posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 06:32 PM
I have been a fan of Dan Carlin for awhile now. He is a podcaster who does Hardcore History and what this is about he does another podcast called
'Common Sense'. If you are liberty minded then I would highly recommend you check out some of his other stuff. He has a mindset that filters
through the prism of history and he uses it to make sense of the way things are today. He is logical, calculated, isn't a nut or partisan to either
side... hes probably like most of us in understanding that both sides are part of the problem.
He reminds me a lot of George Carlin ironically enough. This is his latest podcast but it takes you through some very logical ways of thinking that I
think should be beneficial for those willing to listen to it. Anyway here is the link to the .mp3.