posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by donutviper
its about financial security and prosperity.
everyone wants it. but in today's form, the excessive lifestyle of the rich and famous isn't possible for everyone. How could every guy have a
mega-yacht, jet, helo, mansions, servants, etc... hey, there it is..........servants......... that's the point. Plus, do you like it better when
Disneyland with 4hr lines for a ride or, when its VIP only?
The world is anti-competition for the top, and survival of the dirtiest for the rest of us.
MONEY is basically a wall/moat/fortress between the ELITES and the rest. they are positioning daily their assets thru the bankster/money changers
for ONE GOAL..
make sure no one else gets any..........that would threaten theirs.... don't let weeds get out of control, pollinate, spread.
Look at the any of the Queen's Royal Garden... to the ELITES, we are the landscape. Some of the queens special flowers probably giver her more
concern at death than 100 babies the world over..
Until the majority give up the desire it wont happen.