You know it's bound to happen.
Experts tell you that it is just a matter of time.
Los Angeles WILL be hit by the big one (earthquake) someday.
It's inevitable.
The city is built upon a highly active fault line.
This much is hard facts.
What isn't facts is just exactly WHEN this will happen.
Experts can't tell you this.
No one seem to be able to tell you when to get out of there in time to avoid the big one.
I am personally sceptical to religion in general.
It seem to bring just as much misery to mankind as it brings happiness and joy.
More people have throughout history been killed in the name of a god, than by all diseases combined. Ever.
So I dont really pay much attention to hardcore religious nutjobs and their predictions of the end of the world, the rapture and whatever they can
come up with.
Unless they actually get some things right now and then (and they never seem to do), they can just live in their little blissed fantasy world of
theirs, and leave me to mind my own business.
But this one is different.
This lady actually got some predictions right on target. No questions about it. It's all documented.
Despite that she says that she gets her dreams and visions from Jesus himself, I just can't ignore the fact that this lady has correctly predicted
both the devastating Japan earthquake in 2011 and the meteorite impact in Russia this year, just days before it happened.
I have to admit, she has been wrong on occasion and she is kinda vague, but so was Nostradamus - and he is after all considered one of the greatest
predictors in history.
Kings and Queens used to listened to his advice.
So I wouldn't dismiss her lightly just because her predictions are religiously based and vague.
And I tell you all of this because?
Well, she apparently predicts in a recently released youtube video (that is how she shares her dreams and visions), that the big one is coming to Los
Angeles sometime in september this year.
She of course says that she can be wrong, is not 100% certain, yadda yadda, etc etc.
Just thought I'd let you know.
Make what you will of it.
I dont live anywhere near that place, but I would feel really bad if something really was to happen and I didn't do what was in my power to let people
get a heads up on it.
Here is a link to the youtube video if you wanna listen to her yourselves:
edit on 31/8/13 by Tollon because: (no reason given)
I dont know why the link is broken - the video is up on youtube and perfectly watchable.
I guess you have to go to youtube and search "Los Angeles QUAKE WARNING?! Meteorite, & Dreams Update" by 9Nania yourselves then, or if someone more
Tech savvy then me can post a working link of that video in this post...