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Faith and the Hidden Meaning of AMEN

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:08 PM
In Hebrew, AMEN is AMN. Our word at the end of prayers is the Hebrew word for TRUE. AMN is Aleph Mem Nun. This is literally stated as Aleph (Strength) Mem (Water) Nun (Seed). The Hebrew Lexicon states it this way: Amen is "an affirmation of firmness and support." What is it supporting? Take a look at the meanings behind the letters. Strength of the water and seed. Connecting this to DNA, we see that Father in Hebrew is Aleph Bet (Strength of the House). This is the Alphabet, or letters of DNA. We know from John 1 that WORD is Christ, or the Son of God. Word is the primary building block for reality. We know this as information. Mother is Aleph Mem, or the Strength of the Waters. Water is the Catalyst of letters and words from DNA. We see this as proteins from Amino Acids.

Why is this connected to faith you ask? The original root for AMEN in Hebrew is the word Firm. Firm is Mem Nun (Water and Seed). The Hebrew Lexicon cites this as a connection to continuing the blood. Reverse the letters and get the words Animal or Omen. Cursed Beast.

Hebrew morphology works like this. A morpheme (even on letter) is a root. Add more letters and get different words, but the next word is related to the first by context. Here is what we get as we travel across this branch from the root of the word FIRM.

Mem Nun can also be the word Portion. This is something that comes from something else. One kind produces a another of the same kind. In physics and chemistry, this is chirality and coalescence.

Another interesting word set from Mem Nun is the questions, What, Where or Who.

Mem Nun Hey makes the word Portion as well, meaning a set amount.

Mem Nun Tav is the word Portion, or what belongs to someone else.

Tav is always a marking of the Cross of Christ. The pictograph is two crossed sticks. In this case, the portion of something belonging to Christ is set at a differing level than that associated with simply the portion of seed and water. As you will see, faith is taking shape in these words.

Mem Nun Nun is the word Number. A numbering of a kind. Mem vav Nun Hey is TIME. Time is a counting of things and space.

Firm or Pillar is Aleph Mem Nun, just like AMEN is Aleph Mem Nun. The firm pillar of water and seed is the temple (human body).

Another form of the word FIRM is Aleph Nun. Strong Seed. This means to stand firm as a support. From this word, we get FAITHFUL AND FAITH, or AMN as “may be verified." Faith is a type of veil from truth. Aleph Mem Nun is the same word TRUE.

Aleph mem Nun Hey is the word SURE or Nourished. This is being supported with food that is given. Food in the Bible is always associated with knowledge.

Aleph mem Nun Tav (Also Aleph Mem Tav) is the word Truth. Aleph is the Ox, often associated with God the Father. Mem is water and associated with the material world. Tav is the cross of Christ. Faith in God is faith in the Trinity.

What do you get if you take away Aleph from Aleph Mem Tav? The word Truth is EMET (ALEPH MEM TAV). MET is the word Death (MEM TAV).

Our faith, to be firm, must include the strength of the house (Aleph Bet). Ultimately, this is what faith is. It is the assurance of the strength of God to save by the water (Baptism) and the Cross. Baptism, in this sense, is not the symbol performed in church, but the immersion of the soul into the waters of life. As I have often pointed out, AMN in Greek is Lamb.

AMN - Lamb
AMNi - River of Life
AMNio - Bowl catching the sacrifice of the lamb
AMNion - Sac covering the baby in the womb
AMNiotic Fluid - Waters of Life
AMNesia - Forgetting, or you forgetting.
AMNesty - God forgetting.

dAMNation - God not forgetting.

What makes the difference between damnation and God's grace and mercy on our soul? Faith. Firmness in our assurance of God's strength.

Let's continue with more Hebrew on this branch.

Aleph mem Vav Nun - Strength of the water and nail (Tent Peg) and seed (Blood). This is the word CRAFTSMAN. One who is firm in his talents.

Aleph Mem Vav Nun is also firmness, or FAITHFUL!

Here is my favorite. Aleph Mem Vav Nun Hey is the word Firmness, but also Faithful, truth, faithfully, office, faithful, faith and stability, as in steadyness and true. WHY? Hey means behold a great work.

Mem Vav Nun is Likeness. Those of the same kind look alike.

Tav Mem Vav Nun Hey is Likeness, or similitude.

Yod Mem Nun is the word RIGHT, or to turn or go to the right hand. In Hebraic tradition, the right is the true side. The left is the wrong side. This is the right hand of God. It is also the SOUTH. Why? If you face East to worship, the South is the right side. This is the direction the right hand points when facing the rising sun.

All of these words form off the branch of word 1290 (FIRM).

Faith is a firm assurance of what is TRUE. AMEN. God can be proven if you have faith to see. Faith is the only way to see. Blindness comes from refusing to see. Deny Ignorance and see God is what I say. How do you deny ignorance. Stop ignoring truth. AMN is TRUE. This is the FAITH placed on the FIRM foundation. Father is the Strong House.

Pic From the Bible Wheel

edit on 27-8-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

please consider adding the hebrew symbols of the language in brackets for each word you have translated before the editing window period is over. it should provide more clarity.

Best Regards,
The Mage

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by filledcup
reply to post by EnochWasRight

please consider adding the hebrew symbols of the language in brackets for each word you have translated before the editing window period is over. it should provide more clarity.

Best Regards,
The Mage

I have the font on my computer, but this does not allow it to show on your side. The best I can do is point to the best website containing the key.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Are you sure this isn't it

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:20 PM
Aleph - א
Bet - ב
Gimel - ג
Dalet - ד
He - ה
Vav - ו
Zayin - ז
Het - ח
Tet - ט
Yod - י
Kaf - כ or ך
Lamed - ל
Mem - מ or ם
Nun - נ or ן
Samekh - ס
Ayin - ע
Pe - פ or ף
Tsadi - צ or ץ
Qof - ק
Resh - ר
Shin - ש
Tav - ת or (in ancestral hebrew is 2 crossed sticks)

hebrew is written backwards so
Amn - אמן
Mem Nun He - הןמ
Mem Nun Tav - תןמ
Amn - אמנ
Amni - אמני
Amnio - אמניו
Amnion - אמניון
Amniotic fluid - נוזל אמניוט

the root is seen prevalent as the words evolve.

edit on 27-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by letseeit7
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Are you sure this isn't it

he has said the same thing in the video..

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
In Hebrew, AMEN is AMN. Our word at the end of prayers is the Hebrew word for TRUE. AMN is Aleph Mem Nun. This is literally stated as Aleph (Strength) Mem (Water) Nun (Seed). The Hebrew Lexicon states it this way: Amen is "an affirmation of firmness and support." What is it supporting? Take a look at the meanings behind the letters. Strength of the water and seed. Connecting this to DNA, we see that Father in Hebrew is Aleph Bet (Strength of the House). This is the Alphabet, or letters of DNA. We know from John 1 that WORD is Christ, or the Son of God.

edit on 27-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by filledcup

Originally posted by filledcup
please consider adding the hebrew symbols of the language in brackets for each word you have translated before the editing window period is over. it should provide more clarity.

(click for full view)

Source: The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Chart

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by letseeit7
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Are you sure this isn't it

Deuteronomy 4

19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. 20 But as for you, the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you now are.

Egypt is the model of Earth. It is referred to as a refinery. Our inheritance is the heavens (Beyond the eternity of the sky). Ephesians 1-3 outlines the mystery held by God. As the verse states above, we are not to worship the sun and moon. God is beyond the physics of the image. In other words, don't worship the image you see around you.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by filledcup

hebrew is written backwards so
Amn - אמן
Mem Nun He - הןמ
Mem Nun Tav - תןמ
Amn - אמנ
Amni - אמני
Amnio - אמניו
Amnion - אמניון
Amniotic fluid - נוזל אמניוט

Explain the Hebrew words used to match the Greek and Latin beside. Use the chart I included to outline this from the Phoenician, which is what I read more clearly than the Hebrew script. What is the linguistic thread connecting them by the root?

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Have you ever looked into this?
The Lamb of God hidden in the ancient Chinese characters

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by guitarplayer
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Have you ever looked into this?
The Lamb of God hidden in the ancient Chinese characters

Very interesting. I really value Confucianism. There is a great deal of truth in his writings. The article was very interesting. This is the first I have seen it.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

I thought amen was derived from an Egyptian pharaoh named Amenhotep? And that name means 'the god Amen is satisfied'.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by EnochWasRight

I thought amen was derived from an Egyptian pharaoh named Amenhotep? And that name means 'the god Amen is satisfied'.

Popular among some theosophists, proponents of Afrocentric theories of history, and adherents of esoteric Christianity is the conjecture that amen is a derivative of the name of the Egyptian god Amun (which is sometimes also spelled Amen). Some adherents of Eastern religions believe that amen shares roots with the Hindu Sanskrit word, Aum. There is no academic support for either of these views. The Hebrew word, as noted above, starts with aleph, while the Egyptian name begins with a yodh.

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