posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 07:09 PM
Originally posted by sirric
Well the real answer may lie within the 3rd explanation that I have. Quantum physics tells us that the future is not always what we can see, also we
live inside a multidimensional universe and that we actually shift between them.
When something disappears, it may be that we shifted away from it and vice-a-verse. That is the scientific explanation that many top physician
believe, at least this is what my close friend tells me and he is one.
This what I believe happens.
Between this and the other two, this multidimensional explanation for the lost keys they'd say in physics. No Occam's Razor
there, to say the least.
You should read Lee Smolin's book
"The Trouble With Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of Science, and What Comes Next" and
Alexander Unzicker's
"Bankrupting Physics: How Today's Top Scientists are Gambling Away Their Credibility", and when you're done with
those, you'll be ready for Jim Baggott's
"Farewell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth". There's a
really strong reaction within the professional scientific community against the kind of loopy "science" that your friend is involved in, and the
primary culprit is a guy named
Edward Witten, a brilliant theoretical physicist who may just go
down in scientific history as the single most destructive influence on late 20th century and early 21st century scientific thought and professional
The professional and academic cult surrounding this guy is amazing, almost religious, and it's got the entire field of theoretical physics and, in
some ways, even cosmology, completely crippled with at least 1/2 of the world's theoretical physicists
(as many as 1500) lost within the
throes of grinding mathematics-centered labor that is solely devoted to conquering the constantly emerging inconsistencies and implausibilities of
Superstring Theory and whatever the hell "M" Theory is.
Between the nonsense that he's imposed upon the world's physics drones and the carnival sideshow freak tent that is constantly paraded across the
Discovery Channel and Youtube as breakthrough science, I won't be surprised if at this time 50 years from now, America isn't engaged in human
sacrifices to ensure quarterly numbers that feature double digit growth across multiple sectors, with the entire holocaust making big numbers of its
own on Pay-Per-View. Hell, when it gets so that "scientifically-proven" reality features no plausible connection with observable reality, then
there's no constraints on how lost entire societies can become. Human imagination and whoever it is that's paying the bills will be setting the
limits on just how insane it can get.