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Possible Tasmanian Tiger footage from 2012

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posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 04:22 AM

Stumbled across this footage this afternoon, basically shows a creature crossing over some steep rocky features very close up,

What is the possibility this could be the real deal?

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 04:27 AM


Stumbled across this footage this afternoon, basically shows a creature crossing over some steep rocky features very close up,

What is the possibility this could be the real deal?

The Youtube comments are saying it's fake and from a movie "the hunter - 2011"
Here is the Trailer

It looks fake to me. CGI or something like this.

So I would say it has almost no chance of being real.
edit on 9/5/2013 by dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 04:33 AM
My first question would be... Why the music playing over the clip?
Next, Why does the clip cut off when the 'tiger' is still in view, in open terrain?

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by butcherguy

Fair call I thought the same thing, too good to be true...

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by dustytoad

Thanks for the clarification, dam YouTube. I do think there could be grounds for them to be still out there in Australia. I heard that Steve Erwin believed they could be still out there, and it was apparently one of his last projects of interest before he past away.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by WideAwakeNow

They could definitely be out there. It wasn't that long ago we knew there was one.
This was the second animal I heard about being "extinct" I heard of the dodo bird first.
Something about an entire species being gone forever really strikes a deep sadness in me, even if I don't care for whatever animal it is. Since that day I have been hoping they would find more of these tigers..

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 05:24 AM
Sadly, the chance of these creatures being alive today is slim. With humans spreading out into this land further and further, even if we did, it would be the sort of thing you'd hear about after the fact.

I mean we have cases where brand new species of spider have been found, then ignored as it would interfere with the mining rights.

But we've spread into every livable area of this country. We're huge, but not a lot of land where you can live unless you can survive desert heat and red dirt, and the urban sprawl here is atrocious.

I'd absolutely love to see one of these creatures alive and in real life. To imagine an animal so similar to other animals, yet that has evolved so separately on an entirely separate continent... Typical humans come along and eat it or hunt it to extinction. For all the good I see in us as an animal that can shape it's world... I often despise us for it. Because we just don't think until it's after the fact.

Such big brains, but we only ever use them to work out what we did wrong, and not how to do something right the first time.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by winofiend

Well said mate I have to agree with you 100%

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 06:26 AM
Even though no video will convince me,
i sincerely hope that these creatures are still out there.
And Megalodons, i like Megalodons.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 06:29 AM
I live here (in Tasmania) and there are vast areas barely accessible even on foot especially in the southwest so there definitely is still plenty of wilderness where they could still exist but it's very unlikely they're still about. There is the occasional claim of a sighting and the Lake St Clair/ Lake King William area has been a hot spot for those. The Tarkine area in the northwest has also had a report or 2.

If one is ever definitely identified it'll be a flattened carcass on the road as the wildlife carnage by vehicles here is beyond belief. There's the Lyell Hwy running east-west across roughly the centre of the state and almost everything south of it is wilderness all the way to the Southern Ocean (next stop Antarctica) except for a narrow strip on the east coast down to Southport and the tiny hydro town of Strathgordon in the middle. You could live out your life in that horizontal scrub and never see another person.

The video clip could be from the movie made here 'The Hunter' starring Willem Defoe. There was also a Japanese movie about hunting for the Thylacine made here in the 80s - they used a robot tiger in that one.
edit on 5/9/2013 by Pilgrum because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by winofiend
Sadly, the chance of these creatures being alive today is slim. With humans spreading out into this land further and further, even if we did, it would be the sort of thing you'd hear about after the fact.

I mean we have cases where brand new species of spider have been found, then ignored as it would interfere with the mining rights.

But we've spread into every livable area of this country. We're huge, but not a lot of land where you can live unless you can survive desert heat and red dirt, and the urban sprawl here is atrocious.

I'd absolutely love to see one of these creatures alive and in real life. To imagine an animal so similar to other animals, yet that has evolved so separately on an entirely separate continent... Typical humans come along and eat it or hunt it to extinction. For all the good I see in us as an animal that can shape it's world... I often despise us for it. Because we just don't think until it's after the fact.

Such big brains, but we only ever use them to work out what we did wrong, and not how to do something right the first time.

If you ever happen to stumble across one catch it and discreetly send it to me. I will keep it safe and spoil it rotten until you find another one to breed it with, then I will initiate the secret breeding program in my underground facilities. One the number of cubs reaches over 100 (this will take a few years, but there are cloning options available to expedite the situation) we will drop half of the cubs by heli into the wilderness first having it declared a felony offense to injure or maim one- we will retain the other 50 cubs for further breeding and heli-drops. I think we could repopulate the species to self-sustainable numbers within 20-30 years if we're lucky- but first we need breeding specimens, so get looking Wino!

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 01:09 PM
The video is a hoax
Just watched 'The Hunter' and the clip is from that movie at 1:28 almost at the end just before Willem Dafoe's character shoots the last tiger. It's been zoomed in on the tiger but there is no doubt at all as to that being the source.

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