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The "I'm A Special Snowflake" Generation -- Another Social Engineering Scam

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posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 02:28 AM
There are special snowflakes... especially those that join the military and get off on the fact that society basically worships them. And then they get out of the military, becomes cops, and treat everyone like trash. Most are mentally disabled due to ptsd, but still have badges handed to them.

On the other side, you have those that want Government to take care of them their entire life. And vote socialist bull# into law, like Obamacare, then wonder where all the jobs are.

The fact is, the majority of the population in this US doesn't give a damn about right, the constitution, or liberty. It's all about ME ME ME ME ME ME ME and to hell with everyone else. And it's a God damn shame too.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 02:35 AM
I don't understand the endgame for your theory on the engineering scam?

Put everyone on welfare?

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Khaleesi
reply to post by James1982

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I think it is all about perspective. There are so many things I could say to show you my perspective but, I am pushing the boundaries of what I feel is appropriate for me to say. Many conversations that I feel just aren't mine to reveal. Privacy and all that. The difference between want and need is a loooooooong conversation I have had many times with the kids. I think that is the root of the problem. IMO their misunderstanding of 'need' brings about the 'entitled attitude' that they exhibit. As for how they got their electronic devices? A friend of the family 'gave' them against our express wishes. Then we were left with the fall out of emotions as we dealt with the consequences. Basically, I have a hard time seeing it as anything but entitlement when I have a 20 year old living in my home, refusing to get a job, playing video games all day and acting like doing a simple chore like taking out the trash is some hugh favor. It caused many a fight between my partner and myself. She tried to get him to understand that he needed to earn something and contribute, not just live off of us. He finally joined the military and seems to be getting a clue.

As for the attitude of never being able to afford a car? I can see your point in some respects but, it still comes down to an entitled attitude to me. "I can't afford it but I know you will provide it for me." No need to even try with that type of attitude.

You've just given all the reasons why you have this view and why things are a problem in your own home. You are ALLOWING it. Someone else gave your kids phones? Who is paying the bill? Even if you're not, you can still take the phone out of YOUR house. Tired of lazy kids playing video games? Why are the games even in the house then? It's called lazy parenting, not putting the work in when kids are younger and easier to manage which leads to unruly teenagers. Please don't complain about a generation you created. It just makes your generation look even worse, and since your generation created this mess we're in right now, I'm really not sure you're the best judge of ANYONE else's morals, values, achievements, attitudes, or anything else for that matter.

Take some responsibility for the mess you've made starting in your own house and work your way up the chain.

Completely ridiculous.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:07 AM
Based off my own experience every job I have ever had has expected 300 percent out of you while giving nothing back at all! The work place has become a teenage popularity contest where if you work too hard or not hard enough you make enemies. The bosses want you to inflate their egos. The company when caught pulling BS acts like your just one of those people who cause problems lol

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Hey now...I take this post a bit personally, when you direct it at '20 year olds'...

I'm 21, and I'm nothing like that. I've struggled and fought for everything that I've ever had in life, most often against people who acted like it was their life's mission to deprive me of.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

Spoken like a true snowflake.

So you had to work imagine that.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

From the definition given in that video it would seem that those complaining are the special snowflakes.

What better way to stick it to a prima donna than being a bigger prima donna?

edit on 23-8-2013 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by SilverStarGazer

You've just given all the reasons why you have this view and why things are a problem in your own home. You are ALLOWING it. Someone else gave your kids phones? Who is paying the bill? Even if you're not, you can still take the phone out of YOUR house. Tired of lazy kids playing video games? Why are the games even in the house then? It's called lazy parenting, not putting the work in when kids are younger and easier to manage which leads to unruly teenagers. Please don't complain about a generation you created. It just makes your generation look even worse, and since your generation created this mess we're in right now, I'm really not sure you're the best judge of ANYONE else's morals, values, achievements, attitudes, or anything else for that matter.

Take some responsibility for the mess you've made starting in your own house and work your way up the chain.

Completely ridiculous.

WOW! Thanks for really reading and comprehending what I wrote! THEY AREN'T MY KIDS! I am considered an evil step-mother at best. Yes someone gave them the electronics WHILE THEY WERE AWAY FROM HOME, not in our presence. AND they did it when we specifically told them NOT to. We were the ones that had to deal with the emotional fall out WHEN WE TOOK THE DAMN THINGS AWAY! Video games? We took those away too. We actually had to hide the thing because if we left the house, he just went and got it anyway. I didn't create this generation. You got a lot of damn gall to claim I did. I DON'T HAVE KIDS! THEY AREN'T MINE! Read my full post and COMPREHEND IT before you blame me.
edit on 23-8-2013 by Khaleesi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

Hey now...I take this post a bit personally, when you direct it at '20 year olds'...

I'm 21, and I'm nothing like that. I've struggled and fought for everything that I've ever had in life, most often against people who acted like it was their life's mission to deprive me of.

KUDOS to you then. My daughter is the same age and nothing like the people I mention in the OP.

I was generalizing, because it's a general problem among the youth today. It's not their fault, they weren't properly prepared for the world of today.

Parents failed them, the government failed them and most importantly, society has failed them.

They are a product of their upbringing. My animosity isn't towards them, but those who created the problem. Namely my own generation.


posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

You have no idea of what your talking about...sad.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 09:46 PM
the im a special snowflake generation has to be the hippies into the middle of the 70's hands down my parents generation . this generation has had it monumental leaps and epic lows, Look at apple or Microsoft= 70's generation the counter culture im not going to be like my parents lol only to be worse then their parents by outsourcing the work to foreign companies, politically killing the constitution, You know these people you see their pictures when they had been young with a guitar in their hands singing, holding sit ins, being at rallies, holding up signs with free love.Now they are the wanabe bikers except they want to have comfort lol so they buy BMW motorcycles and are riding with their golf buddies in their matching vests.

In their youth they wanted to be so anti establishment they literally joined radical political groups or held radical political ideals and they ended up conforming eventually and' picking a side some went right some went left "most went left" armed with a degree they ditched the "tune in and drop out mentality and turned it into "tone out and sellout" toning out any voice of reasonable debate "because that's what happened to them in their youth" also their special 1970's education some how makes them better and selling out on the motives that pushed them into politics in the first place to help people or fix anything. They believe that social science is the key to everything but when the numbers dont match with their ideals they simply lie and make up new rules or new methods to hide the truth so it fits their ideals.

just listen to bill maher for a minute these are the Special Snowflake generation and most of his generation is like that

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

You have no idea who I am, where I come from, or what I've gone through; so how about you leave your inappropriate stereotypes and ad hominem at the door, eh?

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

While I did not have my Mother as I was growing up, I had a phenomenal Father who raised me very well, and to have a certain 'code' of chivalry...The things kids do these days with each other, I just couldn't fathom. My Dad never raised me that way, and I most certainly wasn't the product of the TV-raised generation. Take it this way : I lived in a house with 6 other people, 5 if you exclude my girlfriend at the time, and the crazy things that these people were doing....Having great big orgies, and all kinds of other crap. Needless to say her and I were the only ones to walk away without an STD.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Soo what generation are you from? Hippy 60's, the Disco 70's, the Economic Boom 80's, the Corporate take over 90's, the fear and war 00's or the Snowflakes of change 10's?
Starting with the decline the nanosecond Ford motor cars stopped lowering in price year to year due to economies of scale. Engineers and Scientists went off on Massive Tangents and left so many basic needs unsolved! The Snowflake ideology you call self empowered, I call human heritage. Kids today are absolutely right about feeling this way, the way things should be. I say bring that self-empowered feeling back from The roaring 20's except this time food and potable water will be a human heritage.

edit on 24-8-2013 by Emeraldous because: grammar

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Hey everybody.

Every now and then I like to rant about social issues. I have a few in particular that are pet peeves of mind, one of them being Social Engineering. It's a tool that used to program adults and youth to act and think in a certain way.

To condition them to lines of thought that would otherwise be thought of as morally wrong and damaging. One such occurrence that I see today is the Special Snowflake Generation.

Before I get into that though, I wanted to express how this is just the evolution of the "Bubble Kids".

Remember, those kids that had to stay inside? Whose parents disinfected everything and made every decision for their child till the age of 18? The ones who knew nothing of losing, hard work or have any skills required to operate in the real world.

Well since that didn't seem to catch very much, we know have the Snowflakes.

Kids who are told, by their entire support system that they are special. That they should be proud of themselves for having accomplished nothing. Which in turn, creates a sense of entitlement in young people.

Young people then demand things and make noise, start protests and eventually turn to violence, all for a cause they neither know of, nor understand.

The society where everybody gets a trophy and nobody is looser. The one where little Jimmy in 5th grade is treated like gold cause he can complete 5th grade math.

Now I'm not against encouraging children to success, don't get me wrong. Accomplishments should be celebrated.

Losses however, must be taught. A child needs not only to learn how to deal with loss, but how to set themselves up for success. You can't ever achieve that on your own, if you were always guided by the hand from above.

It's maddening to listen to the freshly minted 20 year olds, who for some reason expected the world to be at their beck and call when they graduated high school. Only to find out that until they've actually done something of note, the world doesn't give a damn.

The higher education communities only see you as money unless you have something on paper that will them as an institution. Employers don't see you as a asset, but as a necessity, to be cheated and undermined at every turn in order to turn a profit.

Beyond these issues with 'street smarts' and living as an adult in the 21st century, these young adult's emotions are nowhere near developed enough to handle the stress of failure or rejection.

In personal relationships, I hear of kids who go off the college, get their first girl friend, break up halfway through the year and throw their education away. Or worse, kill themselves because they simply have not been taught, nor given the opportunity to develop their emotional shell versus failure, loss and disappointment.

This brings be back to my original point. This is all by design. Those who pull our strings, they don't want our youth educated and prepared for the real world.

They would rather, that people come into adulthood, feeling the crushing pain of debt, social decay and financial instability on even the most basic of levels. Like feeding yourselves.

This way, it only takes a few years for those young people to 'accept' the system for what it is, and become defendant of it, even subservient to it in the end. A awakened youth is not something any Oligarch or dictator wants to deal with.

The young have resolve. The kind that adults seldom show these days, even in situations or within topics that matter to them most.

Social Engineering is becoming an industry all of it's own. It started with Advertising and now it's full blown social propaganda, and we are the guinea pigs.

The only thing that will save us, is making sure that our kids know what's coming and prepare them to succeed.

By letting them fail when it doesn't matter, as opposed to when it does.

edit on 8/21/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

Parents have an obligation to teach them. This is where the moral fiber becomes unraveled because parents are not doing the job. This is how they win. This is how morals will be bred out with the dying of the older generation.

Parents who do not give their children time, shouldn't be at all surprised when they find it elsewhere. I just want to know how to deal with a morally challenged society without going to prison.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Emeraldous
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Soo what generation are you from? Hippy 60's, the Disco 70's, the Economic Boom 80's, the Corporate take over 90's, the fear and war 00's or the Snowflakes of change 10's?
Starting with the decline the nanosecond Ford motor cars stopped lowering in price year to year due to economies of scale. Engineers and Scientists went off on Massive Tangents and left so many basic needs unsolved! The Snowflake ideology you call self empowered, I call human heritage. Kids today are absolutely right about feeling this way, the way things should be. I say bring that self-empowered feeling back from The roaring 20's except this time food and potable water will be a human heritage.

edit on 24-8-2013 by Emeraldous because: grammar

I guess they need to get off their collective asses and make it that way. They won't because they are sooooo special. If you don't like the cards that are dealt to you, reshuffle the deck. Run for office and make a change. Roar loud and often. Create something better. Never give up and never surrender. Keep plugging until there is real change.

PS: I'm new and want to know how to imbed a youtube video. I hit the VID: YouTube button and cut and pasted it in there but the video doesn't seem to imbed. Any help will be grateful. Thanks.

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