the United States lifestyle and way of doing business. Some examples are they recently just passed an anti-gay propaganda law(meaning their Iranian, Syrian allies now wouldn't be able to change stance on any idealogical basis), not allowing U.S. to adopt children from there....etc etc etc.

Oh and also this right here, although I haven't been able to find a backing resource but Russian boots on the ground in U.S. sounds mighty fishy to me: -incidents-and-emergencies_06292013

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

Right after I posted that link, the content of website got a 404. Hmmm. Anyway, thankfully I still had page is the info in the article:

Rumors have circulated for years about the possibility of foreign troops being deployed on U.S. soil in the event of a widespread declaration of a national emergency. For quite some time there have been anecdotal reports to support the claim that the U.N., Russia and other nations would be used in a policing capacity should some critical event befall our nation.

The fear should such a scenario take place has been that these soldiers would act under the banner of their own flags, ignoring the fundamental protections afforded to our citizens, leaving Americans under the jurisdiction of people who don’t speak our language or respect our fundamental rights to self defense, to be secure in our homes, and to be presumed innocent in the eyes of the law.

Up until this point, nothing has ever been confirmed in writing, so officially no such foreign assistance has ever been agreed to. Thus, Americans had nothing to worry about.

All of this changed last week when representatives of Presidents Barrack Obama and Vladimir Putin met in Washington D.C., and not a single US-based news source reported it.

A press release posted on The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies reports that the United States and Russia will now cooperate in disaster response operations that will include the exchange of “experts” during “joint rescue operations,” a term that has been broadly defined under the new agreement.

This includes rescuers, trainers and even military “security” teams:

Several documents signed during joint work of Russian Emergency Ministry and FEMA

The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June.

The document provides for expert cooperation in disaster response operations and to study the latest practices.

In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.

At the end of the meeting the parties expressed their satisfaction with the level of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the United States in the area of emergency prevention and response and agreed to develop it in order to respond efficiently to all kinds of disasters.

Source: Emergency Command of Russia via Prepper Website

The President of the Unites States has just authorized the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to deploy foreign troops on U.S. soil during a mass event that encompasses an any number of disaster scenarios, including but not limited to declarations of martial law.

Should our country come under threat, something the Pentagon and US military have been simulating for years, we can now fully expect soldiers speaking broken English forcing their way through our front doors in similar fashion to what we saw in the wake of the Boston bombings.

edit on 17-9-2013 by OrphanApology because: EDIT

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Here is another article pertaining to the Russian FEMA agreement and recent "missing" drivers. Spooky indeed. Kind of odd treatment of a country who's supposedly an enemy.
edit on 17-9-2013 by OrphanApology because: edit

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by OrphanApology

If dollar loses value, which can happen if oil producing states start accepting currencies like Yuan and Indian rupee for payment, there will be hyperinflation in the USA and steep cutbacks in social welfare and size of government.

It can cause revolt in USA. The financial situation is USA is far worse than citizens are prepared to believe.

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