I created an account a few months ago hoping to get some feedback on a few of thousands of spiritual experiences I've had over the past 6 1/2 years.
Now that I have enough posts to make a thread, I really hope I can accomplish this. In my intro thread, I pounded out a long wall of text explaining
some of the biggest experiences, and although it would be nice to get some answers to all of it in one shot, for the sake of realism I intend to hone
in on one particular day for now. Here is that thread if you're interested.
Strange Life: White Light, Wounds Manifested, etc... Explanations?
After waking up from a premonition dream of sorts mid-October 2012, I called my friend to go over to his place to grab a charger I left there a week
or two prior. When I arrived there, his housemate who I'll name Joe for simplicity was also there. I met Joe over the past year at this house. He was
an okay guy, but a bit strange. The night I met him, he talked about being a vampire and when I asked how old he was, he said thousands of years, and
he offered me wine that he had made in part with his own blood.
Sometime September 2012, my friend and I talked about Joe over lunch and my friend said that the weird thing about Joe is this blood trick that he
performs. The claim was that my buddy had seen Joe grab the arm of someone, spit blood out of his mouth into that hand which he claims is the other
person's blood, eat it, and tell them something about themselves based on the taste. He had seen this 5 times, two of which he put on surgical gloves
and inspected the inside of Joe's mouth looking for cuts or other foul play, to no avail (I know my buddy well enough to envision him busting out
surgical gloves out of nowhere and doing this). One of the 5 times was particularly peculiar because my friend brought over his buddy whom Joe had
never met and did the trick to him that night. When Joe tasted the blood, he identified that the guy was on painkillers, which was true because the
guy had suffered a back injury and was prescribed them. Allegedly, there was no possible way for Joe to know this, having never met the guy before and
the guy's back woes and drug use wasn't ever brought up in conversation.
Long story short, between Sept. and the mid-October day I awoke, I saw Joe a few times and curiously asked him to do the trick to me. He refused
repeatedly, casting doubt to my already skeptical self. Then, the time I left the charger there, he said that he would do it the next time I saw him.
So I wake up from a dream involving blood and supernatural powers (2 things I never ever dream about), and go to my friend's house, honestly not
having Joe in mind at all, until I get there and he is also there. Minutes before I have to run out the door, he finally calls me over to him. I sit
to his right on the couch, and he tells me to grab onto his arm. I do so and lock my eyes onto his neck area looking for any movement. There is none.
He is intently focused on playing an online video game while I hold his arm for around 10 seconds, then pulls that arm toward him and spits out a
little pile of what most definitely looked like blood into his hand and swallows it.
He then says, "Mmm. I haven't had good blood in a long time," and asks me if I take iron supplements because my iron is high. I say no, and he asks if
I eat healthy. I say I think so, and that's pretty much the extent of his input. I have to leave, somewhat unimpressed by his dialogue, but utterly
bewildered by the performance.
Later that night, I dropped my jeans to the floor of the white tile floor at my house to take a shower, and noticed red spots all over my right
pocket. For the sake of keeping this OP as brief as I can, I'll just say that this isn't the first time I've seen red marks appear out of nowhere, and
I've also had a wrist wound appear on me in front of my eyes and the eyes of the guy I was talking to at the time, so although I was weirded out when
I saw this, I wasn't taken by unprecedented surprise. For the naysayers, all I can say is I took pictures of these experiences, and I'm telling you
that the only thing I ever keep in my right front pocket is my smart phone as I don't want the screen to be scratched. The most bizarre part of this
day is that when I got out of the shower and went to grab my jeans, there was a red streak embedded into the white tile floor below where my jeans
laid crumpled that was not there before I dropped them to the ground. The only thing I've ever experienced that freaked me out more than that moment
was my white light experience that felt like I was dying and going to Heaven in 2007 which is its own story for another time. When I say embedded, I
mean that I had to apply a powerful cleaner twice and use all my muscle to get rid of this strange red streak.
Since this day, I've gotten some strange and/or interesting perspectives on what the experience meant, including from the Spiritual Science Research
Foundation which had me ship my jeans to India, but I've purposely tried to remain as objective as a subjective being can be about this experience
because I want to hear ATS members' perspectives so I'm holding back from getting into their or my current beliefs on the matters. Has anyone else
here ever heard of this blood trick or red marks appearing out of nowhere? Any and all thoughts, questions about clarification, or references are
welcome and greatly appreciated.
edit on 2-9-2013 by PeaceVindicator because: changed "lock onto" to "lock my eyes onto"