posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:43 AM
Might sound far fetched, but this is a conspiracy website. Let's see, The Gulf of Mexico is pretty much ruined, Fukushima is screwing up the ocean
and the Asian carp are at the front door of the Great Lakes. Sooner or later there's going to be a big enough dent in the supply of fish and it
won't meet the demand. In steps the corporations to buy up smaller inland lakes and open up massive corporate fish farms, [Like they did with the
cattle, hog and chicken industry] They won't be able to control it all, but half a loaf is better than none. I'm not saying these things are being
allowed to run amuck on purpose, but if things gradually get worse, the fish we eat are going to have to come from somewhere. Would corporations ruin
nature in the name of profits and control? [Yes.] All my opinion of course, but if anything else "accidentally" happens to OUR waters in the coming
years, I'm digging a pond.