posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by MRuss
While I have to admit that I'm not that informed on the "Smart Meter" debate, at this point I'm far from convinced that there's anything to fear
other than a loss of jobs and a huge savings for corporate america that, for the most part, won't be passed on to the consumer.
It's my understanding that there are two primary reasons for introducing the "Smart Meter." First and foremost in the eyes of the corporate CEO,
would be the elimination of a whole class of employees, (meter readers & servicemen) thereby reducing overhead and increasing profits. The second
reason would be to better track & manage the distribution of energy across the grid.
So what if they can better monitor your energy usage? That information would be quite beneficial in the quest to more efficiently manage our
nation's energy grid. As a result of this "information feedback," some power providers in my area are offering free electricity after 9 p.m.,
(when their demand is low) thereby resulting in a direct saving for the consumer.
While they would have the ability to disconnect your service without sending a serviceman out to your location, I've seen no evidence whatsoever that
they would have the ability to selectively shut down appliances in your home, much less monitor individual usage of those appliances.
It seems as though every time a new technology is rolled out, those who make their living selling "fear" start screaming about how it's really just
another aspect of the government invading our lives. Hell if I didn't know better, I'd think someone had founded an anti-technology, "Ted Kacynski
Society" or something like that.