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Ten-year-old girl charged with raping 4-year-old boy

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by boncho
I would put money on a behaviour such as that being taught to her by someone older, therefore, something like this should spark an investigation into who exactly was teaching this girl these kinds of things.

Not always, it sad when people jump to the extreme.

Her curious mind could have been stunted due to parents restriction, and did not have a chance until now, im not saying that is right or anything but saying somebody taught her that is jumping to the extreme.

I can personally say something similar, my parents were strict about dating until i finished college(of course that didn't happen, social influence was much more than my parents doctrine) but it was harder for me to adjust to the dating theme when everyone around the college age was already dated few times...So saying i never dated before to a girl kinda makes me standout.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 12:36 PM
I wonder if people would be so quick to dismiss her as "just being a child" or "just touching his wee-wee" if it was a 10 year old boy molesting a 4 year old girl? I doubt it, somehow...

10 years old is old enough to know and something has to be done in this situation. I'm not advocating jail, but certainly some education and monitoring.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:05 PM
This is 'INSANITY'. The very people who scream out that a 10 year old is sexually immature and CANNOT make informed decisions on sex when they have been assaulted by an adult, are now trying to swing it that they now ARE sexually aware, mature and even sexual PREDATORS

For fu"%ks sake, this entire world (in particular America) has got completely mad.


posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by sayzaar

Very good observation.

Like people are programmed to have a knee jerk reaction to anything that touches the subject.(no pun intended).

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by silo13

Originally posted by silo13

According to Ashley's mum, the Houston Police sex crimes investigator denied her the right to sit in on a 45-minute interrogation that left her daughter in tears.

Something about that is wrong. It has to be. Doesn't it?

I only quickly skimmed the article and the replies in this thread, so if this was mentioned, then I may have overlooked it....

Regardless of whether or not the parent is allowed to be present during the interrogation, I would think that they would be required by law to have a defense attorney for the child present during the interview/interrogation.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by earthling42
So she is accused of rape, what did she do to this young boy?

One can only assume that this 10 year old girl put on a strap on dildo and rogered him? Only possible explanation ......

Very odd.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 03:09 PM
Bah this whole thing is probably a huge overreaction. So she touched a boy's thing. Some nosy neighbor just HAD to involve our domestic prison guards and now this girl's life is ruined. At the very MOST this girl should have gotten a spanking, stern lecture, and some sort of time out punishment. To involve the authorities is ludicrous.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 03:15 PM
Wow, this is just unbelievable!
Is there a war on childhood?
Not only are kids dressed as adults in all kinds of fashion shows, but now it seems 10-year-olds can be charged with rape!
Hello, most Western countries have an age of consent, usually beginning with 16, and the law is meant to protect underage children from adult predators, not throw them into jail for playing "doctor"!
They are not of the age of sexual responsibility (although they do have a sexuality), that's the whole point of dividing sexuality by age.

Some people suggested counseling, and I think that would have sufficed, or even a parental chat on appropriate behavior and private zones concerning the body.

It could have been a quite gentle talk too, but this is like killing an ant with an atom bomb.

At 10 children should still be taught, and not thrown into jail like adults.
Is the commercial prison industry so desperate for new slaves that they're now targeting children?
If kids can be charged for adult sex crimes, perhaps it's best to start sex education at what age, like 3?

What is the agenda here?
I doubt the pedophiles and child rapists will be shaking in their boots hearing this.
Actually this is suggesting that 10-year-olds can give sexual consent like adults.
This is sexualizing 10-year-olds with adult laws and choices.
If 10-year-old girls can "rape" (not even sexual assault, but a traditionally patriarchal term implying forced interference in a woman's reproductive system by a man), then what next ... ?

Totally ridiculous, and all the prosecuting adults in this case should be dismissed and kept in a psychiatric ward for clinical assessment.
edit on 27-8-2013 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
I have to agree it seems to be upbringing.

Child criminal behaviour must come from somewhere....

You are right children play games and doctors and nurses and they know how to kiss, hold hands, maybe it got out of hand.

I mean how would a child even know how " to do it"? Is the question
edit on 27-8-2013 by FreedomEntered because: (no reason given)

I don't know, all you have to do is talk with friends and then get the idea or impulse to try something, for 10 is young and has no understanding of the gravity or consequences. She is just a child, and in no way is all behavior attributed to parents. Children are not robots, they are individuals. As a mother of 5 boys with many friends and aquaintances, and hearing many events, there is often much explorations in childhood, and they really don't think its serious or important, in addition there are black sheeps in many families. A person's behavior is not the result of parenting, in all cases.

Nor is her behavior completely atypical of children her age. Sexual exploration on these forbidden topics is common amongst children her age and even younger.

Won't go into details but know someone connected to family who was IMO molested at 9, but he thinks it was wonderful, by the teenager neighbor. While the younger neighbor and her friend spied on them giggling.

Yet no one would have ever thought of making criminals out of them, for they are kids and some of this is called growing up.

However, all of that being said, older children need to be taught to not touch other children/younger children inappropriately. That doesnt mean they're going to follow rules like puppets however, many kids do the opposite of what they're told at times.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 10:10 PM
Lock the parents up along with the ten year old. Sometimes I think sterilization might not be a bad idea. I know it's not but these stories upset me so bad. It's probably not even true. I need to rationalize with my mind and not my emotions. It's hard for me to do so and I know that's a vice in need of correcting.

Maybe I am jumping the gun on the story. Maybe the parents had no choice but to work three jobs only to try to take care of their family. The time wasted trying to put bread on the table turned the child into a monster. Maybe it was the parents fault. Keep chasing the almighty dollar while it lasts and maybe you can have your own personal monster.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 05:55 AM
It seems like everyone is jumping the gun. Children, from 2 through 10, are actively developing gender roles. They are naturally curious about their bodies and without proper guidance, this sort of behavior happens. The parents of both sides should have sat their children down and explained to them how this is wrong behavior. At six and ten years old, they can understand that it's inappropriate. It's not like the ten year old had a pattern of this behavior.

What's needed is good parenting. Nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by silo13
I'll be the first one to take a harsh stand against pedophiles. But a 10 year old girl? This is a tough one.

You'd have to be completely bonkers to think this story has anything to do with pedophilia. Which, by the way, isn't a crime, it's a psychological disorder. Child molestation is the crime. Why you would be proud of taking a harsh stand against a person because of their psychological ailment is perplexing on its own. Perhaps I'm just splitting semantic hairs, though.

Anyways, I hope this girl gets nothing other than a questioning about her home life and then a release to her parents. Children experimenting with their gender is not going to implode the country and we certainly don't need to be punishing them for playing doctor as a government body as if it's anyone else's business but the parents'.
edit on 4-9-2013 by LightOrange because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 08:49 AM
W/ the way Sex is just thrown around these days and always in your face... Media ect
We blame children for our failures?

Children learn by example but more importantly I see this as nothing more then curiosity... Better known as playing Doctor. The child is at the right age for this.

Whats wrong is how the adults are handling this! She'll be forever marked by this. All this should have been taken to the family for a family discussion!!!!!

How utterly ridiculous!!!!

Children can be sexually active ( masterbation as young as 4!! Ummm don't ask me how I know! lol)
edit on 4-9-2013 by tracehd1 because: Add

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by boncho

Do you think that's why the mother wasn't allowed in the interview?
I'm trying to keep an open mind here all the way around.
That would make sense wouldn't it? Asking the girl what was 'going on' at home?


The mother should have requested a lawyer be present for the interrogation if she couldn't be. I think she has a mistrial or maybe even a lawsuit when all the dust settles.

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 09:25 AM
Yes it is ok as a society, to invade other countries and kill 100s of 1000s of women and children, but Heaven Forbid a little girl or boy is curious and want to play doctors and nurses .......thats sexual assault!!!!

What rubbish.

All you people who agree with the actions of the "Authorities" in this matter, are sick in the head!!!

It is You, who will be the downfall of this society.

Unless we get back to the real values....this PC and other rubbish will only get worse.

What next, fathers (as long as they are male), not permitted to change their baby's nappy (daipers), incase they accidently look at, or brush the baby's sex organs........Or goodness, take their daughters to the unisex bathrooms to go to the toilet, oh no, they may see them pee........

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