posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 10:12 AM
I responded to the query about your book Alien Agenda, which I greatly enjoyed as I enjoy all your writings.
And I found I couldn't fix in my mind a summary of your cosmology . . . . religious perspectives etc.
I tend to need that to help put in a fitting frame what the author is saying.
IIRC, you accurately note that the critters are evil up to no good.
But I, for some reason, don't have a 100% "Good Paul-Keeping Seal of Approval" stamp on my fuzzy impression of your theology etc. So, I'd
appreciate your summary of such.
And, in keeping with the above . . .
How does your cosmology help you interpret and predict the near future from the goings on currently with re to Syria, Iran, Russia, China & WW3?
Much appreciate your contributions to the field and on ATS.