ATS once again your irony proceeds you (.. some of you.)
With respect to the OP (in regards to the situation in Syria w/checkpoints on every corner and such) it's just that if this happened in America, you'd
have most ATS members calling this conspiracy. "This is now a police state!"
You say, "The government does a very good job at protecting its people."
Typical USA-involved ATS user response - "It's marshal law! Don't be a sheep!" (etc.) (when it suits them)
A Poster shows the bodies of people Assad has killed. All of a sudden, Poster is a "mindless Mass Media propaganda machine." A "troll." Dismissed
without discussion or evidence.
And all of these assumptions (here in this topic) going off the word of (again, respectively) one woman, living in a heavily government controlled
OP (or someone else with contacts in Syria) mentioned that people back Assad because he represents "The pride of the nation" which could spin two
ways. Pride is not synonymous with Good.
No doubt the rebels are of the "morally grey or worse" kind, but some of what I'm seeing, in this topic, is.. well, disappointing.
Why shouldn't we critique and question these people's support for Assad? How does the fact that the "majority supports him" mean he's suddenly not as
bad as the massacre footage makes him out to be?
"Oh, I hear the majority in America love Obama, so really YOU ATS guys are the evil rebels."
edit on 7-9-2013 by LoveFurther because: added point
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edit on 7-9-2013 by LoveFurther because: (no reason given)
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edit on 7-9-2013 by LoveFurther because: spelling correction
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edit on 7-9-2013 by LoveFurther because: (no reason
edit on 7-9-2013 by LoveFurther because: (no reason given)