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Disabled Mum Set To Become First Person in Scotland Evicted Due To The Bedroom Tax

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posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Panic2k11

"I hope you understand that your nation is bankrupt and being run by idiots, the only thing keeping it up is it being the second economic center of the world (the US is in even worst shape). Its a race to see who pops first the UK or the US."

I hope you understand that if ether the U.K or the U.S did indeed become bankrupt the whole world would immediately follow suit.

My nation and the rest of the U.K are being run by Banking Cartels as is the rest of the world.

I'm afraid It has always been this way.

Do not for one minute think that these people are idiots, they have an agenda which there are following to the letter, of that you can be sure!

These people are not stupid, indeed that's what they wish you to believe!

Its all just misdirection, smoke and mirrors, you look in one direction, you don't see what "They" are up to from the other.
edit on 24-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by andy06shake

I hope you understand that if ether the U.K or the U.S did indeed become bankrupt the whole world would immediately follow suit.

Agree, but do you think that we "the people" benefit from this kicking the can forward into the precipice and increase the fleecing of the sheep to blatant criminal intent or would we best be served by a collapse ? I would prefer the collapse, it would be quicker and the pain would make us remember to do the necessary social and economic restructuring. It is hard to say what would be harder in the loss of human lives, this slow boiling off or a quick kick into the butt to the fiery pit.

My nation and the rest of the U.K are being run by Banking Cartels as is the rest of the world.

Not really the rest of the world but it is coming there, as a pyramid scheme it has to expand, even if by force, to the maximum before it bursts...

I'm afraid It has always been this way.

Not really it started to be this way after England got into the industrial age, the seed was already there like the Medici etc evolved from the Roman criminal organizations (the mob is another side of it), that evolved to exploit Roman socity. We base our laws on the Roman laws it is just normal that these entities (even legal constructs at times) evolve in parallel...

Do not for one minute think that these people are idiots, they have an agenda which there are following to the letter, of that you can be sure!

As a global plot I don't buy it, and not with a single goal or objective, it is like any government, it represents a set of special interest groups not the common citizen, the conspiracy if exists is just the result of concerted pull toward the same type of goals.

Its all just misdirection, smoke and mirrors, you look in one direction, you don't see what "They" are up to from the other.

I really don't think they are making an effort to hide it much anymore. We all understand the relation between government and corporations, we all understand that journalists and news channels are information operators that prioritize and select information for their own interests, etc...

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by andy06shake

Any shortfall in rent should be covered by the discretionary fund. But what do I know

Exactly and she won't apply for it, the council have tried to help her on numerous occasions and she's just ignored how is that the govt's fault?

And for the last time, it is not a is a reduction in benefits for those under occupying social housing, it's been like that in the private sector for years

I really can't believe you posted this after your previous thread about your own housing situation...did you learn nothing from that? You know what the rules are and what help is available, yet you continue to bang on about the subject, blaming the govt, when in fact the law is in place to make things fairer for those who have always had to pay a rent top due to having to rent in the private sector because there a no social houses available..

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by destination now

"Exactly and she won't apply for it, the council have tried to help her on numerous occasions and she's just ignored how is that the govt's fault?"

The Women is disabled, i think she should be given the benefit of the doubt regarding why she has so far ignored any contact with her council. She did state that she thought she had another month to address the problem. One would think someone from social services would be there to intervene on her behalf.

"And for the last time, it is not a is a reduction in benefits for those under occupying social housing, it's been like that in the private sector for years"

So why is it being labeled as such? The phase has been coined, there is no going back.

"I really can't believe you posted this after your previous thread about your own housing situation...did you learn nothing from that?"

I was lucky enough to be offered another property that hopefully will be suitable for my family. I still have not seen inside said property as of yet.

My situation is nowhere nearly as bad as this woman's. My problem related to overcrowding not eviction.

The only thing i learned is that chance is a fine thing.

"You know what the rules are and what help is available, yet you continue to bang on about the subject, blaming the govt, when in fact the law is in place to make things fairer for those who have always had to pay a rent top due to having to rent in the private sector because there a no social houses available."

I am aware of the rules, I certainly don't know them inside out. I don't see this as making things easier for the lady in question. In fact i imagine this situation is placing the Woman under tremendous pressure.

I just think she should be left to live in the house provided to her by her own Council over two years ago. I certainly don't think eviction proceedings should have been initiated over a mere £248!

edit on 25-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by andy06shake
reply to post by destination now

"Exactly and she won't apply for it, the council have tried to help her on numerous occasions and she's just ignored how is that the govt's fault?"

The Women is disabled, i think she should be given the benefit of the doubt regarding why she has so far ignored any contact with her council. One would think someone from social services would be there to intervene on her behalf.

"And for the last time, it is not a is a reduction in benefits for those under occupying social housing, it's been like that in the private sector for years"

So why is it being labeled as such? The phase has been coined, there is no going back.

"I really can't believe you posted this after your previous thread about your own housing situation...did you learn nothing from that?"

I was lucky enough to be offered another property that hopefully will be suitable for my family. I still have not seen inside said property. The only thing i learned is that chance is a fine thing.

"You know what the rules are and what help is available, yet you continue to bang on about the subject, blaming the govt, when in fact the law is in place to make things fairer for those who have always had to pay a rent top due to having to rent in the private sector because there a no social houses available."

I am aware of the rules, I certainly don't know them inside out. I don't see this as making things easier for the lady in question. In fact i imagine this situation is placing the Woman under tremendous pressure.

I just think she should be left to live in the house provided to her by her own Council over two years ago. I certainly don't think eviction proceeding should have been initiated over a mere £248!

edit on 25-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

She's not mentally disabled though, she's quite capable of reading a letter, as I would imagine is her son, who she says visits her often..the council are prepared to go to all sorts of lengths, if you ask for help filling out a form etc they will give it to you..There is no excuse and you can't make the exception for one person or else everyone could just ignore the council and not face any consequences...can't you see what a dangerous precedent that would set?

A phrase was coined...that does not make it an accurate description. And why should council tenants have an unfair advantage over private tenants? Do you think that is fair, that someone in exactly the same position financially should have to pay extra because they have a different set of rules? You're just not thinking about this logically, or fairly for that matter.

The woman has put herself in this position, the help is available for her, she has family who could help, if not financially then at least helping her to contact the council...refer to my first point, she has no excuse.

2 years! I've lived in my private rented flat for longer than that, and I don't see it as my permanent home, 22 yrs I might see her point, though when you consider that all she has to do is apply for the discretionary payment and solve the problem, it's totally ridiculous. And what is a small amount right now, will continue to increase unless she sorts it out and of course there are rules on the length of time that a payment can be backdated, so she really has to apply for the discretionary payment now in order to sort the whole thing out.

Really Andy, you are taking up the cause of a totally undeserving case here, the Labour run council have reduced the woman's benefit by less than £9 per week, and have offered her the chance to apply for the discretionary payment to make up the shortfall..she has just ignored all of their repeated attempts to help her. Her son who stays with her hasn't helped either and he could, if even going to talk to the council on her behalf..he hasn't done that. Her ex partner could also help as I assume he receives the child benefit and child tax credit for the younger child, he hasn't done that either.

There does come a point when people do have to take some responsibility for themselves, and lets face it, picking up the phone and speaking to the housing department is hardly asking her to crawl over burning coals..just make a damn phonecall and sort the whole mess out!

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by destination now

What can i say I feel sorry for the Woman, it could just as easily be one of my own family members.

If I had a spare £248 I would give it to her and tell her not to let a situation such as this happen again.

Things have a habit of getting away from you sometimes, I imagine for the woman in question this is one of those times.

Hopefully she will indeed take her situation in hand, sort something out and avoid being evicted over such a trivial sum of money.
edit on 25-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by andy06shake
reply to post by destination now

What can i say I feel sorry for the Woman, it could just as easily be one of my own family members.

If I had a spare £248 I would give it to her and tell her not to let a situation such as this happen again.

Things have a habit of getting away from you sometimes, I imagine for the woman in question this is one of those times.

edit on 25-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

But it wouldn't be your own family member, because you would have phoned the council straight away and got it sorted, you know you would.

And the whole point is that she doesn't need to find £248 pounds, the backdated discretionary payment will cover that, but she has to apply for it.

Yes, I agree, things can get away from you sometimes, and that's when those of us with families and friends step in and help, the council know that this is the case as well, but before they can help, you have to talk to them and then they'll do what they can, and in this woman's case, they will sort the whole thing out for her and she can continue to live in her home.

This is not some 80yr old woman who has multiple issues and no family or friends, being thrown out of the home she has lived in for over 40 yrs, with a local council who are not prepared to listen to her pleas for help or be able to do anything to help. The situation has been caused by the woman herself and she is not prepared to do anything to help herself..her family too don't seem to care, although her son stays with her at times..not one of them can be bothered to pick up a, I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.

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