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1960's Subliminal Message Tells You GOVERNMENT IS GOD-OBEY.

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posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 04:05 PM
Okay guys I saw this a few minutes ago and it seems pretty messed up. This video was aired in the 60's and 70's at the end of the broadcast day it is the US anthem music with lyrics at the bottom with random images in the background. What the guy who uploaded it did was slow the video down so the lyrics of the US anthem scroll across the screen slowly and what is reviled is subliminal messages saying things like "GOVERNMENT IS GOD" or "CONSUME OBEY"

Turn off the all I can say.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Well, every government head of state has a time, whether by election or right of succession. In the Bible, God raises and lowers kingdoms and empires as He sees fit.

This is where the concept of "divine right of kings," comes from.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 04:09 PM

the sign off start at 3:57 on that video amazingly without the subliminals

also from the old thread

Originally posted by PaidDisinfoAgent

Originally posted by verticalprojectile

Originally posted by kellynap43 I think we all can use a little common sense and tell this is a hoax. Common on, even the music used in the 2nd video is a little dramatic.
With all that said, I have no doubt that there are companies and organizations out there that do this on a regular basis. Not saying that this is moral by any means, but can anybody clarify if it is against the law?
So, to sum up: 1. This is a hoax because the guy who originally caught it, slowed it down and re-uploaded it paired it with a certain kind of music. 2. Albeit without citation, this is likely legal. Anyone else want to take a shot? Because this seems a little weak in the debunking department.
Evidence of tampering has been pointed out by member WBhist, who is Video Description Editor and Technical Historian of The Museum of Classic Chicago Television. His knowledge on this is far superior than anybody else who has chimed in here. And this is an email from Rick Klein President, Founder, and Chief Archive Curator in regards to the videos provided in the OP.

Just to clarify, the videos on the link you sent me are not from WMAQ. One that we have on our site that IS from WMAQ, seen here: - uses the same old SSB film. As you can see, the text does not flutter as the doctored one does. It's pretty clear this is a hoax Rick
WBhist First Post WBhist Second Post WBhist Third Post WBhist Fourth Post And here is an email from WBhist earlier:

I can say that that particular "SSB" film was created some time in the early or mid-1960's (the 50 stars on the flag are the key to dating this). Since WMAQ was broadcasting in color since the 1950's, it figures they'd get the color print - which they may've run since at least the mid-'60's. Evidently, it had to have been in the period between '84 and '89 that its use on Channel 5 ceased. The person who put up that original "SSB" film on YouTube has said that in that case, it had come from a TV station in Alabama. The question then is, which other stations besides WMAQ and the Alabama station used it? It also appears that the film as on YouTube was originally in black-and-white, but colorized (and badly at that) for the most part, except to get the opening Seal of the President and the closing shot of the flag. The WMAQ print was in genuine color (and the lines of the song were colored yellow). Also, both versions used the exact same rendition of the "SSB" (though on YouTube, it sounds a bit hollow). As for the "subliminal" stuff, presuming it's all true, maybe some early prints would've had that stuff, but the producers got flak for it and by the time WMAQ got their copy, it was a straight transition from one line to the next (yeah, I know, that'd be stretching it a bit). Moreover, I saw a slight difference in the positioning of each line between the print on YouTube and that on the WMAQ sign-off. The outlines differed too: a drop-shadow on the YouTube clip, overhead shadow with a bit of outline on the WMAQ print. The lines on the color print used by WMAQ seemed to be slightly to the right of how they were positioned on the B&W print colorized on YouTube. If anything in the YouTube clip could be called a "hoax," it'd be the bad colorization. But looking at the transitions between lines, it would seem that as the "subliminals" surfaced, the images around the screen became more muddled. I also saw a site - - claiming the "subliminals" version had more picture on the screen than what they called the "non-subliminals" version on WMAQ (and the Fuzzy site). Duh, that's because the film was made in 1.37 : 1 aspect ratio - and WMAQ ran their print only in 1.33 : 1 aspect ratio, thus cutting off the rest of the picture on the left and right. And that link has the nerve to claim the WMAQ print was "altered." In sum, there would have been two versions of this "SSB" film made - one in B&W, the other in color. The former, on YouTube, may well have been doctored in many different ways. The WMAQ print was unfutzed. Hope this answers some of your questions. -- William Brown, New York City. ("New York City?!" - Pace Picante ad ;-) )

edit on 13-8-2013 by dashen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by dashen

Thanks! I searched with different words didnt come up, my bad.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Agent008

happens to the best of us

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Agent008

The answer to this is Howard Beale

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by dashen

So this video has been proved to have been doctored? or was there a subliminal version and later when it was copied they "fixed" the text?

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 05:10 PM
Look up and watch the movie They Live. Iy has Rowdy Roddy Piper in it. Then watch this video. Things will make sense.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by totallackey
Well, every government head of state has a time, whether by election or right of succession. In the Bible, God raises and lowers kingdoms and empires as He sees fit.

This is where the concept of "divine right of kings," comes from.

What does that have to do with subliminally controlling the populace?

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Agent008

i find it really interesting

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 05:59 PM
I'd say this is pretty hard proof of subliminals being used 50 years or so back. Very interesting and good for those who think it's "nutter" to suggest it, maybe they can start to re-think their stance. S&F
edit on 13-8-2013 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 06:05 PM
all the big department stores play subliminal messages over the pipe music DONT STEAL and it works thieft goes down by a big margin and that came from a store manager who i knew

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by Echo3Foxtrot

You beat me to it!
Crappy movie, funny as hell.
Starring Rowdy Roddy Piper of wrestling fame.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 07:19 PM
Clarifying 1 thing. It WAS NOT played everywhere either in all States nor all cities. In general...each station had it's own "sign-off" each night. Some were just waving America flags, other had a picture of the Declaration of Independence or some other patriotic emblem.

So, that probably exposed a very, very few Americans to this one's message, and only in the area(s) that particular sign-off was used. Certainly not everywhere across all of America. So it affected a small minimum of Americans, and only those up that late anyway.

This is not to say that all the others used didnt have subliminal messages like this one too...they may have.

PS. I produced a weekly television show in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in 1975 at Channel 51, so I have some 1st hand knowledge.
PPS It DOES make me wonder what in HELL I was exposed to subliminally and didnt know it!!
: puz:
edit on 05/05/13 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Agent008

This is merely the tip of a gargantuan iceberg. Do some research on this subject if it interests you. There is more than enough evidence out there to convince anyone, if they're interested in the truth at all.

You might be able to find a copy of "The Clam Plate Orgy" online for free. I highly recommend reading it.

This is one rabbit hole that runs very deep.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 11:45 PM
Indeed as another poster mentioned it is taken from the movie "They Live" which they are supposed to be remaking which is kind of odd, especially in the climate of prism and other sorts of conspiracies becoming fact. There are many subliminal messages, visual and insinuated through double entendre but there is denial that it causes any actual influence, so the practice is still allowed to continue. Kinda odd how that works isn't it? Produce or only validate studies saying there is no influence and allowing it and disregarding any that do say it creates influence... pretty convenient for those producing it no?

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