posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 12:33 AM
I seriously doubt that moving the world's electrical generation to fusion power would have any serious impact on the petroleum industry, or on the
Middle East. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, oil-fired electrical generation only accounts for 5% of the world's power supply, so the drop in
demand for oil wouldn't exactly be devastating. The drop that does occur will be at least partially offset by one of the side-effects of a larger
supply of (relatively) cheap electricity. Historically, every major jump in power generation has been followed by a period of increased
industrialization and an overall increase in the standard of living...take a quick look at the growth of a prosperous middle class in China and
The coal industry would take a serious hit, but even it's not going to go away...the demand for organic products (in the chemistry sense, not the
rather absurd 'organic farming' sense) is going to insure that there will always be at least some market for *anything* with hydrocarbons in it.