I have happen upon this site many times in the past but recently joined due to a big revelation with an experience I had many years ago. I think I
have had a few non significant paranormal experiences in my past 33 years and look forward to discussing those when I am able. I am more of a lurker,
aka information junkie. So getting the 20 post in may be a bit of work for me but hey have to eat your peas before you get your cake.
I am just an average married mother of 2 girls. I believe in many paranormal "theories" but try to live a "normal" day to day life.
I really enjoy this site and hope to learn a lot about the world around us!
Hm, I had weird paranormal experiences too. One of which actually changed my very personality and made me evolve... I look forward to hearing what you
have to share.
Welcome here! Greetings from Canada.
edit on 5-9-2013 by swanne because: (no reason given)
Normal...you know go to work, take care of kids keep who you really are a secret and don't voice your opinions or stand out in the crowd....I live in
a small town in North Dakota for the time being so if you stand out its trouble for you. Can't wait to move back to Michigan!
Hi Trickey
welcome to ATS. I too initially joined to hear what experiences other people have had because a few strange occurrences have happened to me as well.
It will be good to hear some of your accounts. I hope you find some answers, or at the very least, like minded peers while you are here.
Welcome, Trickey280! Look forward to hearing about your experiences, so get those 20 posts in! It's easier than it initially seems. Bet you could do
it the paranormal forum. See you around!
Hi Trickey280, and welcome to the Introductions Forum, a place to say hello to the ATS community. For now you can reply to any thread in any member
forum you wish, as well as send & receive (PM's) Private Messages to Staff only for
Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads in the appropriate forums and additionally send & receive messages to
and from fellow ATS members.
Try our Ask ATS with the search words of your choice.
I'm sure you will find many threads to pick from, and add your thoughts and opinions too as well.
Take your time and enjoy. If you have any questions just ask.
Hii to you,Trickey280:-)
I am a mom of 2 daughter's also,and have had paranormal experiences since early childhood,all my life.I hope you will be happy on ATS,wishing
you+yours a happy weekend.