Introduction|||Game of Thrones, one of my favourite shows today and that has come about in a good long while... Why such a fan you ask? "Geez,
just falling for another popular fad of a TV show, I watched an episode it wasn't all that it was cracked out to be."
(Readers of the book are flinching in disgust because I failed to mention of Fire and Ice.)
Well, the show, (yes, not the book) is all that I can comment on. I haven't had time to pick up the written series, and even though people might
respond with "if you have time to watch the show..." I must retort with the fact that books are another matter to me entirely, and while I can pause a
TV show to take a call, I find myself lost and disinterested if I 'pause' a book.
In any case, I only have the show to go on, but why does it catch my attention as it does so many others? Why is it one of the most popular illegally
downloaded shows on the planet? Because it hits true to home. Because it tells the story of a kingdom where the bad guys win, the good guys die, and
in some way some how, you end up rooting for a bad guy without even realizing it. Just like real life:
Welcome to...
Game of Seats
We all know that the biggest chair to sit in is somewhere on Capitol Hill, which seat it is exactly is probably up for debate but I'm sure it's one
with plenty influence and power. Unfortunately we don't have a couple thousand swords melted together with a rag tag group of inbred royal and not so
royal misfits vying for the supreme power of plucking their arse on it to warm the rusty steel burrs.
Instead we have lobbyists around the nation salivating at the thought of getting their groomed
robot champion of the people into
keeping old worn in chairs warm with their plump behinds for a coupe hours a day fighting for all their constituents so they can
represent the voice of the people.
(Or is it the other way around?)
ATS Thread: Where's my bribe?
What is the difference between lobbying and bribery?
The government being bought and paid for is not really news to anyone. Since the days of the very first elections there were whispers of conspiracy
and misbehaviour behind the electoral process.
(While we talk about the current state of so called democracy lets please forget that the USA is supposed to be a republic and what it
resembles now is more like a cesspool of failed policies and political mumbo jumbalaya, but thats neither here nor there in this context, because we
are analyzing the words of the word.
Demolition of Democracy
One thing I notice is that any intended purpose of a system usually has the lifespan of the person who created it, if, (AND THAT IS A BIG "IF") the
people who benefit/suffer the effects of the system, are lucky.
I'm sure the Quran as a great spoken tradition may have been great at settling tribal disputes, settling the nerves of fathers losing their daughters
to that really hunky dude down the
street dirt path, who has 6 camels and is always flashing Drachmas around only to go around
breaking a young girls
hymen heart.
"Ow Boncho, why do you have to stab us in our Musilix?"
Oh don't worry, the same could be said by whoever set up the Pope Show, and whoever invented that silly hat. Lets give supreme power to people and
prance them around like they are somehow better than us and more in tune with god. Completely unrelated, were going to agree with everything they say
and follow every instruction they give, and we will also not want to question them as it's disrespectful to god.
Yes yes, I know, you want to tell me how
every your religion isn't like this and it's merely for yadda yadda, blah blah, unicorns and
bunnies, pink lady dynamite, waa waa wascobar had a little cherry jar. Oops doodle doodle Mother Goose lost her noodle.
It's okay, I am beyond saving.
my thoughts on religion are found here.
My point is that no matter the system, while it may be developed with the greatest intentions, it doesn't take long for those to go completely out the
window. Most of the "wars" being fought today, the people who are involved waging them, have no idea why they are even doing it.
They just simply jump at the sign of "evil" because they believe they are good. So therefore the other side must be evil. Makes sense don't it?
I really would like to stay away from the cliche but it's gonna come out no matter what.
The path to hell was paved in nutella
good intentions. (Sorry, nutella is so damn good I bet the path to hell is actually paved in that to lure people to it, it makes perfect
While wars today are fought in the name of democracy as if democracy were a moral ideal as well as an easily identifiable government style, it is
not really that black and white. The inventors of democracy were the Greeks who lived in small city-states called poleis. Contact with the wide world
was slower. Life lacked modern conveniences. Voting machines were primitive, at best. The people -- the ones who put the demo- in democracy -- were
intimately involved in decisions that affected them and would be appalled that bills to be voted on now require reading through thousand-page tomes.
They might be even more aghast that people actually vote on those bills without doing the reading.
Democracy Then and Now
And for a purely descriptive version:
Democracy [demos ~= the people; cracy >kratos = strength/rule, so democracy = rule by the people] is considered an invention of the ancient
Athenian Greeks. This page on Greek democracy brings together articles on the stages democracy went through in Greece, as well as the controversy
Greek democracy caused, with passages from period thinkers on the institution of democracy and its alternatives.
reptilian overlord aliens disguised as overweight, pimply, rotting teeth baby boomers the politicians don blue and red war paint
and go into battle in room for overpaid self-important narcissists and claim to be fighting for each person of the land so long as they wear at least
one of the same colors.
It never really is a discussion of right and wrong unless you believe blue is right and red is wrong. Or red is right and blue is wrong. The division
among themselves and their constituents is unbelievable. It is amazing they ever get anything done at all. But do they?
What is the intended purpose of the red and blue anyway? If the lot of them was stranded on some Island somewhere the colors would have no
consequence. In fact you might actually see them try to run something efficiently for once in there life. (That tends to happen when faced with life
and death consequences.)
So what are they doing up there exactly? Creating division. Blue vs Red, I win you lose. You lose I win. Always a loser.
edit on 23-8-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)
edit on 23-8-2013 by boncho because: (no
reason given)