posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan
The globalists are intent on destroying the family and rearing carefully selected eugenics conceived children in 'test tubes' and institutions
divorced from their parents.
What a stupid horror.
It is a plan from hell and they've already mostly achieved functional destruction of the family.
Witness the incredibly high rates of ATTACHMENT DISORDER from lack of sufficient qualities and quantities of Daddy Love. Shoot, even mother love is
increasingly in short supply.
God has said HE WILL return the hearts of the fathers to the children in our era . . . else he'd have to "smite the earth with a curse."
I hope He speeds up the schedule of that.
Certainly the NEA is a terrible tool of the demonized globalists. It is a MAJOR INDOCTRINATION, BRAINWASHING institution. And woe to those who
challenge them.
imho, home schooling his the only sane option for wise caring parents at this point. How much longer that will be possible remains to be seen,