posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 03:12 PM
I just read an article about this a few minutes ago in today's local paper, and I have no idea how this one was missed on ATS because it's REALLY
damn weird, funny, and interesting at the same time.
Study: Hawkmoths use sonar jamming genitals in flight against bats
"Hawk moths may be jamming bat sonar signals by rubbing their genitals.
The behaviour, reported in Biology Letters on 3 July, creates an ultrasonic noise that could be used to scare off an attacking bat and to jam the
bat's sonar."
What the hell man? Just when you think you've heard it all there's always something else - but this one is by the far the best I've heard of in a
longgggggggggg time
I wonder how in the world these scientists found this out in the first place... nevermind, maybe I don't want to
On a serious note though, this is actually really damn interesting. Its another example of how truly amazing nature really is - and it really makes me
wonder sometimes; what's more advanced technology or the world around us?
Isn't technology really just an imitation of nature in the first place?