posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 10:10 AM
Now, I obviously am not a scientist. At
the same time, I'm no dumbie
Is it just me, do I think differently? For me it's not just about the carbon dioxide that is being sucked up by
our burning of fossil fuels, it's the obvious long term effects of the BP Oil Spill, and Fukushima. Yet, they are vindicating acidification of the
Oceans on our consumption of fossil fuels... Please advise if I'm looking at this the wrong way as I'd like to have a better understanding.
In all, they looked at 167 studies that tested 153 species under a wide range of carbon dioxide concentrations. They found that corals, echinoderms
and molluscs are more sensitive to projected carbon dioxide increases by the year 2100 than are crustaceans. More worrisome, however, is that fish
larvae maybe on the more sensitive end of the spectrum.
The above quote... Very scary
Is this the precursor to kissing goodbye to the "Great Barrier Reef"???
Take a look at a before and after shot of some Coral and the Acidification process~
Image: Corals are among the many marine animals threatened by ocean acidification. “A” shows a healthy coral reef with living Acropora palmata and
good water quality. “B” shows a degraded coral reef with the same species of coral, dead and in murky water. Ocean acidification is rapidly
transforming reefs in Puerto Rico and other Caribbean and western tropical Atlantic Ocean regions. Credit: Ryan Moyer/USGS
What does that mean for the fisheries and the seafood we eat? That’s pretty hard to say at this point. About the only thing that’s certain is that
there will be changes — huge changes — to the seafood section in your store, if there even is one by the year 2100.
Hrmmm... Don't know if this corelates.... I've never had allergies to "shell fish".... Recently, we picked up a the bags of Medium Shrimp from
Meier's (2 total and on seperate occasions) I've had mild reactions and itchiness... A little benedryl made the itch go away, could this be a
biproduct of the natural disasters and damage we've been doing to our Oceans?
I've picked up other shrimp at different times to test my allergies and there was NO reaction. This is what prompted that thought.
Lastly, I'm no bible thumper but I could see some biblical prophesies about all the Earths water not being drinkable and tainted coming into play.
This is not a biblical thread just showing a corelation, so if your going to mention the bible just reference and don't go on a "end of days" binge
I'd say "In a SHTF scenerio" though it feels like we threw the poop at the fan and some oil... And 100's if not 1000's of gallons of radioactive
water at the oceans... And nobody know's how to fix it...
Are there any specialists in Aquatics or a Science that could help me out. It's very daunting that we keep doing this to the Earth.
Best Regards,