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One God, Infinite Faces

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posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 04:53 AM
One God, Infinite Faces

There is One Truth.

Our limited human perceptions and relative-subjectivity cause each and every one of us to have a different “distortion” of the One Truth. With every iota of our perceptions, logic, reasoning, understanding, experiences, and beliefs,… we all hold incredibly real and tangible “versions” of the One Truth.

What is the One Truth? It is futile to put great emphasis on words or conceptualizations, because the “distortion” and “version” of our own individual truth is as real to each of us as the warmth felt from the Sun. Each of us kgnow the One Truth in a relative fashion.


What is relative-subjectivity? It is the sum total of the perceptions, feelings, experiences, awareness, and understandings of an individual, in relation to place, perspective, and time, which shapes their beliefs, thoughts, and opinions. It is the way we interpret things as individuals.


In a non-religious tense: The 'warm tingly' feeling that we get when we really kgnow something,… is a Face of God. That incredible burst of unexpected and spontaneous love, or happiness, or creativity, or courage, or strength, or comfort, or intuition, or insight, or guidance, or understanding,… are all Faces of God.

The coincidences, synchronicities, potentialities, accidents, the cause-effect, and the miracles are different Faces of God.

When we look into the eyes of another person, or watch a bird, or admire a river, or gaze at the stars,... we are looking into different Faces of God.

When we pray or worship any God or Deity, regardless of the religion or ideology,… the presence, warmth, and light that is felt from sincerity is indeed the same God. Meditation is also another Face of God. When we kgnow our Self, we kgnow God.

Whether we understand the Most High as a supreme God,… or as pantheon of Gods,… or as an all-encompassing, all-transcending, and all-emanating Spirit/Æther/Mind/Self/Energy/Matrix/Force/Chi,… or as nature and the Universe,… it is the same God seen with different Faces.

The feeling that we get when we are truly sincere,… is a Face of God. We all experience the same reality with relative-subjective filters.

The least distorted truth is "One"

May Peace be upon us all.

edit on 9/7/13 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

Our limited human perceptions

I would find this humorous if it wasn't such a pitiful statement when it comes to the belief in gods. I've never heard a religion boast of how smart humans are. No, according to religion we are flawed. We are ignorant. We are imperfect. Our perception is limited. And yet, we dunderheads are smart enough to have figured out there's a god even though there's no evidence whatsoever to back up this claim? Yup, it's funny.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Whether we understand the Most High as a supreme God,… or as pantheon of Gods,… or as an all-encompassing, all-transcending, and all-emanating Spirit/Æther/Mind/Self/Energy/Matrix/Force/Chi,… or as nature and the Universe,… it is the same God seen with different Faces.

This is sounding like the New One World Religion to me where every spiritual belief is going to be merged into 1.

pantheon of Gods. A.K.A Traitors to their Commanding Officer, YHWH. And what happens to traitors in the military ? Answer: death by FIREing squad. In this case, cast into the Lake of Fire.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Rapha

Originally posted by Sahabi
Whether we understand the Most High as a supreme God,… or as pantheon of Gods,… or as an all-encompassing, all-transcending, and all-emanating Spirit/Æther/Mind/Self/Energy/Matrix/Force/Chi,… or as nature and the Universe,… it is the same God seen with different Faces.

This is sounding like the New One World Religion to me where every spiritual belief is going to be merged into 1.

All religion roots point to the fact that there is only one. All arises in the one.
Check out non duality - which means one without a second.
edit on 7-9-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
All religion roots point to the fact that there is only one. All arises in the one.
Check out non duality - which means one without a second.

....point to the fact of only one ... what ? a religion, god, leader, entity ?

All arises from our Lord, the One where 1 out of 1 - YHWH, self existent.

non-duality. Sounds like what this world will be like after Judgement Day where everyone who hates Christians won't be here on Earth anymore.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by Sahabi

Our limited human perceptions

I would find this humorous if it wasn't such a pitiful statement when it comes to the belief in gods. I've never heard a religion boast of how smart humans are. No, according to religion we are flawed. We are ignorant. We are imperfect. Our perception is limited.

1. The op is not promoting human inferiority:

Humans can not see infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays,... nor can we hear low-frequency sound (infrasound) or high-frequency sound (ultrasound). Therefore, the perceptions of a human are limited.

Humans are not all-knowing, all-present, or all powerful. We are confined to time, place, perspective, relative-subjectivity, and mental understanding. Therefore, humans are limited.

Do you agree, or do you believe humans are not limited in their perceptions, experiences, and understandings?


And yet, we dunderheads are smart enough to have figured out there's a god even though there's no evidence whatsoever to back up this claim? Yup, it's funny.

2. The op is not promoting religion nor an anthropomorphic God in Heaven watching, judging, punishing, and rewarding:

The op is proposing that all of known and unknown existence is fully unified and interconnected. That there is only one reality, one existence, and one truth,... but that our limitations and human mechanisms distort it all to give us personal and individual interpretations of the same thing. We experience, think, and believe differently than all other humans because we are relative experiencers.


If it were said that there was an agenda or promotion amongst the op, it would be "Monistic Panentheism"

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Rapha

Originally posted by Sahabi
Whether we understand the Most High as a supreme God,… or as pantheon of Gods,… or as an all-encompassing, all-transcending, and all-emanating Spirit/Æther/Mind/Self/Energy/Matrix/Force/Chi,… or as nature and the Universe,… it is the same God seen with different Faces.

This is sounding like the New One World Religion to me where every spiritual belief is going to be merged into 1.

pantheon of Gods. A.K.A Traitors to their Commanding Officer, YHWH. And what happens to traitors in the military ? Answer: death by FIREing squad. In this case, cast into the Lake of Fire.

Let's face it, all of mankind's individuated cultures, understandings, and achievements are becoming more integrated, merged, and shared due to improved communications and travel of the 20th and 21st centuries. Everything about mankind's differences are becoming "merged". So it should come as no surprise that movements such as comparative religion and the Theosophical Society have emerged to better understand the mixing or our ever-increasingly shared understandings.


I thought the United States of America was the "New World Order", being, new and different than the previous global rule of monarchies.

I don't know what "New One World Religion" you are talking about,... but a religion threatening eternal fire for the simple act of free-thought appears to be more totalitarian and authoritative than what this op is discussing.

May Peace be upon you.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

In a non-religious tense: The 'warm tingly' feeling that we get when we really kgnow something,… is a Face of God. That incredible burst of unexpected and spontaneous love, or happiness, or creativity, or courage, or strength, or comfort, or intuition, or insight, or guidance, or understanding,… are all Faces of God.

How about when the terrorists hijacked planes and slammed them into the Twin Towers? Were they experiencing a face of a god?

When female news reporters get raped by Muslims in the Middle East, were those rapists feeling a face of a god?

When a heroin addict feels that euphoria when the warm liquid goes into his arm, is this a face of a god?

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by Sahabi

In a non-religious tense: The 'warm tingly' feeling that we get when we really kgnow something,… is a Face of God. That incredible burst of unexpected and spontaneous love, or happiness, or creativity, or courage, or strength, or comfort, or intuition, or insight, or guidance, or understanding,… are all Faces of God.

How about when the terrorists hijacked planes and slammed them into the Twin Towers? Were they experiencing a face of a god?

When female news reporters get raped by Muslims in the Middle East, were those rapists feeling a face of a god?

When a heroin addict feels that euphoria when the warm liquid goes into his arm, is this a face of a god?

Good point, inspired even. But the OP was inspired to write of the other side. A god has two sides and many faces. You recognise only the black. Thank god not all of us do.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Shema

Good point, inspired even. But the OP was inspired to write of the other side. A god has two sides and many faces. You recognise only the black. Thank god not all of us do.

You're almost right. It's not that I only recognize the black side; it's that if a god existed I WOULD recognize that he/she/it had a dark side. Most believers (if not all of them) believe in a storybook type of god. All good, all light, all loving...all things positive. They believe that a god created EVERYTHING, yet will fight tooth and nail to deny that this god also created evil.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Humans can not see infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays,... nor can we hear low-frequency sound (infrasound) or high-frequency sound (ultrasound). Therefore, the perceptions of a human are limited.

But are they really??
We have the capacity to create devices to determine the specifics of each and every single one of those things.
The perceptions of a human are limited, but the capacity to create a greater perception beyond oneself is inherently human.

Humans are not all-knowing, all-present, or all powerful.
We are confined to time, place, perspective, relative-subjectivity, and mental understanding.
Therefore, humans are limited.

We are on the road to such though would you not agree?
Through technologies, humans can become unlimited.

Do you agree, or do you believe humans are not limited in their perceptions, experiences, and understandings?

Currently, yes. Forever, no.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by jiggerj

How about when the terrorists hijacked planes and slammed them into the Twin Towers? Were they experiencing a face of a god?

When female news reporters get raped by Muslims in the Middle East, were those rapists feeling a face of a god?

When a heroin addict feels that euphoria when the warm liquid goes into his arm, is this a face of a god?

Those types of events occur when the terrorist, rapist, and addict does not see the Face of God in their victims and within themselves. If they saw the Face of God in others, they would not be compelled to spread suffering.


If you would like to posit the dual concept of [Evil Good], then yes, those opposites consist of a unity emanating from One. However, all dualities are actually illusionary and superficial. All dualities are varying degrees of the same One thing.


May Peace be with you my brother jiggerj

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by jiggerj

Most believers (if not all of them) believe in a storybook type of god. All good, all light, all loving...all things positive. They believe that a god created EVERYTHING, yet will fight tooth and nail to deny that this god also created evil.

Perhaps you are misunderstanding the op. There is no promotion or propagation of religion or belief in the op. There is no propagation of a Creator God who is All-Loving while being void of evil.


A belief system which posits that the divine interpenetrates every part of nature and timelessly extends beyond it.

In panentheism, the universe in the first formulation is practically the whole itself. In the second formulation, the universe and the divine are not ontologically equivalent. In panentheism, God is viewed as the eternal animating force behind the universe. Some versions suggest that the universe is nothing more than the manifest part of God. In some forms of panentheism, the cosmos exists within God, who in turn "transcends", "pervades" or is "in" the cosmos. While pantheism asserts that 'All is God', panentheism goes further to claim that God is greater than the universe. In addition, some forms indicate that the universe is contained within God, like in the concept of Tzimtzum.


A philosophical position which argues that the variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance. The wide definition states that all existing things go back to a source which is distinct from them. The common, restricted definition implies also a unity of substance and essence.


These concepts are similar to the Unified Field Theory.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:19 AM

May peace be upon us all, indeed.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

The video is wonderful. Thank you for posting it.

As many things consist of levels and layers, 'figuratively speaking', so to is reality, awareness, and consciousness. The so-called levels and layers are superficial and illusionary. On the "illusionary level" of corporal, physical human existence, reality can be conceptualized as a unity of One. Though One and Many are dual poles, the "One" being referenced is "THAT" which transcends both Finite and Infinity, transcends One and Many.

Once stepping beyond the realm of corporal, physical human existence,... and into the realm of consciousness and the self,... then such discussions as presented in your linked video are a true treasure! The concepts and descriptions in the video you provided are kgnown once we understand the ego-identity, the mind, and thought. There is nothing to seek, destroy, or fight. It Is What It Is.

Peace my brother

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:16 AM

Those types of events occur when the terrorist, rapist, and addict does not see the Face of God in their victims and within themselves. If they saw the Face of God in others, they would not be compelled to spread suffering.

May Peace be with you my brother jiggerj
reply to post by Sahabi

Peace to you too, my friend. I'm just trying to keep it real. If the faces of a god are joy and mercy and forgiveness, then his faces MUST also be suffering and coldheartedness and revenge.

We try to separate all the good feelings from the bad, but when we look inside the bag of emotions we will ALWAYS find ALL of these feelings strung together like links on a bracelet. To try to remove, deny, or reject just one of these feelings is to pull all of them out of the bag. If a god exists then all we have to do is look at the world to see that he IS love. He IS hate. He IS forgiving. He IS vengeful.

Imagine how shallow we'd be if all the so-called negative emotions never existed. Those negative emotions are just as good as the good emotions. They would HAVE to come from this god.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by jiggerj

It's called free will. That was given man by whatever/whoever created us...should your beliefs go in that direction.

Good/Evil or Light/Dark, it's our choice to make.

Many names for One. Imagine how much better our lives, and the lives of those around us would be if that'd sink in. Certainly history would have been a bit less bloody.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

Don't get me wrong my brother.

On a certain level, "Good" and "Evil" are varying degrees of the One same aspect. So to is the same with "Light" and "Darkness", and "Right" and "Wrong". These things would not exist without their opposite.

Dualities help us understand things according to our physical, relative-subjective human experience. However, all dualities are actually illusionary and superficial. All dualities are actually one scale with varying degrees.

This "One" discussed in the thread is not the same as the "Number One" nor the same as a religious "One God". On the level of physical reality, it is the inherit and intrinsic unity of all. On a conscious level, "It Is What It Is" and "I Am That I Am" and "Isness".

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Rapha

Non duality cannot be made into a religion.


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