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So the Banksters and Globalists WON in Australia.

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posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by Melbourne_Militia

Many in this thread must obviously be young people because if you don't believe Australia need Abbott now then you do not understand how sorry the office of priministership had become under Labor.

How do you figure that 38 yr male here and don't share your views some us don't change our income level or whom we vote for with age all that much either still roughly do the same as did when i was 20. try again.

Abott is a family man, a religious man, a man with values and a man who has proven himself in opposition the last 6 years.

So thats all matters to those here on ats in your view? Interesting what makes you so sure.
So much I thought neo libs were for the rugged individualists you know kind of like Nietzsche or Ayn Rand whom if they were truly such could stand on their own two feet without their family or handouts from them but their individualism stretches about as far as the generational family trust account not too much hard work there. As for christian bah ha i doubt you care too much for them either not that has anything to do with family one has gay families, satanic families etc.. all kinds of families.

Like former Prime Minister Howard was ridiculed the first time he had a tilt at the leadership position in the late 80's yet became one of our greatest PM's 10 years later. Abott will do the same.

Hmm but apparently you like guns(judging avatar) yet it was Howard that brought in the toughest anti firearms fed legislation in the whole western world shortly following port arthur massacre certainly many middle americans could never stand for those kind of laws if they lived here.
You apparently think you're the Aussie version of such middle americans.I also draw your attention to Mr King Liberal member for Campbelltown nsw whom recently come up with the innovative big bro idea of sniper rifles for the cops/feds/asio to fire RFID style chips into legal gun owners not leb criminal thugs with glocks etc. whom nsw cops have zero control over, you see can be very lucrative the copper grass racket esp the coppers cut.

The worst Socialist 2 terms of government we have ever had. Thats a fact those that understand politics will agree was horrendous, a disaster and a mess.

It is clear you haven't the slightest idea what socialism is or looks like for that matter capitalism either maybe politics is not one of your strong points! For the record right wing populist parties are winning all over the world socialism is almost a relic of the past. I doubt anti socialist rhetoric would work on any but the most feeble minded private schoolboys.

edit on 12-9-2013 by Theprimordialocker because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-9-2013 by Theprimordialocker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:47 AM

I have to agree with you, perhaps if he lowers welfare payments than more people will have to seriously think about finding work because they wont be able to live off government handouts and then we wont end up with so many people in need of "critical assistance".
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Put simply for work to be there has to be work there for folks to do plus the necessary skills and right ones. Australias going down nothing to do with gov either. Sliding demand for minerals at present plus employment is slowing down likely all due to Soros devaluing AUD 6 months ago. Not a good time be putting the boot into those without a job.
One thing that should be done is a brake put on 457 foreign workers especially when locals are finding it hard to get work. The backpackers can just stay back in gloomy europe for a change and the curries in Madras. Australia doesn't owe every citizen of the world the good life in the sun and surf just so they can boose and work on their pink ruddy complexions either.
edit on 12-9-2013 by Theprimordialocker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 08:59 AM
Personally, I welcome Abbot & Co. with open arms.

At the end of the Howard years our economy was in one of the best places, something that it only took Rudd & Stooges one term to completely undo. Not to mention that the LNP is more unified or comes across as that and they're mature enough to keep their dirty laundry and infighting out of the public eye.

They proved my chosen profession with a greater budget in relation to GDP which in turn will make it easier for me to do my job.

Their policy on mining and carbon taxes mean that Australia might become a viable entity for people to bro their business back to Australia. Personally, I would rather see us prosper and explore our potential rather than being crippled and left decades behind as the ALP would have.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by AussieNutter

In a global economy run by bankers and corporate feudalists govs have nothing to do with anything Economic/Financial those that think so are pretty dense.
I dont care how educated they think they are!.The calibre of Aussie posters on ats has not improved since last i was here i see.
edit on 12-9-2013 by Theprimordialocker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 12:00 PM

Personally, I welcome Abbot & Co. with open arms.

At the end of the Howard years our economy was in one of the best places, something that it only took Rudd & Stooges one term to completely undo. Not to mention that the LNP is more unified or comes across as that and they're mature enough to keep their dirty laundry and infighting out of the public eye.

They proved my chosen profession with a greater budget in relation to GDP which in turn will make it easier for me to do my job.

Their policy on mining and carbon taxes mean that Australia might become a viable entity for people to bro their business back to Australia. Personally, I would rather see us prosper and explore our potential rather than being crippled and left decades behind as the ALP would have.

Dude I am so sick of this mentality that people here have and have been running about saying.
Howard made no long term investments, he sold off government assets that were making money. do you really see logic to this?

Would you sell off a business that was making you lots of money?
The answer is no.

We weren't in any financial trouble, it was just a debt just like you, if you own a house thats not paid in full, eventually it will pay it self off but you have to work hard for that to happen. People who voted libereal have taken a the easy road out by voting them.

Its like saying you have 50 thousand dollars of assets that you need to sell, but in reality you need these to keep your business going so you can make mortgage payments. but selling these assets to pay off the mortgage where will this leave you. because you need a income to pay for the rates utility's still.

We got through the GFC, Rudd got us there, we could of went down like the other countries.

edit on pm09Thu, 12 Sep 2013 12:02:05 -0500pmk05 by amraks because: (no reason given)

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