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Restaurant refuses Iraq War Veteran and service dog

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posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by LightOrange

I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. "I can't speak to people or eat food unless my dog is here"...? That's what you're saying? If that's the case, I don't think he's going to last very long here in reality. I take it, of course, that when the dog dies the man will obviously cease to function entirely since every aspect of his functionality is dependent on the dog's presence?

"you take it, of coarse" and you base your reply on your assumption.

Again you tell another what they post is ridiculous?

Isn't that a bit hypocritical when your arguing from ignorance when your assuming things?

So say that a restaurant you frequented had a sign on it that said "No perfumes or body sprays", so you went there all of the time. Now say someone walked in with a harsh cologne or perfume and the law said that they cannot be denied service because the perfume gives them confidence. You would ask to be moved? What if it was still bothering you? What if you worked there? Would you have to claim "unsafe working conditions"? Would your employer have to pay you to sit in the back until they were gone?

Let me quote you as my reply to your scenarios

I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by Echo007

The poor war veteran, they won't allow him to bring his pointless service dog into the restaurant. Unless the person is blind that uses a real service dog, i wouldn't let them in if i owned the restaurant.

With this type of intelligence you would probably poison your customers by not knowing how to properly prepare the food.

How do Military people who don't see any ground combat get PTSD. All it looks like to me is someone milking the system that doesn't want to work. Let me go get a pointless service dog and act like i need him to receive more benefits from the government.

Another sad case.

I hope you find all the happiness you deserve as well

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

It's not sad, it's true. If you never went outside the wire and saw action, you have no right to claim PTSD and sponge up medical tax dollars. If you're deployed and providing base support, that's all you do. You wake up, eat, work, gym, take a dump and go to sleep. SSDD. I can't stand individuals that milk the system for every penny its worth and then go right around and complain about how the system is jacked up.

None of you know what the AF Vet's AFSC was. He might of been a PJ or he might of been working administration. Who gives a ####? That's not what the article is about. He was denied service on private property. Focus.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by xxcircasurf

so you're saying that pilots for example that get shot at, rocketing around with explosives strapped to them have no reason to flinch while they are shot at....which if they do get hit means they fall into enemy territory alone to be tortured and killed.

or people living in metalic tubes under water for prolonged periods of time with nuclear weapons in there with them and nuclear reactors don't have a thing to worry about? Not like anyone ever died in a cold dark submarine drowning in their muffled screams.

so unless you're a front line grunt getting shot at you're a pussy right?

let me guess you're no pussy?

good for you. How about YOU get off that high hoarse. You just shat on every person in uniform who was shelled in vietnam, sniped in Iraq, or will be gassed in Syria....cooks, administrators and grunts alike.

Our enemies don't make the distinction you do.

edit on 29-8-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by AthiestJesus

You would be breaking the law.

Service Animals are trained to assist with a myriad of disabilities..

For example a friend of mine has a pit bull for a service dog. She is epileptic.

The dog will warn her of imminent seizures so that she can get into position before the onset of a seizure.. The dog will then roll her on her side and hold her there until the seizure passes. The dog then licks her face to verify she is responsive.. If she is not the dog is trained to call 911. (which at their home has a specific button on the phone with a paw print on it). Without her service animal she is at serious risk of injury or even death.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by xxcircasurf

It's not sad, it's true.

So trauma is only caused by going or seeing war?

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by theboarman

Originally posted by Char-Lee
reply to post by LightOrange

So say that a restaurant you frequented had a sign on it that said "No perfumes or body sprays", so you went there all of the time. Now say someone walked in with a harsh cologne or perfume and the law said that they cannot be denied service because the perfume gives them confidence. You would ask to be moved?

Yes I would ask to be moved, I doubt anyone could pollute the whole place.

I am allergic very severely to cigarettes and they used to allow smoking so i know how to handle what is MY problem.

i believe you are one of those people that if you dont like something you say you are alergic.

could be wrong but i doubt it

Lol what a strange thing to say! I absolutely LOVE perfume, I had a horde of expensive perfumes when I became allergic. it did make me realize how we all cover ourselves in chemicals, in the laundry, our body soap, under arms, in makeup, and then we douse ourselves with perfume on top of all of that daily...I am now all scent free laundry soap and all!

When i became allergic to cig. smoke, I was in a line and the guy in front of me was those days I had no feeling about smokers one way or another...I suddenly could not breath and started to pass out. My sister nearly carried me outside, I sat down and recovered. I have been allergic ever since my lungs just close. The same with hot tar, gasoline, and acacia trees. Nothing else.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Krakatoa

Originally posted by votan
reply to post by HomerinNC

well he doesn't have to let him in.. but I don't think people take too kind to the mistreatment of disabled people especially vets.

I think word of mouth will destroy it since quite a few of his patrons probably have disabled family members or service men/women.

allyou have to do is sit back and watch him burn
edit on 28-8-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

On the contrary, he DOES have to let him in according to Federal ADA laws. He cannot turn him away based upon his service dog. However, he can turn him away if he is in any other way disruptive or will affect his business in a negative manner. But not because of his disability or related service animal.

Like it or not, that is the LAW.

well federal law shouldn't tell someone to do such things.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by LightOrange

Try to understand, going into a public place can be very stressful to some people but it is not good for them to stop living a normal life.
My Mother almost never leaves her house, it is very hard and stressful for her to go to a restaurant but we take her and we are there to alleviate all the fear we can, it helps her in a way you would find hard to understand.

It is the same reason some people give their child a security blanket or teddy. Trauma and throw our emotional responses back to early childhood stage. These people can be helped, the dog is one very good way of beginning returning them to a normal life.

PTSD Dogs are trained to:
Assistance in a medical crisis Provide treatment related assistance

Assistance in coping with emotional overload Perform security enhancement tasks

A Specially Trained PTSD Dog can provide a sense of security, calming effects, and physical exercise that can make a positive difference in the life of those that suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Like all assistance dogs, a psychiatric service dog is individually trained to do work or perform tasks that mitigate their handler's disability. Training may include providing environmental assessment (in such cases as paranoia or hallucinations), signaling behaviors (such as interrupting repetitive or injurious behavior reminding the handler to take medication, retrieving objects and guiding the handler from stressful situations.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Krakatoa

Originally posted by Bleeeeep
Here's a hypothetical question for you all:

What if the restaurant owner suffers an anxiety disorder/ptsd that was caused by a dog? He obviously has some mental issue with dogs, so it's not out of the question, right?

Well if true, then what? Should the store owner be forced to work in a stressful environment? Who gets to choose? You help the serviceman by giving him a dog, why not help the store owner by removing dogs from his presence?

-just food for thought.

All hypothetical, and would end up being decided in court. That's how it supposed to work in cases of conflict such as your hypothetical. But this is not a hypothetical situation, so your point is moot in this context and topic.

Yes but if people had a lick of compassion and sense, the two would quietly talk, the owner would explain his fear of dogs and the dog owner would probably volunteer to go elsewhere as they clearly understand how such issues feels.
Even in the current case, if the owner would have stepped quietly aside with the man and explained himself there would have been an end to the problem, they would have talked no name calling and stupid behavior.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by votan

well federal law shouldn't tell someone to do such things.

I agree a 100% but that is something for another thread.

I hate it that laws tell me I cannot dig deeper than a certain depth without a permit on my own land, build on my own land with out permission.

That is one big rant thread where many can let of some steam on the boundaries that governments set for us to stay in and the punishments when wondering outside of those boundaries.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 01:36 PM
I'm willing to bet the dog anus is cleaner than the kitchen in that place. The guy is an idiot for not letting the guy into his restaurant as the press this place is getting is by no means good for business .He definitely shot himself in the foot . The vet is probably better off as i'm sure any meal at this place would be a traumatic experience .

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
reply to post by votan

well federal law shouldn't tell someone to do such things.

I agree a 100% but that is something for another thread.

I hate it that laws tell me I cannot dig deeper than a certain depth without a permit on my own land, build on my own land with out permission.

That is one big rant thread where many can let of some steam on the boundaries that governments set for us to stay in and the punishments when wondering outside of those boundaries.

exactly... we can't pick and choose what the government can or cannot tell us to do.. sometimes that includes some questionable things.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by LogicalRazor

Spoken like a true wannabe. I doubt you've EVER been in the service with the attitude you carry for other veterans

Keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better. Basic was at Fort Irwin in the f--- hot furnace known as Barstow, CA. You just keep believing what you'd like, though.
edit on 29-8-2013 by LogicalRazor because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:31 PM
Again, both the owner and this sad excuse for a vet are idiots. If the guy tied the stupid mutt to a pole just outside the restaurant, he could eat and there would be no issue. I don't condone how the owner of the establishment reacted but, then I don't know how much of a scene the other guy was making. He comes off as an attention w---re to me, since he's the one that went to the media.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by votan

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
reply to post by votan

well federal law shouldn't tell someone to do such things.

I agree a 100% but that is something for another thread.

I hate it that laws tell me I cannot dig deeper than a certain depth without a permit on my own land, build on my own land with out permission.

That is one big rant thread where many can let of some steam on the boundaries that governments set for us to stay in and the punishments when wondering outside of those boundaries.

exactly... we can't pick and choose what the government can or cannot tell us to do.. sometimes that includes some questionable things.

The solution,

rid government and have chaos reign.

I could and am afraid to say would actually prefer it if I am to believe all the crap the media and government try to scare us with, however the majority of people in society want some type of rule that's not corruptible and tyrannical which in my eyes is highly unlikely in human society where greed is a powerful force that some cannot overcome.

Some very questionable things in my book, to the point where I
out of all ports.

This is why when issues like this arise and the law is brought into it, then compassion and respect for your fellow human gets lost in the heat of things and if any blame for any situation arising should be traced back at the source which would be the laws written that are invoked when two people could have worked things out like gentlemen with reason.

If I may quote Char-Lee's post above mine, look at how easy this could have resolved with no issue arising what so ever.

Yes but if people had a lick of compassion and sense, the two would quietly talk, the owner would explain his fear of dogs and the dog owner would probably volunteer to go elsewhere as they clearly understand how such issues feels. Even in the current case, if the owner would have stepped quietly aside with the man and explained himself there would have been an end to the problem, they would have talked no name calling and stupid behavior.

Star for that post of hers, or his?

But really how simple, yet this is whats come from it and here we are members of ATS having at each other.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Yes, boycott, however, they have the right to refuse service to anyone. You might not like it, but that's our system.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by tadaman

You dont have to butt hurt over the military. No one is forcing you to participate. BUT considering this is a thread about a DISABLED VETERAN I suggest you deal with it or quit.

No this is a thread about a disabled person.. The thread plays on the fact that he is a veteran like he deserves something extra because of that... Simple as.....

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by TheOutcast

Except dogs aren't rats. And they won't be in the kitchen, they won't be touching the food, the tables or other customers. If you'd be fine with a guide dog, then why not his service dog?

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by LogicalRazor

Who does basic at the NTC?

brother, how did you do basic in the 60's and still do tours in Iraq? You have peaked my BS radar now

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