posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 07:28 AM
As soon as I've heard the code name of this most recent and ongoing operation called "The Phantom Fury",I felt seriousely concerned.I just fail to
see the reason in all what's going on in this fight (WAR) against a Phantom Enemy.This is not according to me but the great BBC.There has been
recently a series of programmes called "The Power Of Nightmares".In it the word "Phantom" was more than just mentioned,it was claimed that the
whole war was one phantom menace created by the goverment(s) to stop society from falling apart.The second episode called "The Phantom Victory" and
the third "The Shadows In The Cave".
Could it be possible that the name choosen for this latest mission has been choosen for the purpose of countering the claims made by the BBC and go in
Falluja with "Phantom Fury" and kill anything that moved or held people in it,oh yes they are ALL terrorists, Right!!
Who picks these names anyways??
p.s. sorry I have'nt been able to make the links,but they are there if one chooses to find them it's not difficult,just go to BBC's homepg,"The
Power Of Nightmares".