posted on May, 19 2003 @ 02:02 PM
Yes, I agree with you.
Ultimately we make our own choices in life..I know I make my own path or decide for myself what is right or wrong.
But don't you think sometimes we may need a push in the right direction..or someone to 'show' or guide us where we need to be? What is wrong with a
stranger who can see something we maybe cannot yet?
I know without a doubt that there are 'psychics' who CAN see what we may not be able to see thus far...
I'm not saying I would take their word as law and 'go where they told me to' but it can sometimes add something perhaps we already knew within but
were afraid to 'jump on'..
With that said..(just so you know)..I've never done anything a psychic told me to do or told me would be in my better interest to do..but here I am
today perhaps taken a different path then I should have a few times-but still ended up here, where I feel I needed to would that be considered
fate? Or choice? Or a mixture of the two?
Now back to the you think the lines on our hands tell about our lives, or past or future? Are they significant at all? Or just lines and
nothing more?