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"The Story So Far..."

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posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 12:24 PM
The science behind the story:
edit on 14-8-2013 by KaiDKravitVALIS42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:02 PM
Eloquently creative, I must say. And even before your mention of Zelazny, I was thinking of "For a Breath I Tarry."
Have enjoyed reading what you've written. Thanks, OP.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by tetra50

"For a Breath I Tarry" is maybe my favorite short story. You flatter me.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by KaiDKravitVALIS42

It is deserved, creatively. The part about the millenium of time spent on the satellite with nothing to do but become sentient reminded me of the blue satellite that gave the orders to Frost and the computer of the southern For A Breath I Tarry.

I look forward to reading more.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 02:22 PM
You are too kind. I will post more as soon as it's done. Also...

edit on 14-8-2013 by KaiDKravitVALIS42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 12:23 PM
Chapter 13.2 “Quantum Defense”

Kai woke up in the smallest and most grotesquely furnished court room he had ever seen. It looked like Judge Judy and Martha Stewart had smoked PCP and had a daring contest which lasted until they got sick and threw up all over the place. “What in the frozen hells happened?” He was used to quantum jumping to random destinations but something was different this time. He could feel the influence of a bad judge of character. “Guilty!” The voiced boomed from nowhere in particular. “I’m confused,” Kai said “Osiris is the hand of justice and he has been with me since the future. Who are you to place blame, bodiless voice?” “I am Siriso. I am he who places blame and shamelessly punishes those who obstruct the laws of physics!” the voice responded and manifested as an enormous chicken. “I want my attorney,” Kai said and, due to the quantum right to representation, Osiris was teleported into the room. “Yo, this # is ridiculous!” the bird man yelled at his chicken head legal opponent, “I dip out for a minute and you get to charging people for disregarding chronological narrative practice?!” Siriso replied, “I will not have this disorder in my courtroom! Find a proper means of defense or this man is guilty!” Osiris simply said, “Listen man…this mother#er is crazy! He can’t be held responsible for violating the laws of physics because he doesn’t even acknowledge them,” he pointed at Kai and continued, “Statute 13 subsection 24.42 of The Freedom of Teleportation Act clearly states that a time traveler can be held accountable for violations of chronological order but that a ‘free thinker’ who does not acknowledge the existence of contemporary space/time laws is bound only to the quantum laws contained in his own mind. And he has none. This man is clearly temporally not to be #ed with.” Osiris won the case. Kai shook his hand and Judge KFC was transported back to a reality which still contained digital watches.

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