posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by beezzer
I once went to the DMV to register Mom's car. Try and do something mice for Mom, eh? She gave me her credit card and I was off. Well, six hours later
they came out and told us all their credit card machine was down. At the time, we had just gotten a computer and knew little of the internet. I called
Mom in a rage from the parking lot, let her know what was up.
By the time I got home fifteen minutes later, she had done it online. I felt like jumping off a cliff.
I feel your pain bunny man, as the DMV is an absolute joke of an organization. Just another government agency who's only purpose is to make us
miserable, screw us out of liberties and money and keep us all under the thumb of government domination. I can't even drive legally as I'm
"guilty" of a non-violent and victimless thought crime.
The system is broken for us little guys. It works well for those in power as they make loads of money off of us. Money that most of us don't have.