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Mysterious ‘horned’ sea monster washes ashore in Spain

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posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:04 AM
not saying this one is a Chinese dragon but usually long serpentine sea dragons with antlers (not horns) are associated with Chinese dragons. A good description here:

there were many accounts in China of such things washing ashore (lesser dragons/baby dragons live in rivers, lakes or the sea) or have fallen from the sky fighting from one historical account of a village of two full grown Chinese dragons fighting in the sky until one lost and fell down (properly grown dragons are believed to live up in the heavens) The villagers built shelter on the wounded dragon (they are described as gigantic and very long, "See the head, then you can't see the tail") and tended to it until it recovered. Then the dragon flew off and the village received great harvesting seasons.

Here's one account of a finding in 1934 on newspaper:

I agree that the picture of the one in Spain could be a decomposing body of a whale/shark/etc as people have also pointed out for this newspaper pic by taking a photo of a whale bone with miss-placed bones in the head acting as horns:

but with a close-up on the Chinese newspaper pic it can clearly be seen that it's antlers growing out of the head:

on a side note, the Chinese in the newspaper refers to the dragon as a "Jiaolong" (lesser immature Chinese dragons) which apparently are the more commonly seen dragons in China since ancient times due to its habitat often being at the bottom of rivers/ponds/lakes/waterfalls which humans also live by. People back then weren't afraid of such things as dragons represents good things in Chinese culture and to kill/harm one is unthinkable

there was also an account I heard once of American soldiers dropping a bomb into a Vietnam river during the war and bombed out something similar to a Jiaolong, killing it. They found the body and held it up with them all holding it and took a photo. I've never seen it but my family members who told me the story have all seen it (think they said in a historic/military book) and said it definitely was a Chinese Jiao dragon as it was freshly killed with antlers/scales/mane/etc everything on it despite being a young dragon. After listening to them saying how it was a shame etc etc such a creature was killed, they continued on to say that the soldiers thought excitedly it was just a fish they've never seen before and ate it. They all died from some sort of poisoning

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